What do YOU believe?

What Do You Believe?

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-Threads Merged- I've also included "Other" in the poll as well.
I believe there's some sort of god out there, but I don't believe it's the Christian/Jewish/Muslim god. Imo its more of an impersonal creator, who just made shit and sent it into motion and watched the lulz unfold. That's about it really, I just sorta do my own thing and don't worry if a god approves or disapproves of my actions. I have a hard time believing an omnipotent being would ever care if one lone human cussed, or looked at porn, or felt jealous over his neighbor's sexy new car or any other "sins."
If the god that you describe does not interfere with the universe, then he probably matches the description of the god in the Deism religion. If it's different, please explain how.
Yeah, my view is pretty much the same as deism. I never was particularly interested in Christianity as a child, and during my highschool years at a private Christian school I began to see more clearly the way the religion really was. Ever since I've been questioning it, and finally disproving it altogether.
What I believe

Well I’m an Asatruar, which is Icelandic for faith in the Aesir. As there is also the Vanir many choose to call them selves Heathens (but some don’t due to the modern definition of it either being a evil person or being the same as the word pagan), I tend to use both heathen and Asatru interchangeably. Basically it’s a reconstruction of the old northern religion (or more correctly labelled “Germanic religion”).

We are hardcore polytheists (we believe all the god’s and goddesses are individuals and not representations of one god/goddesses). The worship of the gods is generally limited to three times a year, though some people do so more often, on specific day’s: midsummer, winter finding and Jul (or Yule). We also honour our ancestors (and the gods themselves are believed to be our ancestors), land Wight’s (Landvaettir, land spirits) and have high moral codes (generally taken from the havamal)

What our values and belief are come from heavy research of the lore and we very much dislike the “make it up as you go along”, the “Odin told me that….” and the “come as you are” approaches that are often in other pagan paths (and there tends to be tension between pagans and heathens because of it).

Why I believe
(this is a really tough question, here’s my attempt but I don’t think I really answered it)

(Fist I’ll explain how I became an Asatruar)
Well as a person how was raised atheist (and was quite content to remain so), I will be the fist to admit it was an unusual move. I found Asatru by accident and if I’m honest my first thoughts where “what a load of s*@%# “ however I do like learning about religions and took to reading up on it. The more I read the more of the values I noticed I agreed with, and noticed how the traditions appealed to me. I don’t know exactly when I converted; I just woke up one day and found I had.

I believe that no matter what you faith is as long as you’re not harming anyone else then go ahead. I accept the large possibility my gods may not exist but as my faith has more to do with the here and now, I’m okay with that (and I’m sure my gods are okay with me being okay with that).

So basically I believe due to my agreement of the morals, my love of the traditions and the lore.

Well I’m an Asatruar

Sorry your new religion is predominately held by neo-Nazis.

We also honour our ancestors

I've always been fascinated by logic (or lack thereof) of ancestor worship, why would you worship some corpse you either never met or didn't do anything which would merit worship?

Although I question the idea of worship all together, Hero worship seems more logical.

(and I’m sure my gods are okay with me being okay with that).

Why did I just imagine an overweight bearded man sitting on a couch in the clouds, wearing a horned viking helmet with a bag of chips rested on his stomach, flipping the channels on the television? Oh that's right, because the idea of an anthropomorphic God is absurd. How do you believe this?
I am a Nontheist,

Growing up I was raised in a very strict catholic household. When I met some people who weren't catholics, or any denomination, I questioned why they didn't pray before eating, do the sign of the cross, etc. After a while I questioned Gods existance, I simply saw many flaws with the existance of an omnipotent being, most of them revolve around "if god is real then why...".

I then went through a Wiccan phase 4 years ago, and realized "nope not for me". I've always been a very factual, and logical person. I don't believe things based on faith, or possibility. As such religion doesn't exactly fit in very well with my persona.

And Katsky :ffs:, let the man believe what he wants =P.

- Kuja
If the god that you describe does not interfere with the universe, then he probably matches the description of the god in the Deism religion

I'm a Deist. Deism isn't a religion, it's simply the belief in a single God, no more no less. By the general description (not observing the collective nature of modern atheists) of the term is Atheism a religion?

