What kind of a gamer are you?

Let's see....well PC gamer, console and portable gamer. Well currently on my computer I have Oblivion, Quake 4, and Neverwinter Nights 2. I just started playing Quake 4. I quit World of warcraft after the expansion. Also I have Dungeon Keeper 2 and Cave story if that counts.

As for console, I have my PS2 and Gamecube. I don't have a Wii yet since I got my new computer a month ago. Also it's tough finding a Wii where I live. They flying out of Target and Gamestop.

As for Portable, I have a DS. I just beat Tales of Phantasia and Phoenix Wright 2. So far the DS is my favorite portable system. Mmm...I love the DS. x_x
I'm a console gamer mostly. That's my main play. I sometimes do a PC game and then Board Games with the family of course. :p.
I don't really play PC games anymore... so it's console and portable games for me.
I indulge in console, (PS3, Wii, XBox 360) portable/handheld (PSP) and board games (Taboo, Monopoly, e.t.c.).

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe
I used to play games on my PC but since it died on me, I've gotten a mac and as not many games are available for it, I don't play many mac games (have LOADS of PC games still in the hopes I get a new PC...one day) but nowdays I just play on consoles and handhelds. Last game I played on Mac was Starcraft and that was a while ago.
I'm usually a console gamer because my brothers always had consoles.I think they had portables,too,but I think I was too young to remember and to have an interest of playing them.The only portable I have played from them was the Gameboy Color.I just got a DS so I would say I'm a console and portable gamer. ^_^
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I play games on my pc, consoles and portables too :)

Plus board games are always good fun with friend and family like Atmosfear :D or Monopoly for example.
I play Hardcore Monopoly with my friends.
I also like the feel of console, I never got into my PC gaming though.