What game did you buy last?

I bought a brand new copy of Final Fantasy IX off of Ebay.

I still have to wait for it to be sent up from South Australia before I get to play it though. However, I not long ago bought FFVII and Crisis Core... so I really should play those two first. >_<

Time is hard to come by these days though. =/
I brought 4 all at once D=

Final Fantasy (The first one) on PSP

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on PSP

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth on PSP

and Dynasty Warriors on PSP

<_< Gone PSP game crazy. >.>

I will get round to writing reviews on them when I've completed them. :wacky:
my last game would be devil may cry 4... love it. currently playing tactics advance...(for the 3rd time)
PS2 Games
Warriors Orochi 2 on PS2
Tekken Tag
Bloody Roar 4
Digital Devil Saga 2

PSP games (Didn't buy >.>)
Warriors Orochi on PSP
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Tales of the World
last game i brought has been a long while ago, probably over a year ago. if i remember correctly, the last game i brought is valkyrie: silmeria for the ps2. i still haven't actually beat the game yet though.
Star Trek: Legacy for the Xbox 360. My girlfriend's a huge Star Trek fan, so I figured that even though the game got pretty lacklustre reviews, there'd still be something in it for her. Turns out it's so bad that not even a hardcore Trekkie likes it...
I just bought Lost Odyssey yesterday since a lot of people keep telling me how great of a game it is. Curiosity finally got the best of me, even though I did avoid that game for awhile because of the characters, especially Kaim. Not a fan of his outfit in the game at all, but I figured if I can get past that, I might learn to like it.

And...so far so good actually. I've viewed 4 dreams of his so far and it really is kinda sad and does stir some emotion. I can't wait to get further into the storyline.
Last game(s) I bought were Warriors Orochi, King of Fighters 11 and Valkyrie Profile Lenneth.

Warriors Orochi, Andrew was talking about quite a bit and when I saw it I thought i'd give it a shot, see if I liked it. And I must say, while being really fun and having plenty to do... THERE'S SO FEW LEVELS D: not to mention the enemies are a pack of guard whores -__- the multiplayer does do it justice and I love what they did with versus mode :)

King of Fighters 11, for anyone who loves Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat etc I reccomend you buy this, it's fast paced, fun, quite hard at times and puts you into team fights all the time so it can be table-turning if you have a poor combination of fighters.

Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, I am ADDICTED to this game right now. It is seriously good fun, with numerous endings, loads of characters, a time limit to really put the heat on and a load of storyline if you play it right. When I pick it up I just can't stop playing sometimes :gasp:
well last game i bought might of actually been mirrors edge well i looked at the box for it and it said it was just like free running and i love free running/parkour so i thought i would get and tht was at christmas with my spare money from relatives
The last 2 were 'Secret Files: Tunguska' for the DS. I had it before, but got rid cause I found it difficult. But I ant to complete it lol!!

And also Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad for the 360. Havent had a chance to play it yet. Been waiting for awhile for it to come down in price.
Killzone 2, it was only £22 in Granger Games down town so it was definitely worth the buy in my opinions, especially after the high ratings it got :) Plus, I don't think I'll see it that cheap in the shops ever again, or until the prices start going down in general. I might have found it cheaper on Ebay but time you've paid the PnP it'd have come up to £22 at least anyway >.> So yeah, awesome game is awesome. :awesome:
MGS4 & Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

I've only played about two hours of each so far, I'm a little bit 'meh'ish about MGS4 so far, being stealth is a lot less fun than just shooting everyone. That being said, it's more exciting than you'd expect.

I'm liking uncharted a lot, it's like tomb raider, only more believable and a lot better. The only thing I dislike is the aiming for weapons which feels quite heavy in comparison to other games, but that's not a big problem at all. So far I've really liked every other part of the game.
Mine was Street Fighter 4 on xbox 360, 3 weeks later the RED RING OF DEATH again thats the 4 time lol i need 2 save again and buy a new 360, i'm in on 6th xbox 360 lol, damn things are useless lol
Sacred 2

Excellent game for 4 people to play on their off times from other games. It is a free roaming rpg, that has quite a bit of quests to pick up along the way. Each player can pick either from Bronze, Silver or Gold to play on. The more players you have the better exp you get to be honest.

I can't fully explain this game without writing a game review, so I'll stop there.
Hmmm it was resident evil 5.

Brilliant game though sadly the horror aspect is gone. There wasnt one moment that made me jump throughout the whole playthrough. The combat is awesome though and combines with the fierce graphics and innotive gameplay, its still a must buy. Carries on the re timeline very well also, you learn alot about certain characters pasts and there are big revelations later in the game.

I bought three games for £15. Buy two and get a third one free :awesome:

I bought X Men Legends 2, since I loved the first game and Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and I let someone borrow my copy a few years ago, and I haven't seen them for at least a year >_>

I also bought Xenosaga 2! It's been in the shop for ages, and it's always been one where I've thought "Eh, I'll buy it later" so I finally bought that ^^

I got Tekken Tag Tournament for free! I have every other Tekken game, and our copy of Tag Tournament's been missing for at least 3 years, so, a replacement was needed.
I got The World Ends With You 6 months ago... >_>

i wasn't expecting the amazing battle system and graphics and the story was great too. only wished that i got a wii to play the next in the series, The World Begins With You, THEY ANNOUNCED A SEQUEL!!!
Singstar: Pop Edition (with Mics)
It was in HMV for £19.99 so I just though meh I'll but it, considering the mics along normally cost £35 plus £17.99 for the actual game so I saved a good £37 :awesome: it's got epic songs already on the disc but you can buy other ones for 99p per track if you don't like them and it has a good variety of tracks. It's more something I'll go on when my brother or sister come down to my dads or my girlfriend comes down. So we can have some friendly competition...plus it has trophies. :awesome:
I could have swore I posted here already.

I bought persona 4 there recently. I got it for 25 euros and it was a valuable purchase. It was great value for money and an enjoyable game.