What FF game are you currently playing

FF X. I am at zanarkand, it brought back so many memories. Im excited to beat the game cuz then i can replay FF x-2. I havent played that game in sooo long. i beat it x-2 and never touched it again.....cant wait to play it again XD
Ha, my boyfriends playing 8 and is currently in fire cavern yelling at bombs lol. I do love that game.

Haha, is he? xD Tell him to summon Shiva! That'll take care of 'em. My hubby is always so hilarious when he plays video games because he yells at stuff. He was playing XII the other night and kept yelling at something. Next thing I knew I heard a 'clang!' and he'd thrown the controller at the TV. xD
Still Blue Dragon (It's Final Fantasy to me!). I'm thinking about playing through VIII or IX again, though... I just need to find those disks.
FFIII DS. I just got the earth fang and now I have to defeat Doga and Unei. Might need to level up a bit 'cause Doga kicked my ass last night.
Crisis Core!! Its so freakin fun and addicting :D im at the part where zacks in nibelheim and sepheroth just went crazy o_O
FFIX (first time playing). I LOVE, LOVE it. I'm on Disc 2, about to enter the Iifa Tree. I love this gameee.

I think, when I'm done, I'll either play IV or Tactics... Although I've been wanting to replay X or XII, too.
Not really working on it right now, but the most current Final Fantasy I've played is Crisis Core. I'm at the part
Right after you meet Cloud, and you have to sneak into this warehouse place.
. I'm kinda stuck there right now. =/
Playing FFXII i just finished chaining Dustias and Werewolves. Im at lvl 30.
Currently Heading for Garamsythe(Sp?) Waterway. Im also starting FFIX again.
I've been going through FFXII for a second time now, and for what? I missed out on Genji gloves! I want 100% completion. Well I'm pretty much almost done with it, all I need is a few ult. weapons, few clan hunts, and get to lvl99. Right now I have my characters at 60 and I'm about to fight Hell Wyrm, I'm going to enjoy this. :D Whenever my bro is on the PS2 I play FFT on PSP, once I'm done with FFXII I'll focus on FFT.
I'm back to Crisis Core now I've finished IX, Im about halfway through, at Junon, can't remember what I was meant to be doing next mind, seeing as I put the game to one side once I started IX.....anyway, Ive spent the past few hours doing missions -__-

46% complete....it's taking a fucking lifetime, I wish completed missions carried over from my last playthrough....not that I did many mind...... >_>

All the missions available to me now are rat4ed hard and I cba doing them, oh bar one which is normal, but I got bored and I'm gunna continue on with the story, I THINK I have to stop some monsters or some shit getting through the gates....
trying to get my hands on crisis core only one i havent played so far and hearing mixed reviews
trying to get my hands on crisis core only one i havent played so far and hearing mixed reviews

I think it's really good, although if you stick to the story it's pretty short.... 10 chapters in all, if you have a PSP and a spare few quid it is definately worth investing in, I'm certainly not dissapointed :monster:

Anyway -ahem- Im er, still playing Crisis Core with the definate intention to play VII again next if I EVER Get round to getting all these god awful missions done
I've been going through FFXII for a second time now, and for what? I missed out on Genji gloves! I want 100% completion. Well I'm pretty much almost done with it, all I need is a few ult. weapons, few clan hunts, and get to lvl99. Right now I have my characters at 60 and I'm about to fight Hell Wyrm, I'm going to enjoy this. :D Whenever my bro is on the PS2 I play FFT on PSP, once I'm done with FFXII I'll focus on FFT.
Yah i understand ya, you can only obtain those through
stealing Gilgamesh
, so if you miss your chance you have to start everything from the start.

Im also aiming to 100% completion, in my first gameplay i missed a lot of things too, second one i Managed to get the Wyrmhero Blade and almost everything to 100% but i deleted my save data incidentaly =/

Now im playing my 3rd time, trying to get every piece of Armour/Weapon/Monster list to 100% etc... Good Luck with Hell Wyrm. Make sure you Pawn the 3 last and hardests bosses really hard. :D

I haven't played FFXII too much, im curretly at Lhusu Mines.