What did you do when Aeris died?

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When Aeris died i was wondering why Sephiroth's gloves went, and i was kinda shocked that one of the main character's just got cut off and there'll be no Pheonix Down this time.
Aerith wanted to die, she wanted to join the lifestream.

She did? How do you figure she wanted to die when her last words to Cloud were "I'll be going now. I'll come back as soon as it's all over." I fail to see how she wanted to die or wanted to join the lifestream.
I never saw it coming the first time I played. I was spoiler-free so it was a shock, but eventually I got used to the scene of Aeris dying because I kept losing to Jenova afterwards :P (I didn't grind much back then, as I was 9 or 10 the first time I played ff7)
I didn't see that one coming either, but though it upset me I didn't get that choked up about it. The storyline was pretty awesome, I was looking more at how Cloud was reacting, he's so damn spoilt! Then I got annoyed when Jenova boss came along and just kicked its ass>_<
"End of Disc 1 change Disc to Disc 2"

"Ok, well aeris is gone, shit, did I leave that wizard bracelet on her? If that bitch took my wizard bracelet...seriously, OHGODS did I leave my power wrist on her? DAMMIT I wanted to keep that...I mean all she did was run around and get us in fights..."
It was so painful i stopped playing for many weeks. Aeris was always my favorite charter. I don't know why but it's something with that song that really ''touched'' me. But when I came to the Forgotten City i had a feeling that something was about to happen.
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When Aeris died i was wondering why Sephiroth's gloves went, and i was kinda shocked that one of the main character's just got cut off and there'll be no Pheonix Down this time.

lolz. It's years later that I noticed that I had Phoenix Downs... I never use Items...

I noticed that when I was watching FFVII comics.

Then, I was went:huh::blink:

Why didn't Cloud use a Pheonix Down on Aeris!??

And why didn't Red XIII use Soft on his petrified father!?
XDXDXDXD Didn't you know? Cloud is way to cheap to waste a Soft or Pheonix Down to save people!

You just have to go to VG Cats comic to understand. ;)
I put in disc 2.

One of my friends said: "When Aeris died, a part of me died. I was devastated, as I was really getting to know her in the last couple of weeks, then she died".

He kept a straight face while he said it, and I felt like slapping him!

It's a computer game dammit!!
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I put in disc 2.

One of my friends said: "When Aeris died, a part of me died. I was devastated, as I was really getting to know her in the last couple of weeks, then she died".

He kept a straight face while he said it, and I felt like slapping him!

It's a computer game dammit!!

Wow, I new games had the power to move people, but that's intense lol. I would of slapped him for saying and myself for hearing it haha!
Just because you dont feel a connection to a character doesnt mean its wrong that other people do, male or female. Doesnt matter, it just shows that they loved that game and that it will be a memorable experince for them.
Just because you dont feel a connection to a character doesnt mean its wrong that other people do, male or female. Doesnt matter, it just shows that they loved that game and that it will be a memorable experince for them.

Yes I agree with this entirely. But I would keep it inside and let it out when I knew I was alone, because I am weak lol

This is such a silly question... Why of course I cried! Ahem, just me then right?

I did feel a connection too ^_^
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when aries died i cheered 4 sephiroth. i wanted cloud and tifa 2 get 2gether and aries was gettin in da way. good thing she died...
The first time I played it I was alot younger and it was very shocking for me. My first thought was WTF!!?? Then my very next thought was "I guess there gonna kill all my characters." Then "WAIT A MINUTE she has my Materia!!" It was at the time THE most memorable moment in video games for me.
I also remember thinkin ' Oh my god, I spent so much time levelling her to be an uber healer, and now she's dead!?' All that time could of been spent on a character that was there to the end.
first I thought that somehow she was sopposed to come back, then when i got to the 3rd disk that changed to "damn man she ain't comin back", then it changed to "dammit! why did she take 100000 gil worth or equipment with her! all in all i was sad, for the girl who i used as a spellcaster, the materia she died with, and what she could have offered to the story if she was alive.

And what do you have against yuffie anyway!!!!
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