What do YOU believe?

What Do You Believe?

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Because there are people that don't believe in a greater power, and then people don't see this great power as being the same thing or having the same properties. Some people believe out of fear, others do it because they were told to since they were very young, and there are some others that do it because they really think it's true.

Then there are others like myself who don't believe because we chose our religion (or lackthereof).
I'm a very passionate Atheist, I think Religion is a corrosive, dangerous and evil force that is gonna end up destroying the world.

And yet humans have been practicing religion of some sorts for over 5000 years!

But yeah organised religions can be corrosive... Don't particulary believe it to be evil, but in the wrong minds, wrong words and twisted in the wrong way, anything can be bad.
You could say the Dark Ages nearly destroyed all hope of us ever being considered intelligent, enlightened beings worthy of saying we're unique--in a good way.

There's always going to be that argument about whether we're bad, or religion is bad. But religion is artificial; not divine, like some people like to think. Someone wrote the holy scriptures that people believe in, and people who don't anything about science or the world at all can't tell a metaphor from a lteral reading. You have to make a certain reading of the bible in order to get any sense out of it.

A rather strange way of reading a book, where you ignore certain parts, hand-wave away stuff with metaphors and pick out the stuff that appeals to you, wouldn't you say?
i should have posted here first

i believe in a literal interpretation of the bible where you cant just say "I choose not to follow this because i want to" i believe that if you take what the bible is saying literally you can make sense of it like some of the things in the old testament i do not follow because Jesus and others in the new testament said i didn't have to. like not working on the sabbath
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Mark 2:27 (Words of Jesus in red.) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica][SIZE=-1]27[/SIZE]Then he said to them, "The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath;[/FONT]

or keeping kosher

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Mathew 15:11[/FONT]
11It is Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
I'm an atheist, prone to worrying fits of agnosticism that are always dispelled by someone doing something that proves my previous assertion that all of it is utter bullshit completely correct.

There's a Gene Roddenberry quote that sums up my general line of thinking. "We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes."
Sounds more like agnostic theism...

Anyways, I think that the term 'agnosticism' covers a wide range. My personal understanding of it is that there is an inability to prove or disprove the existence of some sort of god, and so there is no point in either believing or not believing, because there is no possible answer.

To clarify, I believe there is far more evidence against the existence of any sort of god. I'm not unwavering in this belief, but when I see somebody doing something unbelievably stupid and/or horrible, I am convinced once again there cannot have been a god who would intentionally create any of it.

Further, with the Roddenberry quote I was leaning towards any sort of organized religion, rather than the overall existence of a god.

I feel like I sound like an asshole, but I'm not meaning to be. >>
Francie, i think you've misundestood agnosticism then :P

Agnostics believe in a higher power who created the universe. They don't neccesarily believe he created humans or "watches" us, or in a heaven etc etc. Just that there is a creator that isn't depicted in any existing religion =)

Going into specifics means it is no longer agnosticism, but is a new religion =P

Actually, you sir, misunderstood it. As I've been an agnostic for most of my life I've decided to enlighten you...

agnosticism [(ag-nos-tuh-siz-uhm)]

A denial of knowledge about whether there is or is not a God. An agnostic insists that it is impossible to prove that there is no God and impossible to prove that there is one.

We do NOT believe nor disbelieve there is any greater force or god, but rather maintain a doubt on both fronts. To us, there is unlikely to be an answer to this question, and therefore we refrain from making judgements without the evidence.
Sir, I quoted the *dictionary*. If the dictionary's wrong, then a lot of people on this planet are wrong. I don't care of what anyone, even the possible originator of the term, calls it. If the dictionary, and therefore society in general calls it:

A denial of knowledge about whether there is or is not a God. An agnostic insists that it is impossible to prove that there is no God and impossible to prove that there is one.

...then that's what I'll follow rather than some hotty-totty quote you souped up. I don't think of agnostic as a creed so much as a belief system, because my *belief* is the above, not "some higher being created the universe...that dosen't exist in any other religion".

I ought to call Angelus over here, or Words as they, as agnostics, could confirm what I mentioned. Or you know, just believe the dictionary itself. :P
myself being a pagan i dont follow 'common' religion. I Obviously dont preach or go extremist with my religion, i respect that other people belive what they choose to believe and if that isnt what i believe that doesnt matter to me everyone has their own choice
That's a good way to be. Everyone has a right to their belief system/religion and as long as it's not infringing on the rights of another person. It's when it actually affects another person that it must be examined, with all points taken into consideration.
I am a Roman Catholic.

