What game did you buy last?

Just a reminder to put more effort into your posts. One or two lines is too short. If you are having trouble thinking of what to write just describe you initial impressions of the game, and what you like/dislike about it so far. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Believe it or not, the last game I actually bought was BlazBlue
I got the game just when I heard that it was made by the creators of Guilty Gear, I knew that if they made it then it just HAD to be good and true, it was and is still amazing and oddly enough: addicting. xD
One thing that's a little odd about it is the few selection of character but oh well, its still the first game and I think there's more to come. =)

I CAN'T wait. ♥
  • Tales of Vesperia
  • Tales of Symphonia
  • Final Fantasy: Dissidia
Purchased both Tales of games off of eBay, which are taking their sweet time getting here. I've been anticipating Tales of Vesperia since news of it's release, as I am a huge fan of the Tales of series.

I can just only hope it's replay value is as good as the other games' replay value, but regardless, I think I will find it to be a good play.

I purchased Tales of Symphonia simply because it's my favorite game, I lent my old copy out to a friend that split ties and never got it back. That, and who can resist teh Zelos? Zelos is epic :monster:

I had actually only gotten dissidia because it came with a Limited Addition PSP Bundle pack, it does not seem so bad. It's a lot better than I thought it would be, but is not without it's expected flaws.

Was really enjoying it until I was put up against a computer opponent in a pretty one sided battle. It's all fun and games until you're spamming HP attacks for half an hour and all you see is LOL DODGE LOL BLOCK LOL INSTANT COUNTER LOL BREAK LOL 5K BRAVE LOL 1SHOT.
Well, the last game I bought was WET for the PS3. Purchased it at the nearest Gamestop. I saw trailers of the game on Youtube, and it looked pretty cool, so I decided to try it out. It cost me a lot, so I'm hoping it was worth it. I'm only around the beginning, so I don't know what to think of the game overall yet. Still, so far so good, I guess.
My last game was Mirrors Edge,I didn't really want anything new that had come out but I did run out of things to play.
Its all in all a decent game, Could have been a bit longer..but I cant complain for £7.99!
Last games I remember buying:
Xenosaga: Episode 1 (I think, I got ripped off majorly by buying this for $40)
Final Fantasy VIII (deffective copy that kept crashing, then returned)
Command and Conquer 3: Deluxe Edition
Final Fantasy VIII (working copy, so far...)
Wild ARMS 5 for PS2. Love it love it, love it! One of my favourite games ever. The characters aren't great but the music and battle system are the greatest I've heard and seen in some time. Not to mention the length. It seems like it's going to be a game, that, with my schedule, will keep my happy for some time.
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i finally got the money to buy the us snes version of FF VI i have had the famicon release for a few years and the ps release but no i have the original and its awesome :).

Other things i just bought was final fantasy DIssidia and the spirits within on VHS:)
The last I bought was around 2 years ago, FF1&2: Dawn of Souls.

Been awhile since I bought a game. ;-;
Magna Carta 2

I got really tired of waiting on Vesperia to arrive, it's been 2 fucking business weeks... Needed something to tide me over, seems like a pretty solid play so far; I'm liking it quite a bit.

I may even put off starting up Vesperia until I finish it.
Hm, the latest game I would have bought have got to be....

Dragoneer's Aria.

I admit, the name and the cover art looked freaking cool. The cover art was freaking impressive, just like the character design, I suppose- to me at least. It was also just as impressive as it's pathetic storyline.

Oh yes. Don't mistake me here. I don't think the character design was anything impressive. The main character's a guy, but he has long, braided hair, and fooled me numerous times into thinking that he's a she. The other characters are fine, but they all seem to resemble each other, however slight- another minus factor.

Music wise. It's nightmarish. Maybe I paid little attention, but it seems to me the music is extremely repetitive. At one point, you'll probably have heard the same music over and over. Was there even a boss battle music at all? I'd probably not be able to tell. It doesn't have the impact that most other RPGs I played so far had. Which, to me, classifies as a failure.