And Katsky
, let the man believe what he wants =P.

No, if we let people believe what they want without questioning their reasoning we'd still be in some backwards tribal society full of lunkheads, like Africa.
Sorry your new religion is predominately held by neo-Nazis.

Wrong on both accounts. I've been Asatru for three years just about, while that is not the longest time I wouldn't say I'm new. As for the neo-nazi bit, I have never met one (either on the Internet or in real life), I'm not saying they don't exist just that they are few and far between (as well as being completely loathed by every Asatruar).

I've always been fascinated by logic (or lack thereof) of ancestor worship, why would you worship some corpse you either never met or didn't do anything which would merit worship?

Although I question the idea of worship all together, Hero worship seems more logical.

It’s not worship as in asking them for stuff or thinking they are greatly superior. I even used the word honour to try and stop people from making that mistake. No matter who you are your ancestors helped shape you life (such as if they moved to another country and your kin have remained there), though we believe this extends to the spiritual side as well. As such we remember them as they are our family (dead or not) and include them in our religious ceremonies (of cores the ones who did damaging things to you family line (such as if you had a mass murderer in your line) are either remembered badly or not at all). Also just because they didn’t save the world from Godzilla doesn’t mean they don’t deserve honouring, many ancestors did nothing more then keep there family under a roof, well fed and clothed and I see no reason not to honour them.

I think our differences lie in the fact that you think you need a reason to honour them I think you need a reason not to.

Why did I just imagine an overweight bearded man sitting on a couch in the clouds, wearing a horned viking helmet with a bag of chips rested on his stomach, flipping the channels on the television? Oh that's right, because the idea of an anthropomorphic God is absurd. How do you believe this?

One god is absurd, how is there only one, have you ever seen any other life form there was only one of, or for that matter why one at all. If you don’t believe my and many other gods then what’s one more, isn’t he just as absurd as mine? And also how can you believe in a god that you have no way of understanding?

See what I did there?

1: don’t watch movies to tell you what the Norse where like (such as no horned helmets)
2: I don’t get the point of the couch potato bit other then to insult me
3: when did I say they where anthropomorphic? They are individuals but I don’t quite believe Thor literally is a bearded man with a hammer.

And Katsky :ffs:, let the man believe what he wants =P.

I thank you for attempting to help me but If I couldn't stand up to people taking this view I wouldn't have been in my religion very long:)

No, if we let people believe what they want without questioning their reasoning we'd still be in some backwards tribal society full of lunkheads, like Africa.

That is just offensive, not only to me but to Africans. I will have you know that this lunkhead attended Glasgow University studying Astrophysics and is now beginning his fist year of Marine Science at a marine research facility. Just because I follow old gods doesn’t mean that I think we should all go back and dress like the Norsemen, have longships and go off a Viking. Knowledge in my religion is highly valued and we are often criticised for our demand that you learn first and form your own opinions (key word: learn).
I thank you for attempting to help me but If I couldn't stand up to people taking this view I wouldn't have been in my religion very long:)

I see,

I wasn't trying to impy that you were incapable of defending your religion, just that katsky should be a little more open minded to other peoples beliefs.

Lets say...

Bill is a Neo-Pagan.

Is Bill wrong? No, Bill can think whatever he wants. Do I/Anybody have the right to claim hes wrong, Yes. But we cannot forcibly say hes wrong, but instead keep it to ourselves.

I've never heard of our religion, but it seems like an interesting one :neomon:

- Kuja
No matter who you are your ancestors helped shape you life (such as if they moved to another country and your kin have remained there), though we believe this extends to the spiritual side as well. As such we remember them as they are our family (dead or not) and include them in our religious ceremonies (of cores the ones who did damaging things to you family line (such as if you had a mass murderer in your line) are either remembered badly or not at all). Also just because they didn’t save the world from Godzilla doesn’t mean they don’t deserve honouring, many ancestors did nothing more then keep there family under a roof, well fed and clothed and I see no reason not to honour them.

