What FF game are you currently playing

Im really thinking about playing final fantasy 6 again, just because the story and music is so good <3. Right now im playing final fantasy 12 that i borrowed from my friend but i dont really like it... i dont know why, but its boring. i dont like the music :(
I'm just finished FF XII. I'm thinking about playing FF X International version. I can't find the game though.
Currently playing FFX with my husband. It's been over five years since I last played, so it feels like I'm playing the game for the first time as I have forgotten most things. This time around, I understood the storyline more and had a better grasp of what's going on than when I first played the game.

We just got done doing the Cloister of Trials in Bevelle (what a pain!) and now I'm controlling Yuna and trying to find the rest of the gang.
I'm currently playing FFX. Just started a new game a few weeks ago, but haven't played too much yet.

I'm about to enter the forest before Kilika temple.

I am presently in the process of playing through FFXII for a second time. I wanted to give it a second go around to see if there was anything that I missed the first time through and because I really enjoyed the mark hunting sidequest.
I am presently in the process of playing through FFXII for a second time. I wanted to give it a second go around to see if there was anything that I missed the first time through and because I really enjoyed the mark hunting sidequest.

Did you manage to get the Zodiac spear the first time you played?
I am playing FFIV remade for DS. If you look over to the side I am only 13 and I wasn't around to play the original games. I am at the part where Leviathan attacks you on your way to Baron.
Did you manage to get the Zodiac spear the first time you played?

No, I didn't. That's one of the things I'm working on getting. I also never got the Tournesol and I never completed the rare monster hunt. I've heard it takes a lot of patience but it can't be any harder than the FFX monster hunt. That took forever.
Agreed! The monster hunt was a pain.
I think I spent a whole day hunting those goddamned tonberry's in sunken cave.
Did you manage to get the Zodiac spear the first time you played?

No, I didn't. That's one of the things I'm working on getting. I also never got the Tournesol and I never completed the rare monster hunt. I've heard it takes a lot of patience but it can't be any harder than the FFX monster hunt. That took forever.

Agreed! The monster hunt was a pain.
I think I spent a whole day hunting those goddamned tonberry's in sunken cave.

Lets try not to derail the thread too much, although discussing the game is fine, I dont want the thread turning into a conversation about how gay FFXII's sidequests are, we have threads all over the XII sectin for that, ta ^^;

I'm uh....still playing XII & FFTA....well cba, not picked either back up for weeks. I just dont enjoy tactics and XII......ugh, training and sky pirate medal aquiring is made of fail
i have just started playing FF9 i've never beaten the game all the other times i've tried it just get really boring around disc 3 and i lose interest but this time i'm going to beat it i even stopped playing MGS4 to take this on and that was hard to put down
shh It

I just picked back up on FF5. I'm in the second world and just leveled up or I should say raised money. Things are going good now, I got every item in FF12 except for that wyrmblade thing. I didn't do the fishing game. Its crazy hard. I should be set on 5 for a while now since it will take forever and a day to master all the jobs. I got a good walkthrough and am learning all the blue magic. I just hope I stay in the game for a while. I've been losing focus on gameing.
Not actually playing it, but I just watched the whole thing of FF7: Dirge of Cerberus on YouTube to prep for the upcoming RP. Needed to familiarize myself with what happened since I never played that particular game.
I was recently occupied with VII training my Aeris saving file. I put that on hold to hopefully find time to finish Dirge of Cerberus.
More FF

I am currently playing 4 final fantasy games. FFXII, FFXII Revenant wings, FFIV(DS), and FFIII(DS).

XII: Fighting Mimic Queen

III: Just healed Cid's wife

IV: Fightning Calcabrina and Golbez

Well there you go.
Currently playing FFXII.. well, in a way.
Haven't played it for like half a year XD
The whole new concept was alittle weird and stuff and when i got to occupied with other stuff, i stopped playing it for a while.
And that's that ^_^
I'm currently replaying Final Fantasy 7. I just beat the second disk but I am going to have to do some chocobo breeding and some leveling up before I go into the crater.