What are you currently reading?

The A-list novels, since I enjoy that shitty teenage crap :wacky: It's about upper-class Hollywood bitches in Beverly Hills. Extremely amusing, actually.

I've just finished all of the House of Night novels that have been released as well. It's vampires... but not Meyer or Dracula type. These vampires seem normal until they're "Marked" to make the change into a vampire. Being "Marked" is basically a genetic strand "turning on" to change them. Some fledgling vampires reject the change, which is a very bloody, messy ordeal. It's another dramatic teenage series.... but it's got a fantasy/supernatural bit to it as well, so it's a bit different than the Gossip Girl-like A-list novels that I'm also reading :8F:
"Midnight Tides", by Steven Erikson. Fifth in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.
I just can't concentrate on it at the moment...its confusing. Its set before House of Chains, and I'm just trying to get my bearings. Its also got an entirely new cast, asides from one character who was fairly prominent in the previous book, but who I didn't really get attached to. This one is going to be a bit of a struggle I think...
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park is one of my all time favorite movies, but I like the book even better (although my favorite character dies in the end, while he survives in the movie :( ). The book offers more character development and some characters are quite different from their movie versions. There are also some extra 'scenes' (parts) which are very entertaining and exciting. I also like how the writer has done quite some research about all the technical stuff that is featured in the book, so even the theories and events he fantasized himself seems very convincing.

I've almost finished 'A prayer for Owen Meany' by John Irving.

It's a novel about Owen Meany whose parents, supposedly, were both virgins when he was born. His parents tell him this when he was 10/11 and after that he believes he is God's instrument. The narrator, who is Owen's best friend tells the story of Owen Meany's life and his death. It's a story that is more or less about faith as well as the Vietnam war and the Reagan administration.
It's very good, but I think a little too long.
pffft reading is for old people >_>

On a serious note the last book i actually sat down and finished reading was about 3 years ago, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I just cant sit down and read a book like i used to.
pffft reading is for old people >_>

Eh, lol whatever.

Ive managed to grab The Vampire Diaries books 1-4 by L.J. Smith. They were hard to get from Oz, but got them in Tesco! The TV series was ok from what I seen, so thought Id give the books a go.
Currently reading: Heart of Darkness
It may be for school, but I've started to like it for a while.

I really like the message it gives about humanity as a whole, and how man's lust for power can turn him into what he/she once hated.

Plus, I FINALLY get to know why the hell that famous line "The horror! THE HORROR!" was so popular. And it's awesome that the line (and the novel) are really popular.
The invisible man by Ralph Ellison.

I'm really enjoying this book, It is pretty much on race. Very good it's worth a read.
AP English state test is coming up in May, so I've been preparing for it by reading a few of the classics. My school went to block scheduling this year, so I don't have an English class this semester =/ All my preperation has to be done outside of class, sadly.

Last book I read though was Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I really liked how Bronte was able to put in tons of description of the scenery and still keep the storyline moving along at a steady pace. Some authors have paragraph after paragraph of description and, even though I know it's there for a reason, I can't help but want to skip ahead to the parts that actually pertain to the plot. In any case, I thought the story was intriguing, and I really enjoyed the book. It's definately one of the best classic stories I've ever read. I look forward to seeing the movie, which is supposed to come out later this year.
Halo Lgends novel

its about master chiefs childhood and all his life b4 the games,its also about dr.Halsey,the one who designed the spartans.
Just a reminder to try and expand on your posts please guys. =)

This is a post count section and you're required to post more than just what you're reading.

Tell us why you like it or don't like it. Tell us what it's about etc, to avoid spammy posts.

"The Bonehunters", by Steven Erikson. Sixth book in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Considerably easier to get into than "Midnight Tides" was, I'll probably be on the next book by the end of this week. This series has exceeded all my expectations, and its definetely the best series I have ever read.

It would appear that I'm going to finish the series before the final installment, "The Crippled God", comes out this year, which is somewhat aggravating, but I might just start reading them again once I've finished the ninth book, "Dust of Dreams"...they're extremely complex, and I might pick up on more a second time around.
I'm currently reading A Kind Of Intimacy by Jenn Ashworth. I'm attending a poetry reading including her on Monday for my course, so my lecturer strongly recommended I bought her novel. This is the summary.

Annie is morbidly obese, lonely and hopeful. She narrates her own increasingly bizarre attempts to ingratiate herself with her new neighbours, to learn from past mistakes and achieve a 'certain kind of intimacy' with the boy next door. Undeterred by her target's hostile girlfriend, she searches for guidance, obsessively studying self-help literature and romance novels. Though Annie struggle to repress a murkey history of violence, secrets and sexual mishaps her past is never too far behind her, finally shattering her denial in a compelling and bloody climax.

Read the first two chapters already and I'm quite hooked into it. I bet I'll have this finished by Sunday night at least.
Currently reading The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening by L.J. Smith. It's the Easter holidays and I've finally got chance to sit down to read it instead of worrying about other things. I'm curious since it's somewhat different from the TV version I started watching a while ago. Elena seems more persistent in this one rather than the the tortured one I'm used to seeing on the TV series. I don't like that, but I'm a few chapters in and it's keeping me hooked in with the amount of drama and mystery surrounding it.
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.
So far so good. The story is captivating, but I wish they could soon stop calling Jon Snow "bastard". Is there even a synonym for the word?
ICE by Sarah Beth Durst

It another retelling of my favorite Fairy Tale East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Well so far from what I read it's about a girl who lives in the Arctic circle mother finds out that her mother is captured from a white bear. She agrees to marry the bear if he can help free her mother. As in the fairy tale the white bear can change into a human
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Currently reading the artemis fowl series by Eoin Colfer

Basic plot line is Artemis is evil genious that is trying to steal fairy gold to bring his family back to its former status. However fairies are not what they are in the books.

Thats about all I'll say as I don't want to ruin the plot.