I honour the great people in the world by remembering them and learning about their achievements. My family came here from Ukraine, could I give a toss? No, sure I respect some of my family members for the hardships they suffered under Stalin and what have you but I respect all the other good people who spoke out against that despotic wanker. You should never have to honour your family because they're your family, it is a sick idea, and leads to such social issues as spousal and child abuse and even racism, because how far back does your family go? When does it stop? When we became white?

I think our differences lie in the fact that you think you need a reason to honour them I think you need a reason not to.

Yeah, I'm sorry if I don't think I should respect an alcoholic cunt who beat the shit out of me when I was young. People, anyone should have to earn your respect, your family should receive no respect by default on their own right.

One god is absurd, how is there only one, have you ever seen any other life form there was only one of, or for that matter why one at all.

One law of gravity is absurd, because there are lots of animals there must be separate laws of gravity. Oh lord...

If you don’t believe my and many other gods then what’s one more, isn’t he just as absurd as mine?

My God isn't a bunch of anthropomorphic bi-curious party animals. It's a force that flows through nature like gravity.

And also how can you believe in a god that you have no way of understanding?

I don't understand a lot about the wind, nor is it visible, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

2: I don’t get the point of the couch potato bit other then to insult me

I was creating an image to portray the absurdity of anthropomorphism in something like God(s).

3: when did I say they where anthropomorphic? They are individuals but I don’t quite believe Thor literally is a bearded man with a hammer.

I once met physics once, he was a great guy, we watched Scrubs and ate Doritos.

That is just offensive, not only to me but to Africans.

Yeah, because they're totally advanced. They hadn't even invented the wheel, a written alphabet or a basic system of mathematics till the Europeans came. And even when they did come and force them into Christianity, to this day they still believe it without question.

I will have you know that this lunkhead attended Glasgow University studying Astrophysics and is now beginning his fist year of Marine Science at a marine research facility.

How is he African if he lives in the UK?

Just because I follow old gods doesn’t mean that I think we should all go back and dress like the Norsemen, have longships and go off a Viking.

I never said that. I said that if we don't question people's reasoning for belief in whatever system of values, etc... we'd be backwards.

Knowledge in my religion is highly valued and we are often criticised for our demand that you learn first and form your own opinions (key word: learn)

Oh yes, but so was tribal warfare, raping, and burning shit to the ground. These things were also seen as legitimate in the original culture of your religion.

I wasn't trying to impy that you were incapable of defending your religion, just that katsky should be a little more open minded to other peoples beliefs.

Oh, I'm close minded because I question his whacky belief system?

Is Bill wrong? No, Bill can think whatever he wants.

Is Bill wrong to believe in [insert bizarre religion here]? The real question lies in his reasoning for believing it.
Do I/Anybody have the right to claim hes wrong, Yes. But we cannot forcibly say hes wrong, but instead keep it to ourselves.

What the hell? How can you forcibly say someone is wrong? Do you beat them over the head with a stick while saying "NO YOU ARE A BAD MAN AND YOU SHOULDN'T BELIEVE THOSE THINGS!"?
Agnostic.... not Atheist. I can see why people believe in a God, and I respect that. It's when religion harms others that there's a problem. I.e. Religious extremism and hatred.
The same goes for dogmatic atheists. "OMG HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE IN A GOD, THAT'S SO STUPID, YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE FOR IT!!! YOU RETARD!!!!!" :ffs:
Religion can bring hope.

I also question shaky, outdated pagan beliefs. Thor does not make thunder. That has been disproved by science. Pitiful, really. You have Odin, Zeus, Ra, Jupiter, and so on, all the supposed "Kings of the Gods", and yet all faded into myth. They fail in the face of monotheism.
i'm agnostic, (been atheist before but that's before i thought about it) i believe that we we cannot know and probably will never know. I haven't looked into religion that much to me if a man looked at the bible and didn't know about Christianity it would go to the fiction section of the library, its like berrying harry potter and in a thousand years time people believe in him as a religion.
You should never have to honour your family because they're your family, it is a sick idea, and leads to such social issues as spousal and child abuse and even racism, because how far back does your family go? When does it stop? When we became white?

I would say a lack of honour for you family (and a warped mind) leads to such things as child abuse, beating your wife . Also do not slander me! I have never made any claims about race; I am completely against racism. Don’t make stuff up!

