What game did you buy last?

Technically, it was Children of Mana for the DS. I've been wanting to get into the Mana series, but wasn't really sure where to begin, so I just grabbed the cheapest Mana game I saw that day xD
The last game "I" bought was a game that I pestered my parents into getting me which was final fantasy dissidia, because I was tired of being left out of the loop when it came to the talking about the game. :P
I bought Halo 3 about a week ago. I have yet to play it but my friend and I are planning on playing tonight.

I also found Silent Hill 2 for $15 and FF X-2 for $3 at Half Price Books. :awesome:

I wouldn't be willing to pay much more than $3 for FF X-2 really. I didn't really care for X but I figured I'm not really losing out paying $3 for it. XD
Soul calibur IV on 360 xD I was at the local game store today and found it for 9 bucks xD I just took it right away! I just got it reall to play with Tia Suki and others really xD. Its :awesome: and lots of acheieves!
Got Lux Pain for DS for $20 and also Shemnue 2 for $8!!! Bargin and got Mass Effect 2 and Chrono Cross to play when I get home also XD
BioShock 2, today. Because I simply cannot wait for this one. Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so...

...so far, its alright. Its nowhere near as atmospheric as the first one, nor are the audio diaries as disturbing, but playing as a Big Daddy is fun...that drill is wonderful! Big Sister scares the hell out of me, though...and the splicers hit HARD. Seriously, they didn't hit this hard in the original, even on hard mode...
Sofia Lamb is brilliant, as well. I've already stumbled across an audio diary in which she and Andrew Ryan have a verbal clash~<3
I bought Dante's Inferno yesterday at Gamestop. I've be waiting so long for it to be released and now I finally have it.
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As far as I can remember I Wet and the Megadrive collection for £20, but I'm not entirely sure they were the last games I bought, my memory isn't what it used to be. MC is good for reliving the good old days from when life was easy and had simply pleasures, Wet doesn't seem to bad so far considering it was slated but then I wasn't expecting too much. I suppose the biggest downside for most people would be the fact that the graphics aren't too great but I got over that when I played the demo.

Too much stuff that's either already around or is coming out in the near future though that I want: Bayonetta, Bioshock 2, Dante's Inferno and FFXIII just off the top of my head.
Soul calibur IV on 360 xD I was at the local game store today and found it for 9 bucks xD I just took it right away! I just got it reall to play with Tia Suki and others really xD. Its :awesome: and lots of acheieves!

9$ for Soul Calibur IV? New or used, that's an awesome deal. I just bought the CE of the game about a few months ago for 40$ and I thought that was good considering the game has been out for over a year and CEs are normally out of print by now.

On topic, I just bought Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope International for the PS3. However I still have to wait for it to arrive here in the mail.
It was used but it works perfectly awesome! :awesome: Oh and I have the collectors edition on ps3 from when it came out. I just thought I'd buy it to lay with some friends on here :yay:
I just picked up Borderlands today. My friend has been telling me to buy it for about a month now. I've heard great things about it so I can't wait to get started on it. :awesome:
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International...

...after cancelling my pre-order, which would have saved me about £10, as well. I just got to thinking about the game, and I want something on my PS3 to actually last me until FFXIII. Dante's Inferno didn't do the job, and I know for a fact this will. I might be a bit more motivated to do everything in it now as well, since I don't have to keep swapping discs to return to the Calnus...plus it'll be fun to play the game again. Don't have to buy the guide, either, since I've got the 360 one. XD

Now, NO MORE GAMES UNTIL THE 9TH OF MARCH. So help me...well, if I succeed in selling Oblivion to a friend I may use the money to get myself a copy of Disgaea 2 on PSP...
I last bought Infinite Undiscovery, because it's a great RPG with great storyline and characters. It suprised me with graphics, because it's really pretty and I'm really happy to have Infinite Undiscovery.
I bought Kid Icarus for NES and replaced my copy of Breath of Fire 3 yesterday. Someone stole my other one. -__-

I never beat Kid Icarus when I was a kid but I remember loving it. And Breath of Fire 3 is probably my second favorite RPG ever so I had to get a replacement copy. xD
mass affect 2 however it such a sort game that it did not last long at all which sucks know i am so bored and can't wait until ffh 13 is out uh before mass affect 2 it was assisin creed 2 which was bloody awesome
Mass Effect 2, which took me about 2 weeks because I actually played through at a slow pace, completing every mission I could find
I finally got my hands on Dragon Age Origins :D OMG. I love that game. I'd been waiting for it to drop in price a bit since I happen to be a jobless high school graduate ;_;

It finally dropped in price, by 5 USD. -.- I bought it from Gamestop, and, as soon as I lost the receipt, it started giving me problems. It always freezes and its highly frustrating, I guess I should have spent the extra 5 to get the game new rather than used.
Bought Final Fantasy XIII today for $83. >.< Cheapest I've seen it yet since it's been out.

I'm excited about getting to play it, but I really do need a PS3 first. Should be getting one hopefully this weekend or next week. I'm not that desperate to play it so I can wait a little while longer. >.<
Bought FFXIII last night and am just a couple hours in. It's strange that some of my other friends are asking me if it's worth it despite the fact they've played ALL the previous FFs. Some of the negative remarks directed at it have created this impression it's a "bad" game, which couldn't be further from the truth.