What FF game are you currently playing

Just beat VII again, so Im about to crack open the DS version of FFIV, it's been burning a hole in the pile of games for a while, so I'l be on that shortly, I did actually start it at my mums, but I did about 10 minutes before I realsed Id only have to start again anyway ....
I'm playing on more or less all of them at the moment. :)
The main one I'm playing is I, I'm doing a walkthrough. However feeble it turns out to be I'm not stopping! I recently got back to XII, however. Managed to get Vaan to Lvl 99. I couldn't be bothered going around in groups anymore it was taking to long to level up so I went to Giruvegan and killed with Vaan on his own using the Embroidered Tippet too. It took a whole day more or less. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I could try Abysteels in Henne Mines but they annoy me.
Currently replaying FFTA 1 and 2 at the same time (yea, tell me how that works lol ) Currently at the beginning for both.
Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP. I'm not very far but then again I don't think its a very long game....I maybe wrong on that though.....:P
I'm playing XII through for the first time, but i've reached a certain point and have lost the drive to carry on for a moment, so i've started a new game on 8 ,about to go onto disk 2.

Oh and I bought FFIV for the DS last week, I should really attempt to get further in that :P
I'm currently on Final Fantasy VIII. I just got to the part on disk 2 where you go to balamb garden to warn Headmaster Cid of the coming missles. I haven't leveled up a whole lot though and I'm behind on collecting GFs :/ Somehow, I forgot to draw Siren from the Biggs and Wedge battle and Carbuncle from the Iguion things.
Got the urge to play FFIV earlier and i just got my Ps3 back so im playing that, kinda boring now on my way to mt Ordeals to become a paladin, itl be ok after that as i can level cecil up properly
Slowly walking a friend through Final Fantasy VII (He only ever played X before) so far so good.
Right now i am playing through VIII again, though i am thinking about playing through IX again.... I think i will wait til i finish VIII again though, this time i am going to get all of the ultimate weapons and max everyone out so i might be doing this for a while.
I'm currently playing VII and this time I hope to finish it.
I'm not that far along yet. Only on the shinra boat. So not even halfway disc 1 I believe. And I haven't played in a while because my sister loaned me her PSP with Crisis Core and I don't know when she wants it back so I'm kinda rushing trough it. I'll play that one when I get my own PSP. And then later I have more time to finish VII.

Ah well, At least I know the story.. So not a total loss if I never get around to finishing it.
Final Fantasy XII.

I haven't actually completed this game story-wise before. I'm upto..erm..

The map says: Hmm, Giruvegan...better start by exploring the Feywood.

I guess I'm half-way or something. I'm level 45, currently auto-levelling with Negalmuur, and got Zodiac Spear not long ago. Going to complete some marks soon.
I am at Zeromus in Final Fantasy IV ds he is so impossible to beat if he did not have big bang I would have owned him by now. I beat the annoying 3 Behemoths and I got Bahamut so I think I have all summons now.
I'm trying to obtain HP Break armours for FFX characters and to complete their legendary weapons. To complete the weapons for Tidus, Kimahri and Lulu. The armour for Auron, Tidus, Kimahri and Wakka. Once that's complete I'll aim for blitzball. I'll try to get my characters to level 80. Then I'll finish the game and start it again :P

It takes me a lot of time to level up my characters in FFXII -__-
FFXII: Revenant Wings

And by currently playing, I mean currently ignoring it because I'm pissed at the leap of difficulty during the last teeny bit of the game, and I don't want to waste my time leveling up at the speed of snails.
I decided to restart on Disc 3 pf FFVIII to where I "correct" my mistakes and obtain enough power to defeat Ultimecia. Also, I am going to obtain Gogo in FFVI.