Yeah, I'm sorry if I don't think I should respect an alcoholic cunt who beat the shit out of me when I was young. People, anyone should have to earn your respect, your family should receive no respect by default on their own right.

You basically just agreed with me. I would call that a reason not to honour that individual.

One law of gravity is absurd, because there are lots of animals there must be separate laws of gravity. Oh lord...

That statement makes no sense. It has nothing to do with what I said

My God isn't a bunch of anthropomorphic bi-curious party animals. It's a force that flows through nature like gravity.

So we should be able to measure him then? Like gravity. And maybe you should read about my gods a bit more before speaking.

I don't understand a lot about the wind, nor is it visible, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

So we should be able to measure him then? Like wind.

I was creating an image to portray the absurdity of anthropomorphism in something like God(s).

And not biased or insulting in the slightest?

I once met physics once, he was a great guy, we watched Scrubs and ate Doritos.

I once met a guy named god force, he was a great guy, we watched Futurama and ate pie.

If your not going to make sensible arguments how do you expect me to take you seriously?

Yeah, because they're totally advanced. They hadn't even invented the wheel, a written alphabet or a basic system of mathematics till the Europeans came. And even when they did come and force them into Christianity, to this day they still believe it without question.

Maybe you should learn more about African culture before making stupid comments. Also I could use the Japanese as an example with their large belief in Shinto and technological advancement.

How is he African if he lives in the UK?
You called me and Africans lunkhead’s (or more accurately compared me to African lunkheads (and I don’t think any of the ones my family new when we lived there would like your racist tone)) remember that. Well I was defending me as I felt the African comment stands out as the stupid racist generalisation that it is.

I never said that. I said that if we don't question people's reasoning for belief in whatever system of values, etc... we'd be backwards.
I agree but it seems to me that you are the one who needs to question his beliefs.

Oh yes, but so was tribal warfare, raping, and burning shit to the ground. These things were also seen as legitimate in the original culture of your religion.

Remember the key word learn?

Oh, I'm close minded because I question his whacky belief system?

Your close minded because you don’t question, just insult.

Is Bill wrong to believe in [insert bizarre religion here]? The real question lies in his reasoning for believing it.
as I said before “So basically I believe due to my agreement of the morals, my love of the traditions and the lore.”

The morals being: (NB: these are not laws just the top virtues that are present in the lore and commonly agreed upon (all should be guided by wisdom)
Boldness/ Courage
Self Rule

Please feel free to read the lore and then disagree with me just don’t make it up.

What the hell? How can you forcibly say someone is wrong? Do you beat them over the head with a stick while saying "NO YOU ARE A BAD MAN AND YOU SHOULDN'T BELIEVE THOSE THINGS!"?

You can also insult and shun them into it.

Liquidus Zeromus said:
Religious extremism and hatred.
Religion can bring hope.

I also question shaky, outdated pagan beliefs. Thor does not make thunder. That has been disproved by science. Pitiful, really. You have Odin, Zeus, Ra, Jupiter, and so on, all the supposed "Kings of the Gods", and yet all faded into myth. They fail in the face of monotheism.

Ignoring the fact that that you just contradicted yourself. I don’t believe Thor makes thunder (and as I said before I don’t even believe he is literally a big guy with a hammer). I could say that monotheism fails in the face of atheism. If you can believe in one god I fail to see how you can see more then one as “crazy”. I do not believe in the literal meaning of the lore, just that there is meaning there and I would say it is no more outdated or crazy then any monotheistic religion.
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Ignoring the fact that that you just contradicted yourself. I don’t believe Thor makes thunder (and as I said before I don’t even believe he is literally a big guy with a hammer). I could say that monotheism fails in the face of atheism. If you can believe in one god I fail to see how you can see more then one as “crazy”. I do not believe in the literal meaning of the lore, just that there is meaning there and I would say it is no more outdated or crazy then any monotheistic religion.

