What ideas would you like to see in future FF games?

Captain Daz

Knight Of The Round
May 3, 2008
Here is a debate for the members of Final Fantasy Forums. The question I would like to post is:


Let's see what ideas you can come up with!:)
Well I have many ideas that I would like to share

1. A battle system that doesn't a time gauge. Basically attack whenever you wish to
2. A new selection of characters or maybe bringing some of the main characters from FF7 onwards into one game
3. A totally new set of weaponry like more types of guns, swords and advanced weaponry
4. Maybe add Geo-mod technology so you can destroy the environment
5. More mini games
6. A revolutionised new set of monsters instead of using the same ones every now and then

There is many other ideas i would share but I'm a bit too lazy to type it all up
2. A new selection of characters or maybe bringing some of the main characters from FF7 onwards into one game

... But then it wouldn't be a new FF game :\ It'd end up some half-assed rehash. I say leave the characters where they are and just make new characters.
1. Non-repetitive monsters like in FF10 and FF12
2. Bosses on which you have to use your brain to beat them
3. Give back flying around the world
4. More side-quests
5. More side-bosses
6. A bit of humor
Everything Danijel said, and...

More unique battle systems, while still keeping ideas from the old.
Difficulty settings. I'd love beating it on easy to hear the plot first, then having some fun on hard.
Better minigames.
A bigger world, with different cultures, and, well more realistic in the sense of going ons. Not every town being virtually the same. FF12 was a step in the right direction.
Not too medieval, not too futuristic.
More human enemies, slaying monsters is all good fun, but I want a few bosses with backstroy, not ZOMG TEH GARDIUN.
I'd actually like to see a reimplementation of the materia system seen in VII. I had the most fun with it. It was simple and got the job done in my opinion. The newer systems were either too complicated or just tedious to deal with. Not saying they should just stick that system into a new game or anything. Tweaks to it would be sweet but I'd like to see the bases around again because I think it has a lot more potential.

ATB shouldn't be used at all since taking turns hitting each other has become such a turn off for the next-gen. (I personally thought it allowed for more strategy to be implemented).

One thing I don't want to see is another political deal like in XII. I'm all for structure and hierarchy-type conflicts but that went over the top with it and I had real problems paying attention to it.

Better characters would be a plus too. I haven't felt attached to any of the characters for awhile. Last time was FFX, which I enjoyed but not to the extent of VII or VIII, but at least it has that going for it.
1. Changeable costumes. It's always nice to see a change of clothes without having to buy a cheat device.

2. Replay value that isn't shit. I was horribly displeased with Crisis Core's and FFX-2's replay value. Restarting the game with all your stats and other shit =/= replay value.

Crisis Core really irritated the fuck out of me with that shit. All it did was make the missions a hell of a lot harder and the story a teeny bit harder. For hard mode to even be a challenge story wise, you'd have to play the game on hard mode from the beginning ffs. Square really cocked it up.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
It'd be nice to utilize a more tactical approach to battles; maybe an improved Gambit system. Instead, they could put the Gambits on the spells, actions, etc. instead of giving LOADS of them to characters.

-Fira's Gambits-
Enemies weak to fire
Frozen allies

You would gain action gambits by assigning Ability Points, etc. It'd be much easier than panning through endless pages and assigning them to each character. You just need to assign the action to the character.

Also, I miss world maps.
When it comes to RPGs, I put more weight in a storyline, characters, and a decent plot before the gameplay.

I'm just thinking of this in my head, so it might not work out well if it's actually applied, but maybe for the storyline to be different in some way at the end depending on what you do during the game; so basically, alternate endings.

Whether it's different "pairings" where the hero has a special meaningful moment at the end with another character in the game, or even the events after the "final battle" changes things (hell, maybe even the hero dying to save the world or something), and etc...
The Gambit system is definitely something that shouldn't be repeated again. I hardly ever commanded my characters when their gambit systems were set up. It the battles a little boring: all I usually do is run circles around the monsters without giving any commands. The next thing you know... Bam! And the monster's gone.

I would like to play a game that is grasping and has a story that really shows what a fantasy is: something like VIII and X. I also want to roam around on the world map again.
I think it would be neat if a chocobo could be a regular character, maybe as permanent transportation/companionship or even a member of the party. lol. That would be interesting.

I'd also like some more humor, and more relationship dynamics...

I dunno what huge things i'd really like to see I haven't ever thought about this before.. Good thread!
More humour most defiantely, Iv only played a little of VI but some of the stupid dialouge is really making me laugh.

I'd quite like to fly around again because I miss it, altho....I think it would be too much of a step back....

I'd like some sidequests that are fun instead of infuriatingly hard :wacky:

Oh and more romance, because Im a sap like that. And maybe more tragic deaths :monster:
bleh, that's what I hope they avoid. I hate romance in my video games. That's where I go to be hardcore, not slap on my Matthew McConaughey face and eat caffeinated soap while I cry myself to sleep.

Yeah, I do that sometimes.
*this is a great thread that can be useful for everyone specially SQUARE ENIX,that way they can implement what the people want :)

*but in a sense it wouldnt be exciting cause we already know what were getting right! so i suggest letting the creators do their thing and surprise us :)

*but theres just one thing i would like to see in a final fantasy game...

*and thats to have a reverse adventure,why not have the enemy for characters and the heroes be the villains and let evil win for a change :D

*itd be a great idea i think :D :D
*and thats to have a reverse adventure,why not have the enemy for characters and the heroes be the villains and let evil win for a change :D

*itd be a great idea i think :D :D
Ah, a separate New Game mode where you play as the main antagonist...very, very interesting.:cool:

One of the Ideas that are on my mind is a kind of utility where you can synchronise inventories by importing and exporting various items and equipment between game saves of the same Final Fantasy installment.
One of the Ideas that are on my mind is a kind of utility where you can synchronise inventories by importing and exporting various items and equipment between game saves of the same Final Fantasy installment.

That would be a grand idea, I've always wished I could keep some of the items save me hunting them down again (especially with energy crystals on VIII) Sometimes I have too many and not enough :gasp: There should be like an online shop kinda thing where you can trade things with other people....somehow....

And I love the idea of having a mode where you can play as a villain, that would be great fun. I'd quite like to destroy the world or take over and kill everyone.... Id take reat delight in watching Vaan suffer a horrible death :neomon:
I would love it if SE would make Final Fantasy United or something. A game where all Final Fantasy characters would fight against evil. And when I mean all I mean ALL.
That's ALL I guess.
That would be a grand idea, I've always wished I could keep some of the items save me hunting them down again (especially with energy crystals on VIII) Sometimes I have too many and not enough :gasp: There should be like an online shop kinda thing where you can trade things with other people....somehow....

And I love the idea of having a mode where you can play as a villain, that would be great fun. I'd quite like to destroy the world or take over and kill everyone.... Id take reat delight in watching Vaan suffer a horrible death :neomon:

*interesting but then thered be the problem of hacking the item on your account :) you know there are a lot of jokers out there who are good at hacking and theyd get their hands on the account and scerw em up or use them for their benefit :)
1. Get rid of the gambit system
2. Bring back Blitzball (best mini-game) 3. Have armour that you can actually see on your character when you equip them.
4. More AMV sequences
5. The ability to make decisions that could alter the way the story ends.
6. Summons that you can control (only FFX had that ability)
7. Create another dominating character like Cloud or Squall.