What game did you buy last?

I just bought Cross Edge for my PS3. So far it is okay. I am stuck at the moment though. So it's collecting dust. haha.
The last game i bought was ff9 because i heard it was a pretty good game so i had to find out for myself. Im at disc 3 and so far its awesome!
Last game I got was Pokémon Platinum, on April 12th (yeah, Easter. XD). Technically, I didn't buy it, but got it as a gift rather, and I've been enjoying it very much, two new pieces of music in it is that Looker (code name) character's theme, and Cyrus's battle theme. :)

Oh yeah, and that Giratina Battle Theme is really cool too, just a really well made game, can't wait to get my hands on Pokémon Soul Silver Version next year now. :D
Tell everyone what game you bought lately and why.

I bought Xenosaga Episode 2. I bought this game because I really enjoyed playing Xenogears when I imported it years ago. I was quite surprized to see it here as I read a lot of reports saying like Xenogears and Xenosaga Episode 1, it wasn't going to get a UK release. I had a look at the back and though 'this looks brilliant' so I decided to buy it.

The game came with 3 CDs, 2 of which are the game disks and one basically is showing you the events that happened in Xenosaga Episode 1 as that game was not released here.

The graphic's look brilliant and I'm looking forward to playing on this game as it's story seems to be quite good aswell.

I haven't started playing it yet as I want to finish Shadow Hearts Covenant as I want to see what ending I will get. i don't have that much left to do on Shadow Hearts Covenant so I will hopefully be playing Xenosaga Episode 2 soon.

:holyshit: :) I just got Xenogears again. I bought it back in 98 I think for my birthday. I then moved out into a party house lol. got up to the fight w/ Deus, then my 1st disc got scratched to hell. so I could only play through the game ONCE. I put a request in for a local game shop to buy Xenogears for me if it ever came online (over 3 years ago now haha) so I just decided I had to get the ISO and an emu.

Anyways, back on track. Last game I bought was Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix for my 360 (anyone wants a match hit me up of the same user name as here)
Finally picked up Kingdom Hearts II after like 3 years of procrastinating, but I don't think I'll start it until I finish Re: Chain of Memories. Can't wait though. I've heard good things.

Also, I didn't actually buy it, but I won a code for the Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta earlier today. I'm going to give that a shot as soon as it finishes downloading.
I bought Fallout 3 for PS3 because I heard it was awesome.
And it was. Just waiting for the DLC to come to PS3 now.
Just a reminder tha short one or two line posts are not acceptable. Explain if you like the game and if so why/why not. Thank you.
I just recently bought Fable II. It's not as good as I expected it, and I haven't actually got very far, because I've been playing other games. Plus, I lent it out to my friend, who wants to try it out. But, when I get it back I think I'll try to play it.
I bought Fallout 3 around a week ago. I was definitely addicted to it pretty easily, needless to say. The main storyline was a tad short, but all of the side stuff you can do definitely makes up for it, and then some.
Resident Evil 5.
I like the fact that you can just pick it up and play, compared to games like CoD4, if you haven't played for awhile the you're terrible.
Also I like killing the black zombies, the white supremacist in me loves that:elmo:
Got the Sims 3 yesterday, not had a new game in aaaaaaages, I was well overdue, I don't liek playing games on my pc though, so I'l see how long it keeps me entertained
Blazblue Calamity Trigger Limited Edition Xbox360
Super Paper Mario for the Wii. It probably wasn't worth the fifty dollars I payed for it, but it's simple fun.
I believe it was Final Fantasy II, for the PSP. I'm not so sure though... it could possibly be Mario Galaxy, who knows really. Either way they're both great games and I'd recommend them to anyone looking for a time-killer.
Bought Soul Calibur IV a few months ago. I am still waiting for White Knight Chronicles and Tekken 6... :angry: and there weren't any other RPG games which interested me lately, so I didn't buy anything new.

As for why I bought SCIV. Basically because it is supposed to be a great fighting game (a weapon-based for a change) and I usually buy either RPG or Fighting games. Oh... and because it got hot girls... (I think that was the superior reason though :giggle:)

I enjoyed the game and don't reget buying it. And I am sure I'll buy SCV as well if it'll be created (which I hope).
iv just bought star wars the force unleased for ps3 and i think its relli good, it goes off in another direction to the acuall film, and the game plan in intense, relli easy to understand controls, and the graphics are quite good, not the best but have good graphics, ingame play, the movies in the game are brillient, it is like advent children with the graphics with the faces