What game did you buy last?

We have a preowned sale on at work, so grabbed Children of Mana, Heroes of Mana, Trauma Center and Secret Files: Tunguska all for the DS and all for £37 XD Mega chuffed.
I've just bought Dead Space and Mirror's Edge.

They were both on sale for $14.99, and I couldn't say no to that. Although I don't even have a PlayStation 3 yet, I'll be receiving one for Christmas and I'll have more of an opinion on them then.

When I saw the cover for Mirror's Edge I was instantly intrigued. Mirror's Edge is an already interesting title, and on the back it does an excellent job of making you want to play. I had done some searching and read a few reviews before I bought it, and I was convinced I had to get it.

With Dead Space, the price is what reeled me in. I can tell I'm just going to be scared shitless, because most of the time I play video games at night. I don't normally play horror games, excluding Resident Evil, but this one seems really interesting. The trailer made me jump, and one of the monsters strangely reminded me of FF8 xD

I want to play these so bad, I can't wait!
I finally got Sacred 2 for the 360. Its a good RPG, but its a pain that when you save the game is still running! I died when I paused and spoke to my cousin!!! Thats my only peeve!!
Resident Evil 5 for PC, Star ocean First departure & Second Evolution for PSP hmm that'd be it ;d
I bought Persona 3: FES the other week. I think I'm at the end, as I'm about to fight the last of the 12 shadows. I've leveled up like mad, so I should be ok. :busta:
the last game I bought was Dragon Age:Origins, already beaten it 3 times which I'm kind of ashamed of lol =/
BlazBlue Calamity Trigger for PS3. I actually order the Limited edition but they messed up my order saying it was a mistake ad they're all sold out of the LE so they would just charge me for the standard. I actually love this game story mode. It reminds of a visual novel and thats a win for me.
Well I didn't buy them, but my stepdad took me and my siblings to a game store today, and... I found Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 1 for the Gamecube, used, and FFIX.. brand new :yay: I asked him for just one of them, and he told me to get all three.. but I didn't get RE1, as I already have it for the PS1 and there's no reason to buy it other than the pretty graphics >.> And maybe voice-acting... I don't remember if the original had it or not.

I ended up getting FFIX, which I've already started and plan to beat before New Year's if possible, and RE0, which I'll play when I can... my time on the Wii is rather limited xD I'm so happy that I found both of them though, I was convinced that FFIX would be gone by the time I got around to buying it x3
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i got Dissidia today with my Christmas money along with £20 for the PSN Store
so with that i also got
FF7 to replay it and its obviously an epic game

Street Fighter Alpha
Meh what can i say im a sucker for fighting games

it was like a blast from the past, i resently picked it up for like triple the price i payed for it on the PSN store

and finally Vigrant Story i need some RPG after i finish FF7
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I bought Left 4 Dead 2 like three weeks ago but I just started playing it recently. I'm loving it, especially the melee weapons.

I went to GS today with my brother and they had a buy 2 used games get 1 free deal going on. I bought Gears of War 2 and he bought Fallout 3. I got a copy of Fallout 3 for free. :awesome:

I haven't started Fallout 3 yet but I've played Gears of War 2 last time my brother visited. We only played it for a short time before but I really had fun with it. I got it so we can both play it online.
Sudden influx of cash from Christmas, so I got a lot of them. I don't quite remember which one I picked up last, so here's a list.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune- It was recommended and I can see why. To be honest, at first I wasn't convinced, but I picked it up anyway because it was only $30. I'm glad I did.

WET- Big mistake. I figured since it was half off I'd buy it, but... I don't know if I had a bad first run, but I really don't like this fucking western garbage and the crosshairs are super tiny so I can't tell if I'm on the target or not. Maybe I'll give it another go later, but as of now I'm returning it. I should have listened to Ryan =/

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World- I just recognized the title and picked it up. It definitely has the Final Fantasy vibe.

Valkyria Chronicles- Recommended. I don't really like anime-style at the moment, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I actually really like this, I just hope it gets a little more exciting.

Grand Theft Auto IV- I'd been playing GTA on my PS2 recently, so I figured that I should pick this up. Nothing special, really. I do love how the peds talk amongst each other, and I like these new graphics of course.

Wild Arms 3- Uh, I really don't know why actually. $4.99 and buy 2 get 1 free at GameStop equals me picking up a lot of used games.
The last game I bought was Aion: The Tower of Eternity (MMO).
And that's 3 months ago now actually..
I'm being a bad boy when it comes to game shopping lately.
Ah well should be getting Tekken 6 soon as I have the money!​
summat called wet. it sounds rude buti think i may be dissapointed when i eventually get the hangover outofthe way and shoveit in myPS3. I had to pick a game when i bought it, and I fancied oblivion, but that asnt there
WET is terrible, so freaking buggy. The only good thing is the OST. I got my final game from my workplace as Saturday is my last day and Im skint :|

Mana Khemia for the PSP: Ive been waiting for this game to become cheap for about ages. I luckly for a preowned copy the other day and got it today for £7.49 XD Hope its a good un!!
I just bought Megaman Star Force Pegasus and Dirge Of Cerebus. They are both good games that I wanted for a while and couldnt be arsed to buy untill now :P
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World- I just recognized the title and picked it up. It definitely has the Final Fantasy vibe.

I just thought you should know that that's the sequel to the Gamecube (and PS2?) Tales of Symphonia, so you may want to play that one first. Just in case you didn't already know.