What FF game are you currently playing

Just started playing through XII again. I was hoping that my impressions of the game could be improved, but so far the experience is even worse than from the last time I played it. I am amazed that the story within the game is so poorly developed and paced. I can only play the game at an hour or sotwo at any one time before I get completely bored and find myself struggling to simply play the game.
trying to complete FF7 DoC omg weiss is sooooo hard lol im stuck on the final battle soooo frustrating -__-

also trying to complete my Clan primer on FFXII only three more to go :)
FFIV even though it's been a while since I played because I'm obsessed with the internet and rock band right now. Maybe I should just keep taking my DS places so I can play it more.
I just started playing FFVIII again for the 7th time then ill get back on FFX cause it rocks not to mention the endless hours of blitzball.
I'm over halfway through XII. It's not spectacular and a bit annoying at times. I just managed to beat the Mandragoras bosses at the Sochen cave palace. The gambit system was practically useless here.

I wept through the Phon coast and Tchita uplands. They are both large areas (Phon was pretty at least), but I hadn't the patience to go around exploring all of the areas and killing everything I see. It was SO time consuming that it bored me to tears.
Right now I am not playing any Final Fantasy games. I have played all 7
12 final fantasy games so I am tired of it for a while but there will come a time I just want tp play it again ofc. But mostly waiting fro fabula nova crysalis. I recently downloaded form playstation store new new ffxiii trailer in 1080 actuall ythat must be the ingame graphics right?
Flying through FFX again with Aztec to re-live the story. I haven't played it through in its entirety since the summer of 2002. I also keep going back into my 190 hour save file to move more around the Sphere Grid and to level up all my Blitzball players as well.
I just started playing FFIX for the fifth time. Or is it sixth? I dunno.

After that I think I may want to play FFI again. Just for the heck of it. :P
This thread seems to assume that we are all constantly playing a Final Fantasy game. What if we’re not playing a Final Fantasy game? What if I’m playing Phantasy Star IV? Or Dragon Quest IV? Is that so wrong?

Anyway, I’m playing the original FF remake on the psp. It’s so easy I fall asleep after playing it for 20 minutes. I think I might give up and play the original.
This thread seems to assume that we are all constantly playing a Final Fantasy game. What if we’re not playing a Final Fantasy game? What if I’m playing Phantasy Star IV? Or Dragon Quest IV? Is that so wrong?

Then you don't have to post in here, there is a thread in Rocket Town asking what game you are playing, this is a final fantasy site so naturally quite afew people will be playing an FF game at anyone time, this thread is just asking that. Its in the General Discussion section of the Final Fantasy section, so it's not going to be asking about other games now is it?

I'm STILL soldiering through tactics, although tbh, it's boring the kecks off me, I think I'l be replaying X before the day is out
I finally picked up FFXII again and I'm trying to finish it. I'm really just having a hard time getting into it. Every time I try to beat it, I get bored halfway through and end up playing an MMORPG, because that's what it reminds me of.
I've been playing Final Fantasy VI again. This time around I'm going for max stats and all rages. I'm currently at the Opera House without a single level up, and still kicking some tail.

I've also been playing through the Tactics remake for PSP. I'm currently finishing all of the side quests before I begin the chain of final battles. Oh yes, and Balthier is a cheap piece of ish.
Replaying FFXII for the third time after digging it outta my pile of games.
And I can say I cant ever remember playing half of the stuff ive done in the last few hours XD
I'm currently playing FFIX and have just recieved access to ther blue narciss(?) thisa is usually my fave part of the game but this time around I dont have the impetus to go any further cuase this game is so freakin slow indus comparatio to other FF games like 7 or 8 but I gotta keep going to save the moogles!!!LOL
FFXII on my PS2 at home, and FFIX on my PS3 at school . . . I have yet to get a memory card adapter for my PS3 so I can play them all at school . . .
FFIX....if I find my memory card...I played up until..Ispen's castle (is that what it's called?) anyway, right up towards the end in about 3 days last March..and then my break ended and I went back to school and didn't touch it again..and I went to finish it the other day..and I can't find my memory card..but as soon as I find it I will be playing it.