What FF game are you currently playing

I'm currently playing Crisis Core. I'm at that point where you go into the cave, but you can't go back.
I'm on Dirge of Cerberus, just going through the sewers with the lizard dudes, also I'm half playing FFX and FFXII, just totally addicted.
Playin' Final Fantasy VII. This would be my first time, too.
I'm at the part where we get Cloud back from losing his mind. Tifa = FTW.
It depends on what mood I am in. I have half completed games of VIII, IX, X and X2 and I play all of them depending on my mood. Except IX, because it's broken
Crisis Core! I'm just re-enjoying the part where Sephiroth fights an epic battle with Genesis+Angeal
I'd just like to remind people that 4 or 5 word posts are classed as spam and WILL be deleted. Although it's not the easiest topic to have a decent length post just go into a little more detail of things such as where you are, why are you replaying the game, what you're enjoying about it so far etc.

Thank you.
At the moment I'm kinda replaying FFX...again, although I might switch back to FFVII. I just find the beginning few hours of FFX to be so boring ;_;

I've hit "meh points" with FFVIII and FFIX, so I won't be picking them up again for awhile, I just can't be bothered with them at the moment =/
I'm re-playing Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core, I'm in Nibelhiem when you first visit it, I like the battle system and I'm trying to complete the mission (as in 100%) also I want to reach the maximum level.
I've started playing FFIII for the DS; so far I'm liking it. Need to fight that Rogue guy who stole those ice horns.
Im on Chapter 9 of Crisis Core, I am trying to do a 100% game but it's really hard going because the missions....they do my HEAD in, I am 60% complete and I can't take it anymore :gasp:

I just wanna get it done now so I can move onto VII