What kind of a gamer are you?

PC and console, but moreso console. I don't have a lot on PC in comparison to what I have for my consoles, but both keep me relatively busy for long periods of time.
I've been a console player since I was 5 years old and I just need to have a controller in my hand to make gaming feel complete with me. My PC is mainly just for college, writing, Photoshop and internet use.
I pretty much only play console and hand held games. Just can't get into PC games for some reason D:
*Uses Jedi mind trick*
~Join me on the Horde side of the Cho'gall server of WoW~

lol... you'll all be PC gamers in no time! :P
dont like pc *mind tricks dont work on judge magisters :p
im more of a console gamer but i sure do play alot lol (3+hours on school day)
(6-7+ on non school day)
What kind of gamer am i? Easy, Obsesive! Seriosly though i'm a PC, console and portable gamer. Ha, i'm a portable gamer, i fit right in your pocket!
I have a good pc, a ps2, a wii, a psp, and a ds so I am pretty balanced across platforms. I would of added board games too if I could!
It used to be pc, console and handheld.
Although recently I've stopped playing pc and handheld, so I'm more of a console guy now. I play less than I used to though..
I'm a PC and console gamer. I have halo for my PC and I used to play WoW, but I can't afford it anymore. I've been playing the PC more than the console games lately because I always have my computer with me and I am barely home anymore.
Dang, I was the only one who voted just Portable Games. I would've said console and portable if there was an option like that because I don't like PC games.
I'm a console and portable gamer. The only reason that I don't play PC games is that my computer is kind of old and can't play that many...