Let's take things into context. I believe Judeo-Christian beliefs to have some credit to them, unlike polytheistic mythology. Completely absurd fairy tales... especially such pseudo-religious "new age" tripe, in the face of science. Where are your grounds for belief in such? God is worshipped by BILLIONS. Most norsemen ditched Odin and Thor in the face of monotheism. That says alot.
We have rational explanations for alot of that which was surrounded with superstition. Phenomena which such polytheism tried to answer, but was proved incorrect by science. Why revive a dead, ancient religion, which has not weathered the passage of time well?
Completely absurd fairy tales..
Have you read the bible?…… I have…… People in glass houses.

especially such pseudo-religious "new age" tripe, in the face of science.
When have I (or my religion) made claims against science (as I pointed out I am my self a scientist). Our religion is not applicable to science (and vice versa); it is a world view not a complete truth. And have you seen those intelligent design people?

Where are your grounds for belief in such? God is worshipped by BILLIONS.
Yes, because superior numbers makes belief = fact
I do not claim to have grounds for believing, (I’m only claiming I have the same amount as any other religious person) in fact my first I post pointed out my lack of it and that I was okay with it. If I wasn’t an Asatruar I’d be an Atheist, Asatru’s way of living sits well with me and that’s why I believe.

Most Norsemen ditched Odin and Thor in the face of monotheism. That says alot.
Actually most where killed.

We have rational explanations for alot of that which was surrounded with superstition. Phenomena which such polytheism tried to answer, but was proved incorrect by science.
There is very little superstition in our faith, in fact we often wonder of the superstitious nature of Christians.

Why revive a dead, ancient religion, which has not weathered the passage of time well?
I would say only people’s belief didn’t survive the test of time, and as I said before it sits well with me and monotheism doesn’t. Don’t get me wrong I’m not attempting to condemn monotheists and say they should be polytheists just that my belief does not lack validity because you don’t like/ agree with it. I was previously an atheist because I disliked the idea of kneeling/ bowing to a god and offering my self as a servant and I didn’t like the logic that got them to there morals (hell) as well as the idea of an all knowing, infallible god.

This is why I believe, I do not shove my views down others throats (or try not to:)), I’m just trying to explain what I believe so you can understand why. I am not a tree hugging hippie (in fact I really dislike them:P), I do not believe so that I can stand out (if you looked at me and spoke with me I doubt you could tell me apart from anyone else). I just felt I should clear this up before this becomes a bashing competition.
Im Atheist. I have soent the last 6 years of my life researching the bible, its history, adn the general history of around the time it was writetn. I daresay i know more about it than most christians. Through this, I can say with confidence that the bible was written by a bunch of men trying to use it to satisfy their own needs and to control a nation. Like all religions, it got exaggerated and spred to ridculous proportions.

Science has proven things like evolution, and there is nothing to suggest the exsitance of a theist god. Theism is ridiculous in my opinion. Deism however (the idea that there isnt a god how we see him, but a supernatural force that started everything, but then has nothing to do with the universe now) is more plausibale. Something supernatural could have started the big bang, but it is logically impossible for this thing to have been conscious.
I would say a lack of honour for you family (and a warped mind) leads to such things as child abuse, beating your wife .

Please read about Confucian China, Confucianism (although I am partial to many of it's ideals) promotes heavy ancestor worship and loyalty to family and as a result there was an unbelievable amount of abuse within families.

Also do not slander me! I have never made any claims about race; I am completely against racism. Don’t make stuff up!

I said ancestor worship was racist, because it is. Where does your family lineage stop?

That statement makes no sense. It has nothing to do with what I said

No, it does, completely. You said because there are many forms of life, there must be many Gods and because I see God as a supernatural force like gravity and there is only "one gravity" I see that idea as absurd. God is not a life form, if this were true, it would be biological and everything biological dies, thus defeating the idea of a "living God".

So we should be able to measure him then? Like gravity. And maybe you should read about my gods a bit more before speaking.

Perhaps, but the force "God" to me is a comforting idea and I am not rushing to defend it. You, however must prove to me that the bipedal men and women you call Gods exist, oh wait you can't, because you too believe it because it comforts you (although I must admit it must be cool to believe in such awesome deities).

If your not going to make sensible arguments how do you expect me to take you seriously?

It's impossible to "win" an argument about the truth of God, at least at the current time.

Maybe you should learn more about African culture before making stupid comments.

