What did you do when Aeris died?

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Rose quit being so fucking mean to people because I swear everytime I see you and Tana post in an Aerith/Aeris thread it seems like you're doing nothing but being shitty to the Aerith/Aeris fans and breaking their spirits with your "facts" or ganging up on that. I think that's pretty damn sad.

Thinned skinned much? Sorry if I'm just an honest person. Personally I thought that you being the "full-time mommy and wife" would realize that someone talking about video games is just trivial and shouldn't even be worth stressing over. And how exactly am I breaking spirits or "ganging up" on people? Last time I checked, when I was arguing with someone, it was one on one. Wow. That sure is ganging up on someone. Quit being a drama queen and shut up.

Please stop this pointless argument. Your above comments were unnecessary, and might be considered offensive.


Okay, this is strange Rose. You complain about us being Aerith fans, and yet you're a Garnet character person. Don't get me wrong, I like Garnet too, but Aerith and Garnet are very alike. Garnet is just a wimpier (and more alive) version of Aerith. They are both pretty much the last of their kind, have tragic pasts, have a VERY similar personality.
So what does that have to do with me pitying you for "crying huge crocodile tears" (which by the way, means that you were crying but you weren't really sad)?

ON TOPIC - Yeah, I didn't cry because it wasn't THAT sad. It was a bunch of pixels being dramatic and her death just seemed way too random for me to really feel anything other then being stunned (I was like... "What the fuck, did he just fucking... STAB her?).

And I'm sorry but Cloud dropping her in the water was actually kind of funny.
I'll tell you what I did... I did nothing. There was a picture on the back cover that made her look dead, so I thought 'Meh, she did die afterall.'
I remember being annoyed, because I used her a lot, and considered her my party's "healer". Then I was slightly sad, and wondered if there was anything I could have done to prevent it (esp after finding another staff for her AFTER she died). I eventually just moved on... which really was pretty immediate.

These days, when I think back on the game, I don't really relate well to Aerith, and if I replayed the game now, I'd probably use her less, knowing what's coming...

Edit: Oh, one other thing. I was also pretty impressed that a main playable character actually died. That usually doesn't happen, and so it was appropriately shocking, and really solidified the idea that this game was different from so many others that had gone before it.
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Got pissed off cause I worked hard with that Aerth. She is a great character. I was a bit upset as well. I will admit it I was sad at the time to see her go. As a result Sephiroth also became one of the hated (yet came to like as the story progressed) villans i have ever played against. Still Aerith is one of my most favorite characters of all time. Advent Children, what they did there it is nice closure. I won't spoil it for those that have not seen it yet. But I like it.

I felt kinda sad at first but i thought she was goin to be alive later in the game. Since that didnt happen i finaly got my revenge at the end of the game lol.
The 1st time i played FF7 i was getting aeris up in terms of levelling and limits. When she died i was really pissed off because i had wasted my time on this charcter that was dead lol i think aeris is a great charcter and at the same time think she is useless as well.
A lot of you will probably hate me for saying this, but....when she died, I laughed. And I cheered for Sephiroth. Yeah. I'm one of those people that didn't like Aeris at all.
uhhhhhhh yeah. You see I was playing just before Advent Children came out and I got to the part where she ran away. But then I thought. Ehhh I alreadys saw this, I know what'll happen.

..... and I never finished. :(
I stared at the screen after the FMV in which she dies for about 30 seconds.... then went back to playing, determined to destroy that S.O.B. :D
I stripped down naked, got in the shower, turned the water very, very cold, and I cried like a little baby. :lol:
I got upset, defeated the boss, and kept thinking... what the f*ck! Why not someone else, d*mmit! :P well... not really. Just ... well i bet you get the point
I cried... and then I got really pissed of! how could they kill the coolest character in this game yet let the stupidest character live in FFVIII?! (yes I played them backwards)
i defeated jenova to her theme music and proceeded to kill everything in a blind rage for 30 mins before i stopped caring. hey i was like 10 so i had a short attention span. but i loved the fact her theme music played while you fought jenova
Grabbed my unexcepting brothers arm and kept asking him how could the kill off a main character dragged him across the room to where I was and made him sit down next to me while I fought the boss I was only young at the time and he was younger than me he had no idea what the hell I was on about ^_^ lol
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