What game did you buy last?

Last game I bought was just yesterday. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor for the DS

I barely started it, but it seems kewl. It reminds me of The World Ends With You if only for the setting *shrugs*

I love the SMT: DS series. <3 I love all SMT games actually.

Last game I bought was BlazBlue for PS2. I'm already in love with it the characters are awesome and the graphics are top notch. I love the skill set for this game to. Overall a great game. A step up from the Guilty Gear series imo.
Persona 4.

Despite the long long long long looooong introduction, it's shaping up pretty nicely. I like the characters, and the plot seems good, and although I prefer the Dark Hour concept in Persona 3, as opposed to the "TV world" thing in P4, the battle system is much better. I love being able to control all 4 characters =D
i bought chronicles of riddick:assault on dark athena,the game is hard,but the online is good,and you get two games on 1 disc,so its a good buy for people who like fps games
Guitar Hero: Greatest hits.

Some good remakes but ALOT of very crap remakes vocal and instrumental wise. Bark at the moon is my fav <3
Persona 4.

Despite the long long long long looooong introduction, it's shaping up pretty nicely. I like the characters, and the plot seems good, and although I prefer the Dark Hour concept in Persona 3, as opposed to the "TV world" thing in P4, the battle system is much better. I love being able to control all 4 characters =D

Excellent choice.

I dunno. I played Persona 4 before playing Persona 3. The story in 4 is actually amazing in my opinion. It's so dark, and you get to really get a feel for all of the characters.

I liked the fact that all of the recruitable characters have their own Social Links and developments (as opposed to just the girls in P3). I'm still at very early stages in P3 but P4 had me HOOKED.

You get a real feel and you begin to care for the characters. It's one of my most favourite games
The last game I bought was Marvel Vs Capcom 2 on arcade for Xbox 360. Its a pretty good buy tbh. It comes with everything unlocked unlike the ps2 version. 56 character roster is pretty awesome but some characters only have like 5 0r 7 moves. I like the capcom side better though.

It's not bad, I'm sure I would have enjoyed it more if I bought it before I bought Guitar Hero: World Tour. To be honest the whole rhythm genre is getting old for me. Guitar Hero II was phenomenal, but I have yet to find a rhythm game which tops it...and Rockband is no exception. But on the plus side it has a pretty solid soundtrack with songs that are actually fun to play, from this game alone, I'd rate the Rockband series higher than the (new) Guitar Hero series.
Hmmm I bought myself a Wii recently and that came with some games so I guess that would count.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Death Jr.

Was abit of a random buy, I was in my local game and they had sold out of Tomb Raider Anniversary for the 360 and PS2 so I decided to buy myself a Wii since they had it instock for that.
Star Ocean cutscenes usually are...

Slight update for me, though =] I bought the new Red Faction the other day, I absolutely loved the first one, so it was a must have for me. I hated the demo, but I bought it anyways because it was either that, or some other Dark Kingdoms looking game...I can't remember it's name. :gonk:

I gotta say though, that the demo fooled me, and the game is VERY good. I absolutely love it. If you like a game like the original Mercenaries, then this is a game for you, however, if you're a casual gamer, head for easy, because you WILL die rather frequently. The destruction gets kind of repetitive at times, but if you mix your equipment up that shouldn't be an issue. =]
I've been on an Atlus roll lately and since it was recently my b-day, I thought I could spoil myself and splurge a bit on gaming:

Since SMT: Devil Survivor, I've bought Trauma Center: Under the Knife and Under the Knife 2. As well, I managed to find SMT: Nocturne. I really hope it delivers; I sort of bought it on the say so of fan remarks online. If nothing else, Dante's in it :awesome:

Oh yeah, I also got Okami at long last :3
I've been on an Atlus roll lately and since it was recently my b-day, I thought I could spoil myself and splurge a bit on gaming:

Since SMT: Devil Survivor, I've bought Trauma Center: Under the Knife and Under the Knife 2. As well, I managed to find SMT: Nocturne. I really hope it delivers; I sort of bought it on the say so of fan remarks online. If nothing else, Dante's in it :awesome:

Oh yeah, I also got Okami at long last :3
IMO, Nocturne is hands-down the best RPG of the PS2. It's a turn-based JRPG that also has much of the 'freedom of choice' gameplay of Western RPGs. It can get pretty hard, though. So, if you don't like a challenge or too much freedom, you can get pretty frazzled.

But obviously, the game holds up very well in most gamer's eyes, or it wouldn't be such a pricey collector's item. I happened upon my copy a few years back at a big beach town, under a hypothesis that people would care more about the beach while there rather than games; a hypothesis that fortunately proved correct with me having just enough coin to buy it. It came with the soundtrack, too. :P
Last game I bought was a second copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee. I couldn't find my first copy. :ness:

If you count the last game I purchased that I didn't actually have before, it was Devil May Cry 1-3. My friend urged me to try it out, but after having played God of War 1 and 2, I was so like "Meh." It seemed overdone, really. I don't like games with infinite ammo by default. It's just weird to me, except Megaman. Of course he needs infinite ammo. He's the friggin' man.
The last game I bought was Devil Survivor from the Shin Megami Tensei series. I don't know why, but I just somehow end up gravitating towards the SMT games......I'm hooked, really. Anyway, I found Devil Survivor to be pretty challenging. 'Course, the SMT series is never actually easy, so the challenge was expected. And since it has multiple endings, I guess I'll be going back to it again at some point to try and get all endings.
Last Remnant
Fable 2
Lost Odyssey
Star Ocean: The Last Hope

The latter two I only just ordered haven't arrived yet but I need to expand my brother's 360 games collection with RPGs >_> Fable II's a brilliant game though I thought the boss battle was awful,
it wasn't even a battle, you walked up to him and sapped the Will/Skill/Strength out of him with a musical box then shot him, all of this he lets you do without attacking back

The Last Remnant is a brilliant yet technically flawed game (only graphics wise) though I still highly recommened people get it!
I finally got around to getting a 360. :awesome:

I bought Lost Odyssey and Assassin's Creed. I haven't played AC yet but I'm really enjoying Lost Odyssey. I loved the opening. War scenes with large war machines are awesome. Plus the music is great.
The last game I bought was a J-horror game called Fatal Frame. I'm not much of a horror fanatic,but Fatal Frame is pretty awesome. I nearly bought the entire series. I'm pretty addicted.XD
Lost Odyssey and Star Ocean 4.

I really like Lost Odyssey so far, it feels like it's going to have a really good storyline to it, the battle system and voice acting seem solid so far as long as the main character actually says more then I'm fine >_>

I can't really say much about Star Ocean 4 since I've just finished the battle tutorial, which took a bit of getting used to, graphics are very good apart from that sometimes they seem a bit emotionless like the voice acting. Other than that, it's another game that seems solid :)
Wanted to see if Soul Calibur IV was any good, so I bought it. The graphics are awesome and the voice acting is pretty decent, but.......I don't know, the story mode this time is so damn short compared to Soul Calibur III, and the endings for each character don't seem very well done. I did like how they inlcuded Darth Vader in this one, though. And the character creation mode gives you more options. Still, Soul Calibur IV is a little boring compared to the other games in the series.
Well the last 2 games I bought were Blazblue Calamity Trigger and Kof XII. Blazblue is a beautiful game(very good storyline for a fighter) the graphics are awesome. I love the art. As for KOF XII. I like this one too. Its a nice addition to the kof series although it has not concluded the story. Its just a kof thats for fun and all.