What game did you buy last?

The last game I got was Persona 3: FES. I've always wanted it since I'm always hearing good things about it, but I still haven't found the time to sit down and play it. To be honest, I was a bit indecisive when I was getting it, because Persona 4 was sitting right beside it. XD I ended up getting 3 though, thanks to the added content it had.
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I just dropped 100.00 today (er, I suppose yesterday is more accurate) on Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2. I really had no plan to buy them yet, but when my internship was canceled today, my general fear of the game no longer being available at the game stand at the flea market where I ultimately got them from got a hold of me. Luckily they still had some copies, so all was well.

I'm just gonna be broke for the next little while, but meh :monster:
I went out yesterday and came back with Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X, Ive only had a quick play of it but its pretty cool so far.
For £7.99 i cant really complain can i?
Star Ocean: The Last Hope

brought WET back and changed it out for The Resistance album and a multi-console coaxial cable and Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories.

Didn't really enjoy WET as much as I thought I would, but hey I was thinkin that Hot Bitches + Guns + Besthada couldn't be too bad. Unfortunately i was wrong :wacky:

Star Ocean: The Last Hope was okay. The ONLY complaints I have are about how gay targeting is, the presence of more than one weaboo loli that has a gay VA / is incredibly stupid AND has a bad VA, and how mother effing long all the god damn boss fights are once you get it down.

Seriously, I got really fucking tired of BLOODSTORM REVOLUTION'ing the final fucking boss to death for a fucking god damn half frickin hour. <_<

I was also somewhat irritated by the AI but not so much since I actually felt arsed in some situations to do a computer's job better than a monkey with a rash all over it's ass could do no prob.

Likewise, I have very few complaints about RE: CoM. It's pretty much how I expected it to be, but the way how the L1 button makes the cards run through the opposite way that I want them to really pisses me off. D:
Bioshock for the PS3 I want to be ready when Bioshock 2 comes out next year.

[Please could you mention why you bought a specific game in future posts such as what attracted you to it etc. Thank you ^^]
I finally got a working copy of Tales of Vesperia. :yay: I haven't had a lot of time to play so I'm not that far yet. I'm liking it so far though. Yuri is already a huge improvement over Luke from TotA.

I also bought Bioshock a few weeks back. Again, I haven't had much time to play it but I love the eerie atmosphere. It's creepy yet fascinating.

I bought Left 4 Dead yesterday since one of my friends and I have been trying to find an coop game to play on Live. I watched the opening video and it looks awesome. We're going to start playing tonight. :monster:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
God of War Collection (GOW1 and GOW2 remakes for the PS3)

Call of Duty:MW2 is a no brainer really, based on all the reviews and such like I've heard about it and the amount it sold it's obviously one of those must have titles, especially if it's anywhere near as good as CoD:MW.

God of War Collection. I think it's being released in America this week, I'm getting it imported anyway and should be shipped on November 18th. They were supposed to be two of the best games for the PS2 and I want myself geared up for GOW3 as well, so since 1 and 2 have been remade for the PS3 I thought hell, why not?

Sad side is I don't see any game bought until Xmas now :(
I didnt get COD, waiting till crimbo. But I got James Patterson's Womens Murder Club. Its based on his great series of the same name and I love it so far. I love mystery games and if theres a murder in there aswell, bonus! Its fun and its for the DS.
Hm its been awhile since i got this game but it was Modern Warfare:2 for ps3.This game rocks maybe the best thing ever.I doubt that a pre order counts so ill just stick to the original.
I bought Divinity II: Ego Draconis yesterday...I was probably the only person that did, with all the hype over Assassin's Creed II, which also came out yesterday...
Last bought Legend of Zelda Wind Waker for the Gamecube. I played it years!! Ago!! and i just wanted to play it again. Im going back and forth between Tales and this game. I really like the graphics in windwaker very polished and pleasing to look at. Traveling from island to island can get dull and annoying after awhile but it shows you just how massive the game is. I just speeding through the game atm, idk bout side quests right now. I just want to get the main plot in and be done with it. Trying to finish all my uncompleted games before I buy my 360 next week.
Guitar Hero 5 and Assassins Creed 2

Guitar Hero 5 is pretty cool. Being able to make your own characters is pretty epic, and despite the fact that no one will see most of the shit you put on your character, it's a lot of fun to play with it all.

Also, Plug in Baby, Lithium, Smells Like Teen Spirit, Kurt Cobain, and Matt Bellamy ftw.

I also really liked Assassin's Creed 2 a lot. It felt like a huge improvement over the last game, which I completed after beating AC2. All I could ask while I played the entire game was if it was really supposed to be a sequel or even from the same game series as Assassin's Creed :wacky:

All in all, they were two pretty nice purchases. I seem to be enjoying guitar hero a lot more than I used to now that Hard Level difficulty has become a nice warm-up tool for actual guitar, getting my lazy fingers some exercise.
Assassins Creed 2 - Amazing game thus far, a little more intriguing plot than the first that's for sure. It already has me hooked with Ezio as the main character (while inside the Animus). Today I'll be logging a good 6 hours into the game.

I might even feel up for a review if it turns out to be a ground breaking story.
I recently bought Persona 3 Fes. The game was calling out to me with the Atlus logo on it :3. The game is awesome so far and I really like the going to school, making friends theme it has.
Batman Arkham Asylum. Because it's Batman, and it's awesome.

I've already beaten the game twice, once on normal and once on hard. I am planning to have a third playthrough on easy because I want to beat the living hell out of everyone.
Pre-ordered Bayonetta and Darksiders, I can't wait, they look really slick and polished. I particularly will find Darksiders very fun as I can relate it to Warcraft games, which I love playing. Plus the whole aspect is something that I have been waiting for ages, and I like that not all the horsemen or all the important characters of apocalyptic events are used in the game, which if they decide to use in the sequels (they were planning to turn it into a franchise), then I'll be easily bought into buying them too. It's quite underrated though, so I hope they muster up some advertising stuff during Christmas time, since it's only coming out in early January.

As for Bayonetta, that will most likely be the first on my game list to play when considering it releases on the same day as Darksiders (in Europe at least), I mean the tall huge witch and yet again another fantasy theme going on (I love Angels) has won me over, not to mention it's very unique which makes it a plus point for me

Q1 2010 is quite packed though, so my wallet my suffer. :(
Finally got Left 4 Dead for my 360 :D It was for the free XBox GOLD weekend and Im loving it :D Its a very addictive game. So Im getting the second one for crimbo.
Last game i bought was Uncharted 2, i'm waiting for Bayonetta and Final Fantasy 13 to come around. I plan on getting Tekken 6 and a few others once i have enough for them.
The last game i bought was MW2 on steam the story is very good and the multiplayer is a-m-a-zing!! just can't get enough of it. 9.5/10 (story needs to be longer)

I have pre-ordered 4 games so far Final fantasy XIII, Yakuza 3, Beyonetta and God Of War 3 (donation for these games are welcome:)) lets say March im going to be broke :( but i can't wait
Cross Edge for the Playstation 3

Very good game despite what the reviews said. It sucessfully incorporates themes from the games that it borrows characters from and it also incorporates new gameplay elements that differ from those titles.