Roman Catholocism is the more tradition section of the Church. It holds to the old beliefs such as only heterosexual, male priests. Belief in the words of Jesus and nelief that he is the son of God, as well as leading a good life, will see you into heaven.
Francie, i think you've misundestood agnosticism then :P

Agnostics believe in a higher power who created the universe. They don't neccesarily believe he created humans or "watches" us, or in a heaven etc etc. Just that there is a creator that isn't depicted in any existing religion =)

Going into specifics means it is no longer agnosticism, but is a new religion =P

That, my friend is Deism, Agnostic literally means 'Without knowledge,' all Atheists are Agnostic Atheists, because even though we can never KNOW that God exists, we think his existance is as ridiculous as trolls, hobgoblins, faeries, the flying spaghetti monster, etc etc etc.
I've actually heard several different definitions of agnosticism, one of which includes believing that it's impossible to know whether or not god exists. All the people I know who claim they are agnostic, however, say they do not know whether or not god exists. I've already said this, but when I say I'm an atheist-agnostic, I mean that I don't know if god exists, and since I don't believe in things I don't know exist, I don't believe in god.
Born in an Atheist household. Although that does not mean I was TAUGHT to be an Atheist. Religion just wasn't something my family did. Don't need it as far as I'm concerned.
Honestly I'll try to keep this short, but to explain this in depth it would take over 2000 words.

I believe not in the Jewish God, not in the Christian God, not in the Muslim Allah, not in the Hindu (200+ gods and goddesses), I am not Polytheistic.. here's what I believe.

The closest I can say is I'm agnostic, but some things I can prove, so it makes me a bit of a gnostic. In my life I grew up as a Presbyterian went to church everyday and adapted some of their values to mine. When my family began to overshelter me with covering up a suicide for a naturally caused death, I dropped my belief system of Jesus and God being one being.

I thought the Jewish God seemed more realistic but some things really erked me about the believers. They are very exclusive for one, like orthodox catholics for example. If you wish to convert, you have to do a trial of things in order to become one, which is odd because Religion to me is something what you just "believe" not something you act on.

After years of life experience I came down to the conclusion that there is a system of Karmas set into place. If you wish to do bad, one day it will bite you in the ass. If you wish to do good, well you get repaid, but not immediately always and sometimes not in the ways you expected. I have seen many signs in my own life to sway me to believe that there is a God, but to honestly go to church for him every day is pointless. He/she expects you to live your life as you would but to have integrity doing so. Maybe a thank you every now and again isn't so bad, but just to believe in something is better than not to believe in anything at all, like a nihilist or an athiest would. As long as you are not hurting yourself or hurting others you are doing what God intended. That's all I got.. and it has been working well for me since 2003.
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Born in an Atheist household. Although that does not mean I was TAUGHT to be an Atheist. Religion just wasn't something my family did. Don't need it as far as I'm concerned.
Lucky person.My family doesn't leave me to be an atheist.I must be a Christian Orthodox.:mad:
I am not sure in what I believe in. My parents are Christian Catholics, so I consider myself a Christian Catholic too.. But I don't really know what being a Christian or Jewish or what ever really is.

I don't believe in different gods that rules over an element. Such as Poseidon. I don't believe god is a spirit that takes the shape of a human and sits in a throne above the clouds, looking down at us. I believe in spirits witch do not have a definite form. Heaven is a spiritual realm witch we cannot see, but its standing right there infront of us. God isn't someone we need to reach. He's more like... I don't know... People say that above the clouds exists a paradise. But god did not only create the Planet Earth, people who think like that are thinking about a very small god. He created the entire Universe. Who knows? Maybe theres something bigger than a Universe out there.

God is Omnipresent. You don't realise it... but you are probably looking at him straight in the eyes right now.. I believe Jesus came and all of that. But... I am just not sure of what religion I belong.. =/

I think that the second life is actually your fantasy. A world with no hatred, no death nor getting old. We all just live in our own little world. Then oneday, all of those fantasies come together as one.

Who knows? Maybe... this IS our past lives and we just don't remember who we were. Maybe we get reincarnated into another being. I am just throwing a bunch of little ideas... I don't really know what to believe...

Maybe... God is the Universe...
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Im atheist when i started to take teology as a filler in my unversity i realized this only a matter of culture and believes no religion is real since religion means superstition in latin avery culture has its jesus and its god so in wich one of every of those is real. I really compare the bilbe to a comic book or a rule book full of crap because some people always follows everything it says in this crappy book that was written by men. Or did God write this book Jaja.
I got a simple philosophy:

When i die i'll know who was right.

Thats it. I dont believe in nothing else. I have philosophies. but no religion. We can prove and disapprove many things and quiet frankly if i do get screw and there is a god like the bible say's well I rather die a true sinner then a false saint.