What did you do when Aeris died?

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I'm nor sure what to think when most responses here seem to be either 'I thought it was the most emotional thing ever and wanted to smash Sephiroth' or 'I hated her/I didn't care at all/I laughed' - so many extremes! XD

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Keep on topic please, how did YOU react to Aeriths demise?
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When she died at first, i realized i needed a new healer. She was so fit for the job from the beginning of the game (which was the plan of the developer) that i used her all the way up until she died. I kind of saw it coming in the first place, my party was a little too perfect to be real. After she died things felt a little more out of balance... like they should be in any Final Fantasy game.
I killed that stupid Slut Jenova and cryed as I watched Cloud give her her burial, It sucked cause Aerith was so cool, the game lost its 'Happy' after she died:sad2: Why Aerith Why?!?
Your response is exactly why they killed off Aerith. The shock and sadness of losing a friend so suddenly and brutally was exactly what the developers were going for when they decided that someone in the party would die, and that it being Aerith instead of Barret would make it hit all the harder. This decision happened when only Cloud, Aerith, Barret, and Red existed, and before their current roles and the plot as we know it now was decided on.
Aeris!! NOOO!!!! God that did my head in. It upset me because it was funny how she used to annoy Cloud and how she was just generally awesome. But I got over it and I now realise that that was a main part of the story so I can't really complain. She needed to die because the developers had it decided from the off. Still a kick in the teeth though -__-
I Cried!!!

When i first played the game when i was about 4 years old which was quite young but even though i still understood what the game was roughly about, when i got to the end of the first disc it was such a shock and being a really young age i cried.

I no this sounds quite pathetic but if you are young and someone dies as sudden as that then you feel quite upset. :fan: :sad2:
I was about.. 11 at the time? It was a shock, and I remember being really young and being all 'OMFGGGG' over it then thinking she was going to be revived later in the game.

She never did. D:
What I did then, and Now...

I remember... When I was a little girl and she died, I cried like a big baby... But now that I'm older [16] and watch her death, all I do is... :randomlaugh:

I guess I laugh at her death now because she broke up with Zack... in a letter. I mean, who breaks up with letters?? That's like texting your boyfriend and telling him that you wanna let go. It's kinda stupid, in my opinion. And that's how Zack died. If she didn't break up with him, then he wouldn't have died. The things this girl does... I'm sorry Aerith fans, but this is how I feel. Please don't come after me... :ohshit:

Your post makes absolutely no sense at all. Umm, she never broke up with Zack in a letter just for the record. After 5 years and writing 89 letters, I'd imagine a person would sort of just give up. And Zack died because Aerith broke up with him in a letter? I'm sorry, but what exactly are you on? Have you ever played the game? And I'm assuming you've not played Crisis Core or just didn't understand it properly either.

Zack died because he was shot to death by Shinra Soldiers. It has nothing to do with a break up letter, which I reiterate was NOT a break up letter. He was heading to Midgar anyway to see her because he didn't realize how long he'd been gone until reading that letter. She didn't break up with him, she just sort of gave up. The things this girl does? Tell me, what exactly does Aerith do? You make her sound like she's a horrible character, when in all actuality, the girl is suffering.
To the posts above me, I never got the impression that Aeris broke up with Zack in her letter. Though I can see why you would think Zack died because of Aeris, the reason isn't because of her letter that 'broke up' with him.

It IS because of Aeris Zack goes back to Midgar and on his way he gets killed- but that is not Aeris' fault. If you want to blame anything, blame love for compelling Zack to go back to her.

Anyways I cried terribly when Aeris died because she has always been my favorite character. I was so sad to see her go and I was one of the few who played the game before the spoilers were all over the place. That made it so much more tragic because I didn't see it coming...
lol, sat there watchin tha green ball thingy bounce weirdly :S lmao sat there like "what the fuck?" xD
I was shocked i couldnt believe she was dead it made me want to kill sephiroth.
The first time i played FFVII i cried cause i was only 10 years old....
The second time i was just apathetic....
The third i was laughing out loud for at least 5 minutes because after that Tifa and Cloud would be alone...
I know that sounds very mean but i don't really like Aerith....
*rolls eyes* You know, this thread is getting so pointless with spam and everything, or people just going "I laughed so hard when she died! LOL" Seriously, so I'm closing this thread. If you guys want to make a new one, that's fine, but do me a favor and don't post pointless comments or mindless spam...

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