Story line wise. It's EXTREMELY predictable. You definitely know what will happen next- otherwise, I'm just too perceptive. When I was playing through, I was predicting what will happen next, and roughly guessing what the characters will say later. I almost never got it wrong. During the half way mark in the game, I already knew who would be the final boss even though it wasn't even stated at all- the hints were too glaring.

Worse, the story line is UBER SHORT. If you dedicate a good 2-3 hours of hard-core, dedicated playing, it's possible to complete it. I'm not that dedicated though, but completed it in 3 days.

There is very little place to explore as well, and most of the people in the cities repeat the exact same things over and over. Even as some world-changing events happen, they won't change their words to comment on the recent change, and still talk about things that, in game time, happened some time ago.

The shop is probably the most normal thing. It just gets more items as you progress.. Which is normal.

Weapon changing is... Below average. It's just a change in weapon color when you get a new weapon.... Armor.. Forget it. The character never changes his/her clothes.

The battle system is, average. With some practice at the game's defense system, you could be a target that'll virtually never die. The game's defense system works this way.

In order to defend yourself, you choose that option, and sacrifice one turn to do so. So, when the enemy strikes you, instead of getting reduced damage like most other games, you're thrown into a roulette like game. There is a few bright areas, and an arrow that spins around. You are to select all the bright areas so that the defense is successfully pulled off. Fail, and you take full damage. It is only if you pick a few, but didn't complete all, that you take reduced damage.

So, imagine yourself to be exceptionally good at this. Go play against the final boss at low level. Pray hard he doesn't attack your undefended character and focus only on the defended ones, and you'll actually win. WTF.

... All in all, the game sucked. I regretted purchasing the game.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, got it from GAME for £39 or something like that, I was going to wait until Christmas and get it then but Uncharted 2 was just one of those titles you had to have, especially given how good Uncharted was. Some guy working there tried to sell me the guide at the counter and when I said no thanks he was like, the game is reaaaally hard, and I bet you get stuck at some point, but I was still liek, no thanks. :ffs:
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I actually found a copy of good ol' Resident Evil 2 today and bought it right away. I remember playing it before, but it's been so damn long, and I was too scared to finish it back then. Horror has never been my favorite genre, but I don't mind anymore.

RE2 is pretty good, but the game itself is horribly short. The only way you can play longer is to try out the different Leon/Claire scenarios, each with a different way of approaching the story. As for the voice acting.....pretty bad, but I wasn't paying too much attention to it. I've heard worse anyway. Still, I'm lovin' this game, but I'll probably be switching between RE2 and WET a lot ('cause I was too lazy to finish it).
I havent bought a videogame in ages. The last overall game I bought? A sex game. It's called strip poker :P! anyways enough with the kidding. The last game I bought was Valkyrie Profile for the ds. It's actually a fun tactical game. If your into that kinda thing (using ur brain and all). Its really fun and playing as the bad guy gives you an even better experience, especially when you have the choice of sacrificing your own allies and the multiple endings, and the after game that you play after you have unlocked all 3 endings. The game has alot to offer!
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Last 2 were Magna Carta 2 and Borderlands. I love them both. The 360 is getting some great games coming its way and working as a xmas temp in a computer game shop with discount is always fun :D
The lastest game i have brought is BlazBlue for the PS3 (which i still yet to receive :(). I got the import beacuse i heard it such a good game plus i like guilty gear. Mainly for the import is the fact i don't want to wait till next year for it to be released in the UK and with the PS3 being region free "it is all good" as they say.
I grabbed my copy of Dragon Origins yesturday and I love it so much. I need to get Ghostbusters and James Pattersons Ladies Detective game when I next get paid.
Trauma Center: Under The Knife 2 for Nintendo DS. I REALLY like it. I had played the Wii version of the first one, and Chris used his employee discount at Gamestop to get my the second one for a lot cheaper... and I have to say that the controls are much better on the DS version. There are a few operations that are annoying as HELL... but other than that its got a good story, and its definitely fun for like a pick-up and play game.
Today i got myself
Final Fantasy II - PSP
Great game, love the remake, was missing it in my FF collection
Super Mario All-Stars - Super Mario World (SNES)
5 Super Mario games on one cartdrige, cant go wrong whit that