What are you currently reading?

I am currently reading What's Eating Gilbert Grape and it's really damned good. It's amazing how much it differs from the movie and there are some aspects of the book that I rather enjoy much more than the movie, but there are aspects of the movie that I liked better than the book as well. Also I think it's really cool that the author of this book wrote the screenplay for the movie as well. The book really touches the heart though. If you've seen the movie and liked it, then definitely read this book. It's well worth it.
Pandora's Star by Peter F.Hamilton. I haven't touched it in a while, been too busy with FF and MGS. <_<

I was reading a history book, Rebels and Redcoats , which I finished a week ago.
Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett.

A very good and very funny little unconventional fantasy novel. Definitely one of my favourite Discworld novels.
Well I just finished reading River God by Wilbur Smith - highly recommend to anyone who enjoys historical adventure stories based on fact with realism and blunt writing style :D.
Most of the stuff I read are mangas, but I just read this one novel (originally Japanese) called "Ai no Kusabi". It's pretty much an erotic sci-fi fantasy kind of story, but there is a plot!

The last book I read was for my class last semester: "Disgrace" by J.M. Coetzee. It's not something I would read for myself, but it was interesting enough and I can't help but pity the main character because his life was pretty much going down the drain, although according to the views of the other characters, he deserved it.
I'm actually re-reading a few books right now switching between them.

Dragonlance Chronicles
Golden Compass

Also I got all my comic books like
Red Hulk
New X-men
Booster Gold
Action Comics
New Warriors
World of Warcraft (yes it is a comic book)

and a few others
Recently completed in the past week:
Sons and Lovers - D. H. Lawrence
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley (again)
Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
Basil - Wilkie Collins
Currently reading:
1984 - George Orwell (again)
The Ultimates: Volume 1 - Super-Human (gah, it's a horrible, horrible, horrible graphic novel I have to read) :(
Whoa I just counted about 30 books I have to read. x_x Decided to read them one at a time though.. starting with Animal Farm as it is the shortest.
Animal Farm is great! Reading it was probably the first time I understood anything about politics :confused:

A person who likes Animal Farm and 1984 might also enjoy Bulkagov's Master and Margarita. It was written in the Soviet Union before the second world war, and it contains heavy political satire. It's not similar at all to Orwell's books, but should one be able to acquire a version where the parts that the Soviet officials cencored from the original text are highlighted, it would be a really surprising and a teaching read. Don't know if such versions are printed anymore, I used to have one in Finnish. But even if there's only a normal version available, read it! It's a great book!

I recently finished Dan Simmon's Hyperion, and now I'm reading the sequel, the Fall of Hyperion.
Last Harry Potter book >.>

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Three books on and off.

Talon of the Silver Hawk
A good, typical fantasy. I wouldn't say it's anything special; it follows a formula. But it's very very well written.

The Last Wish
While this is more like a collection of short stories, it's very good. It's something you can dip in and out of really, which is what I'm doing.

American Gods
So far it's very good; Neil Gaiman is great! I'm only 1 chapter into it, but the decription is so vivid and I really like the main character. :) It's nicely written too.
Currently re-reading the Allys world book series, currently I've reached book 12. They're nice little books (about 200-300 pages each) and just provide easy reading, since I can't be bothered with reading something like Harry Potter or LOTR right now...
The Shining. I need to sit down and really read that, I've always just skim read it.

Also I'm giving the latest Alex Rider book a whirr, see how it compares to the others.
Im reading King Lear for school.

And i just finished the comedians by graham greene, and its a fantastic book.
Now i will start the castle by Kafka
I'm currently reading Dark Rivers Of The Heart by Dean Koontz.

It's been a few months since I last read anything and this is an enjoyable read, Koontz is magnificent.
I'm currently going threw the Rift war saga and any books related to Drizzit. It seems like Eragon is a carbon copy of the Rift war saga, all be it Eragon was done by a far better writter.
I finished One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest a couple weeks ago, and it was pretty good. I also finished Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare, and am currently rereading it for a worksheet, an essay, and a music project. It's probably my favorite Shakespearean play next to Hamlet.