What FF game are you currently playing

Got to the last battle in Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core. (Or what i think is the last) and i get my ass kicked, and i need to level up and cant be bothered, so i started to play Final Fantasy III on ds (Just got it) and i also have to level up a lot to beat some squid man!

Then Final Fantasy II (psp) came today :D Might start that, but then again it seems like i need to finish Crisis Core before i can start another adventure :(
Got to the last battle in Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core. (Or what i think is the last) and i get my ass kicked, and i need to level up and cant be bothered, so i started to play Final Fantasy III on ds (Just got it) and i also have to level up a lot to beat some squid man!

Then Final Fantasy II (psp) came today :D Might start that, but then again it seems like i need to finish Crisis Core before i can start another adventure :(

Do the missions like for some new materia and the genji armor and you'll own genesis, sephiroth, angeal, all of em lol. The punch command materia really helps with break damage limit on you can do 99,999 every hit it's calle costly punch.

Mod Edit

Please be aware that this thread is soley for the use of what game you are playing. It's ok to add the odd bit of help, just so long as you tack on the end what you are playing atm, just to stop the thread from derailing, thanks ^^
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I'am currently playing none s of now too much into RockBand,Guitar hero, and what not. The last one i played though was FFCC:Rings of Fate.

Mod Edit

If you aren't currently playing anf FF game at present, posting in this thread is abit pointles, please avoid doing so until you are actually playing one - we have a thread for general 'what are you playing' in Rocket Town. Thanks
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Doing some jumping around between Crisis Core, FF8, FF9, FF5, FF6, and FFT PSP version. Mainly on 8 as of late. Just got passed disc one and in that stupid prison I hate so much >.<
Started replaying Final Fantasy VII since yesterday, i'm only in the beginning near Aeris house..
Currently playing through X for about the 6th time lol, trying to finish the monster arena. :argh:

[Mod Edit: a bit more effort in your posts next time, please.]
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I picked up V on the GBA and I like it, its not GREAT, but it isnt horrible, the job system is a little over whelming, I got the hang of it, but I wish I could choose two abilities instead of just one, oh well
100% in FFX is crazy, tons of sphere grid action needed to beat the monster arena...

I'm currently playing through FFVIII again, I'm at Trabia garden... I don't think I gave it much of a chance last time, I just kind of beat it just to get through it. This time I'm getting all the GFs, at least :P
Im playing FF VIII hunting down GFS the first time through, because I skipped too many and my team is weak.
Final Fantasy

I am playing the original remake for the PSP FFI
I'm at the area that was destroyed by vampires...
I'm playing FFI for the PSP ^^ I've already updated my characters classes, and now I'm up to the guardian of the fire crystal, need to kick it's ass and move onto crystal number 3 =D
FFX for me. Currently trying and failing to beat Dark Yojimbo to finally get the all killing boss known as Penance. ;D
Just past Kalm in FF7. Now I'm going to steal lots of ethers from those rat type things and then go after Sephiroth.
I was playing the original FFVII but then my TV exploded so no video games for me! I have to return to my GBA or PSP now. So I may play Crisis Core, or maybe the FFI and II package on my GBA. I'm not sure yet. -__-
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy 9, and I just finished War of the Lions on the PSP. I had never beaten the original Tactics, and while I can say that it had the most beautifully literate script of any game, it was such a depressing story! But... in a very good way. The characters seemed to have the most depth to any of the other games in the series.

But Final Fantasy 9... I had never gotten around to giving it a chance, and it is absolutely fantastic. I'm only on Disc Three, but I've been going relatively quickly through it and missing a lot of the secrets. I've read some of the guides on GameFaqs and some of them seem really hard; I mean, getting Steiners ultimate weapon in under 12 hours? I don't think I have the patience XD. But other than the complete overwhelming depth to it, it's one of the better games in the series I think.
Well the game that is really entertaining me is FFVI, but I think I am either about to start 7,8,or 9 again. Its really a toss up. I am about to go to the Empires Magitek Facility. And I would have to say I love this game, and am completely happy that I picked it up. :P