Studied them (although not extensively), and the only "great" African empires or nations were places like Mali and Nubia which leeched off Roman trade routes and the like.

Also I could use the Japanese as an example with their large belief in Shinto and technological advancement.

Erm no, Japan was a really backwards agricultural society until Europeans came and shared their philosophies and technology with them. Which they used to unite and conquer Manchuria, Korea and other surrounding regions. During the 20th century after WW2, the Japanese people rapidly became atheist (now the largest atheist nation in the world, albeit they still participate in traditional Shinto/Buddhist rituals, and please go ahead and research it) and now they're one of the top 8 economies and leading in computer technologies.

You called me and Africans lunkhead’s (or more accurately compared me to African lunkheads (and I don’t think any of the ones my family new when we lived there would like your racist tone)) remember that.

I don't give a toss what they think. As soon as the white leaders were disposed of, they went straight back to tribal warfare and completely fucked their economies, seemingly unable to run anything modern.

Well I was defending me as I felt the African comment stands out as the stupid racist generalisation that it is.

Name one invention by an African.

Remember the key word learn?

So you're saying that all the written history is wrong and your brave and wonderful Norsemen were really a peaceful people who never raided and pillaged?

The morals being: (NB: these are not laws just the top virtues that are present in the lore and commonly agreed upon (all should be guided by wisdom)
Boldness/ Courage
Self Rule

Because you totally need to believe in multiple Gods to have these morals.

I don’t believe Thor makes thunder (and as I said before I don’t even believe he is literally a big guy with a hammer).

In original Norse folklore he did.

I could say that monotheism fails in the face of atheism. If you can believe in one god I fail to see how you can see more then one as “crazy”.

Because God is a force, not a bunch of bearded psychos.

I do not believe in the literal meaning of the lore, just that there is meaning there and I would say it is no more outdated or crazy then any monotheistic religion.

Again, your Norsemen did. But even you know it's ridiculous to believe it so you step back and say "Oh, well that's all just a fancy way of explaining the world" (ala the "World Tree", which the Germanics actually did believe in).
Have you read the bible?…… I have…… People in glass houses.

It's more believable than your dead religion.

it is a world view not a complete truth

If it isn't truth, why believe it?

And have you seen those intelligent design people?

Yeah, they're backwards too, but those cronies of the Lawd are a modern phenomena.

Yes, because superior numbers makes belief = fact

No it doesn't, but it doesn't mean we should drop it for the first thing that "sounds cool".

Actually most where killed.

Source please. This is contrary to actual history, Romans didn't kill the Germanic women and children, they had ethics regarding such. Just like every other primitive tribal society, they quickly dropped their bizarre beliefs and adopted something that made a little more sense for a reason.

There is very little superstition in our faith, in fact we often wonder of the superstitious nature of Christians.

The key word here is we. This indicates that part of the reason you believe in Asatru is to "belong", which is only reasonable seeing as humans tend to be collective creatures by nature.

Science has proven things like evolution

Not that I don't believe in evolution, but you're obviously not much of an intellectual if you say things like that.

Something supernatural could have started the big bang, but it is logically impossible for this thing to have been conscious.

Well done sir, we have have a winner!
I firmly believe that an extraordinary set of events brought about the creation of the universe. I can't believe in the "Big Bang Theory" because I don't know what that is, the scientific explenation behind it is something that I've never bothered to research. I refuse to believe in something that I don't understand, because that's blind faith, and I don't agree with it.

I believe that there is no Creator, I believe that there are no Gods.

As an interesting side note: Religions profess to know who created the universe, but few of them, including Christianity, bother to question where their Creator came from. Was the Creator created? If so, how or by whom? Or did it just pop into being and immediately want to create things spontaneously? How did it know how to create in the first place? Did someone or something teach it? If so, where did the teacher come from and when did it teach the Creator?

So many questions and, alas, no answers to fit them. At least not logical ones.
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but few of them, including Christianity, bother to question where their Creator came from. Was the Creator created? If so, how or by whom? Or did it just pop into being and immediately want to create things spontaneously? How did it know how to create in the first place? Did someone or something teach it? If so, where did the teacher come from and when did it teach the Creator?

In Abrahamic theology God is eternal and transcends time.