What FF game are you currently playing

Currently Running through FFXII again, Whenever i play, i tend to spend 20 minutes to half an hour running aroun Cerrobi Strepe Killing creatures to gain some experience for my Back-up team, whilst Gaining much LP using the double LP Accesory. Its an alright game But i tend to get bored of it very Quickly thus only spending half an hour at a time on it.
I'm playing FFX whenever I have a free moment right now. I'm so busy with college work, so I can't play any new games or anything since I'd get totally engrossed in them, but I love FFX so I can dip in and out of it, and still understand the story and everything.

I'm going to pick up FFTA2 again soon, it was great fun when I was playing it over the Christmas holidays ^^
Final Fantasy X on the PS3 when I'm in my boyfriend's room, Final Fantasy VIII in my room and alternating between Final Fantasy V and VI on my game boy between classes.
I just started playing FFT:WotL for the PSP. I already played the PS1 version, but I just love the game so much, so I hope the PSP enhancements won't ruin my love for the game >_<
Oh well I am still progressing through Final Fantasy X-2 and Final Fantasy V advance. Well I play X-2 alot but I can not beat Baralai hes hard. Anyways I am really playing other stuff then FF right now. I am planning on passing X-2 by this month. Oh and after ill go back to Xii.
Starting up a FFVII replay tonight, and still have a good few hours left of my first FFIV DS play-through.
currently playin through ff9 (for the umpteenth time n still enjoyin it) but I'm unsure of what next, ff7 or 8? im pretty sure 7 tho
was playing X when i found out that i forgot about the treasure in bevelle again :( now i cant get anima or magnus sisters but wat evs ill jus do it over again luckily its a hell of a fun game :D. i was also playing VI VII VIII randomly but my ps2 finally died (after 8 years) so ill prob go buy a new one for 100 bucks or w/e it is and continue VI but as of now im playing FF1 on the psp currently at the cavern of ice :O
I'm currently playing FFVIII. The story is very interesting to me, and I like the characters. It is fun!
VI... and IX... At the same time. ;D
In VI, I just managed to get through the Phantom/Ghost/Whatever Train area. The scene where (I'm not sure if it's considered a spoiler or not, but I'll count it as one to play on the safe side)
Cyan saw his dead wife and kid boarding the train was really touching for me. :'D
I'm not too far yet, but Cyan seems like one cool guy.

Aaaand as for IX, I'm fairly sure I left off at Fossil Roo the other day.
Right now I'm playing VIII (after a looong time) and X (for the first time). I was playing VI Advance too, but it's been some time since I last played it, but I'm about to face Kefka for realz.
I've been playing FFIX the most recently, although I've also got a game of FFVII and VIII going as well.

On 9, I'm just about to head off to Ispen's Castle on Disc 3. I'm going to try and complete a bunch of sidequests before I continue on with the storyline though.

As for 7, I'm trying to take down Emerald and Ruby Weapon, which is easier said than done XD

All I'm doing on 8 atm is getting everyone's final weapon. Storyline-wise, I'm about to enter the final battle.
I decided to restart FFX last night, I'm not very far mind you, I've only just got to the part where Zanarkand gets wiped out by Sin, Tidus swims away from a giant killer fish, finds a freezing type temple thing and Rikku bursts in and saves him. That's all I've done so far. :wacky:
i'v just started playing FFV on a GBA emulator ;)

never played it before but yeh i'm 8 hours in and really enjoying it next up is FF3 :)
im playing ffta2 and its not too bad if anyone say it is. its got a decent bit of everything: ivalice, clans, jobs, special abilities etc. etc. :D
I've started playing Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions and I may start playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 again while I take a break from playing too much Dynasty Warriors. In fact, why not I play Final Fantasy 12 again someday?
Final Fantasy X
Good game, weird characters. I'm stuck at the Dome with that Glyph Mine enemy.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
2nd time through. Good game, sad ending.
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
Like the 500th time. Good graphics, extremely fun.
I am currently playing Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy X. I saw videos on youtube for final fantasy X where someone leveled up their characters so much that when they did the monster hunt thing where you fight those insanely hard monsters they only used one character. I want to do that myself and be cool too :busta: