What game did you buy last?

Prince of Persia
Far Cry 2
Fallout 3
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Call of Duty 5
Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge

Safe to say, I LOVE them all :D
Let's see...I got The Last Remnant and Tales of Vesperia for the Xbox 360 last month. Haven't played too much of The Last Remnant, but I'm loving Tales of Vesperia so far.

Yesterday I also bought Star Ocean: First Departure for the PSP and I played half-an-hour into it. So far so good but the voices kinda annoy me. I heard it's a very good game though so I'm very anxious to play more of it.
I've been hooked on Left 4 Dead. Honestly the game can be easy or hard - This includes on the easy difficulty depending on your team. You can have a sweet awesome team and kick ass in Advance or Expert difficulty but you can easily lose on the first campaign on easy if everyone doesn't stick together and do your own thing.

It feels great when you get a good team that gets each others backs, share med packs etc. It is satisfying.
I agree with you Kain, and Left 4 Dead is also the last game I bought. :) Working with a team is awesome, especially if it's with your close friends. It's not bad going against one another, either. I love being a hunter. <3

I had a choice of Prince of Persia, Dead Space and Left 4 Dead at the time I was shopping, and so I guess PP or DS will be the next thing I buy. My friend just let me borrow DMC4 and Gears of War, so I'll be playing those soon too.
I have just bought:
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Resident Evil 2
and Zelda the Wind Waker LTD edition with Ocarina Of Time included. :D
Also, I didn't buy the Zelda a frend gave it to me as a gift. :)
The game I just recently bought was dead space and let me tell you this game is freaky as fuck! I mean the sound design is so top notch its unbelieveable. If your looking for a space horror go buy this game right now you'll love it!
The last game that I bought was God of War 2. I absolutely love that game. If you haven't played the first one, it's ok because it doesn't really involve the first one that much.
Got GTAIV and Heavenly Sword awhile back.

I like GTAIV, totally diffrent then the other GTA's I've played so I hated it at first. But it grew on me.

As for Heavenly Sword, I've only play'd it a little so I haven't really got an opinion, it's okay so far I guess. :P
I've got Warriors Orochi 2 which seems a lot better than the previous one, it has good movies, and soundtracks, I also got Samurai Warriors 2: Empires, it was kinda weird at first and complicated but I'm getting used to it.
I just bought Resident Evil: Code Veronica today for a bargain at $13. But I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I'm planning to finish Zelda:Twilight Princess before I move onto Code Veronica. I want to finish all of the Resident Evil games before Resident Evil 5 comes out, so far I've finished RE 1,2 and 3.
I got my hands on Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Spirit Caller recently. And it's... a really terrible game, actually. This is just one of those ones that only a fan of the anime series or TCG would enjoy. Of course, I'm a huge YGO dork so that isn't a problem. I love it to death despite the fact that it sucks even more than Revenant Wings. XD
I last bought the game Little Big Planet and DC Comics vs. Mortal Kombat. Both are really good games, but i really quite like Little Big Planet. Theres something quite unique about it. I like how you can move his arms and control his head and torso. The worlds are cool, and you gotta love playing multiplayer and bugging your friends by grabbing them. DC Comics vs. Mortal Kombat was a good game too. The storyline was quite short but it was entertaining. Lots of characters from both series you could fight as and you gotta love the fatalities. All and all these were both good games to pick up.
The last one was Empire Earth II. Great game! Ahh, there's soooo many games I really want to *__*. But I don't have so much money to buy them all :<
Tom Clancy's HAWX. Fantastic game, so long as you're not looking for a realistic flight sim. It's more of an aerial action game. Planes can carry 100 missiles and stuff, so they weren't worrying about the realism factor too much. But the planes are beautiful (even though it's set in the near future and several of the planes have already been retired from military service) and it's a pretty funky game.
Tales of the World : Radiant mythology for PSP! Awesome game!! :P It is "must have" for every RPG fan that have PSP! xD
Guild Wars and the Factions add-on, seems pretty good so far. Just hit level 20 so my character is now maxed out in terms of base stats but it still seems like I've got along way to go to really power them up; not even tried tackling Factions yet.
Gamestop was having a 50% half off of new games so I bought Tomb Raider: Anniversary for the Xbox 360. A very decent price. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I was a big fan of Lara Croft back in the days. It's been many years since I last played a Tomb Raider game, so I'm quite excited to see the smooth-graphics finally.