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I actually liked FFII more than FFI on FFOrigins, unlike the majority. I found it to be a pretty good game, I mean for an original, and well, as short as it was, it was enough to leave a decent impression.
I like it. I've been playing it more than FF1. I got the double pack for the GBA. I prefer FF2 slightly more than FF1, simply because the plot of FF2 was more stronger than FF1. Oh, and the characters are better too.
FFII was probably the most original and addicting game in the series that I have played so far. I still prefer the "boost what you use" system to level ups anyday of the week. The only issue I had was how ineffective the magic in the game was towards the end of the game- my lv. 16 Ultima only does 1500 damage compared to my allies 4000 when they do a physical hit. As you can imagine, I played for a LONG time.

Plus, being able to max out Minwu in Dawn of Souls was rather awesome...
I didnt like this particular FF for mental reasons! it didnt have the leveling system, instead you had to fight and randomly get stats points....
It's my second worst after FFX-2
I don't understand why people don't like this battle system. It's so superior to level ups, it's shocking that there's even arguement here... in other FF games, all you have to do is beat an easy, high level enemy to get tons of EXP. Sorry, folks, but if Mike Tyson lets you punch him in the face, that isn't going to suddenly make you a world champion boxer.
Look at the year of its creation
Then decide about its graphic
Anyway , I have it with better graphic on PS
Its a very nice game
I am still playing it
FF1 was a fantastic game; 2 seemed lacking in many places. The idea of leveling up as a character used skills was interesting, but not really suitable...especially if for some odd shift of luck, one's main healer had taken nearly no damage earlier in the game, had the starting 30 HP, then got bombarded by a tough boss. GAME OVER.

Overall? 6/10. worth a play.
Yes it is very worth playing, especially for those people that hate the leveling system, to me, the best thing about this game was probably the storyline..........
They're difficult games to play for the first time on PSX simply because of the fact they appear to be so old and crap compared to even FF5 or 6. However, I respect the games (I voted 'yes' in this instance) because I know that if I'd played them in 1988, or whatever, I would have thought they were the FF12 of the day.

It's like "I wann hold your hand" by The Beatles. It was probably the in tune back in its time, but if it was released today everyone would think it was a joke.
In general, rubbish. Tho I find the DoS version quite coupable. I'm up to the Tower of Mysidia to get the Ultima Tome, I'm detirmined to finish this game before carrying on with III, IV and V which I also have yet to finsih.
I was never really impressed by this game. It had none of the charm of FF1 and it was terribly unbalanced in challenge. The whole level-up system was wonky too.
I agree. I only played through and beat it because I felt obligated to being a big FF fan. The leveling system was a creative idea, but just didn't flow well.