What game did you buy last?

I just recently bought Star Ocean: Second Evolution, its a remake for one of my favourite games of all time. and they did it well (except the american voice actor doesn't have a manly voice like he does in the original...)
oh well its FRIGGIN AMAZING!!!!!!
Just bought Final Fantasy Origins for PSX. Found a new copy at an old store for 10$. It was too irresistible to pass on, so I bought it, because I've never actually played the original FFs.
I just bought Xenosaga: Episode I and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. I loved Xenogears but never got around to playing the Xenosaga games and this one was only $6. So I thought I'd give it a shot. I bought Castlevania because I <3 Castlevania games and this one looked and sounded promising. Now I can't wait until I have time to play them both.
I haven't bought a game in like forever! But I think the last game I've bought is Final Fantasy XII, and I haven't even started on it yet. :/
Valkyria Chronicles - well im really into tactical games and this one looked promising i just got lazy after afew days or maybe i just got addicted to COD4 online
Musashi: Samurai Legend.

Was cheap, didn't expect much of it. Better than I expected, but even still... It's pretty poor, but good for the money I guess.
Last game I bought was Cross Edge for my PS3. It seemed like it was a good game. It was made by the same people who did Mana Khema: Alchemits of Al-Revis.

So, I thought why not give it a shot? It's a pretty good game so far. I am a little bit more than half into it.
The last game I bought (via steam) was Empire: Total War. It's fun, but it gets king of repetitive after a while. The battles are immense, but I'm still playing on easy, leading me to fear for a higher difficult.
It was FFVI for the PSX, actually. I bought it on its original release date (2002, maybe?) and lent it to a friend years ago, which I never got back.

So, about 3 weeks ago, I picked it up again on eBay. I am playing through it now actually, I've played the first 2 hours or so of the World of Ruin.
Havent bought a game in awhile...ermm guitar hero worl d tour i think. I tend to download alot of pc games, so the last game i downloaded was half life 2 just because i havent played it in awhile.
I bought the new Prince of Persia on the PS3 but it's stinks! I lost 80$ on that game and I didn't even finished it!
Mod Edit: Can you please put more effort into your posts please. Thanks =]
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The last game I bought as in brought home? I think that would be Prototype =/ I THINK. If bought as in paid for (I reserve things) then I have three things waiting on me <.> Fallout 3 GOTY, Demon's Blood, and Batman Arkham Asylum (Idc if the spelling is off with that :)) I listed all three cause I reserved them all at the same time... =X So...yeah.
Last game I bought was just yesterday. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor for the DS

I barely started it, but it seems kewl. It reminds me of The World Ends With You if only for the setting *shrugs*
Fallout 3 Operation: Anchorage/The Pitt
Boxed Expansion for Xbox 360, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for Xbox 360, and Etrian Odyssey II for Nintendo DS.
Fallout 3 Operation: Anchorage/The Pitt
Boxed Expansion for Xbox 360, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance for Xbox 360, and Etrian Odyssey II for Nintendo DS.

Are the Fallout expansions good? <.> I have a ps3, so I have to wait untill the GOTY edition to try them, but I just want someones opinion on it o.o
Are the Fallout expansions good? <.> I have a ps3, so I have to wait untill the GOTY edition to try them, but I just want someones opinion on it o.o
Operation: Anchorage is short as hell. I think it took me about 2-4 hours to beat. But the new weapons are a great payoff, as you can use them for the rest of the game and they use common ammo. My favorite is the Gauss Rifle. The Pitt is great. It's very linear, but I guess the replay value comes in if you play two characters of differing morality. The Pitt was pretty long in comparison, took me about 10 hours my first play, but a lot of it could have been some confusion as to direction for a quest or two.

Seriously, the Pitt is great. It plays alot on the 'shades-of-grey' morality system that makes the Fallout Series so great. My point is, the expansions are rather short, but you can do a lot worse than buying them 20$ American was a steal for this boxed expansion set, I feel. And I'm looking forward to the 360 release of the Broken Steel/Point Lookout expansion next month, especially considering that Broken Steel allows a higher level cap and the ability to continue playing beyond the ending, as well as the inclusion of more quests and content in both Broken Steel and Point Lookout.

I buy the boxed sets because I personally never trust online purchases and I like having tactile proof that I own the stuff. xD
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The last game I brought was Eternal Sonata for the PS3. I got it with my birthday money. ^^

I am actually happy having a good RPG on my PS3 as most of what I have are all shooters or action games. Plus the artwork and music in this game is really awesome.