What game did you buy last?

The last game I bought was Eternal Sonata for PS3. I had to go to a competition with my school band yesterday, so I didn't really have time to start on it until 12 and all I was able to do was watch the first few cutscenes and then save xD Today I should be able to get pretty far though.
Went a bit silly in GAME's pc section yesterday:
Unreal Tournament 3 - Special Edition
Diablo 2
Warcraft 3 + Expansion

Had to hold myself back from Morrowind ( Game Of The Year Edition ) and the Unreal anthology as well.
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I believe the last game I bought was....

Silent Hill Orgins.
I was kinda dissapointed in it, but at least it was fun. =D
Just bought Socom Confrontation yesterday haven't played it though I got it for the headset.lol[SIZE=-1][/SIZE]
Guitar Hero: World Tour, I traded six games to get an $80 discount off it, but it was well worth it. Very fun game, The only downside to it was having to lug around that massive box.
Not necessarily 'bought', but I got Fable 2 and Fallout 3 for Xbox 360 as birthday gifts. So far, they're both pretty good, but Fallout 3 is great enough to be my Game of the Year.
I kinda am still in the process of trading SMT3FES for .Hack GU vol 1+2
The last game I got was Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires. I really didn't buy this game, I got it as a early Thanksgiving gift which I am enjoying!
I just bought Final Fantasy VIII and IX off of ebay for a pretty low price. I would have gotten VII as well, but some of the prices people were asking for it were outrageous. I'm still hoping news of a remake will pop up in the next few years as well :P

I've had to borrow all three of these games from a friend whenever I wanted to play them, so I'm glad I'm finally getting my own copy of at least two of them.
The last game I bought was Gears Of War 2 because its freakin amazing and I loved Gears of war. Gears Of war 2 is a reccomendation to anyone because its just one of the best games ever. Well Gears 2 is 60 bucks and the limited edition is 70 bucks its kinda expensive.
The last game I bought was Pokemon Pearl. That was probably a few months ago and I don't really play it that much because my brother plays it now all the time. He once deleted my account on it and that made me mad. The game is good from what I saw though.
Dead Space: Turned out to be a really great horror survival game. Loved every second of it. The lighting and atmosphere was perfect. Beat it on hard the first time i played it. I did not regret buying it like i regret buying Fable 2.
Well, it turns out I got Final Fantasy VII afterall :monster:

It took me quite a while to find a copy on ebay that was reasonably priced, but I somehow managed to do it. It's not going to be shipped until Thursday so I won't actually get to play it until sometime next week. Final Fantasy VIII and IX arrived today though, so I should have plenty to do until then.
Last game i grabbed was Left For Dead. Its basicaly what everyone wanted a sweet zombie horde shooter.

And i got FFVII for $15 off ebay a few years ago. It was a good day
Prince of Persia: Limited Edition
Fallout 3
Call of Duty: World at War
Far Cry 2
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Mirror's Edge
Resistance 2

All for PS3 and all for Christmas. But I knew I was getting them since I was sat with my dad ordering them off the GAME/Play site. ;))
I just bought Resident Evil 3 today. I got the Gamecube port, which I plan on playing on my Wii. I haven't started it quite yet but I'll get round to it once I finish Resident Evil 1.