What kind of a gamer are you?

Console (PS2 and Gamecube) and Portable (DS) gamer here.
Console (PS2 and Gamecube) and Portable (DS) gamer here.
You and me have the same basic opinion Judge Rulia. Also do you like x-box. I don't really like it that much. (By the way. Sorry about that OTHER post that I made in the "Temple of the Ancients" Forum.)
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You and me have the same basic opinion Judge Rulia. Also do you like x-box. I don't really like it that much. (By the way. Sorry about that OTHER post that I made in the "Temple of the Ancients" Forum.)

Sweetheart, you don't have to apologise. Though I disagreed with it, it was still your opinion, and you are still and always will be entitled to think like that.

Hm, the X-Box? I don't like it much. 360, seems alright, but I'm not a huge fan of it either.
I play PS2 and XBox and I aslo play the Gameboy Advance. I also like to play board games with my family.
I'm strictly a console gamer with the occasional handheld. I can't stand games on the PC for some reason.
Console and Portable gamer.
I love my PS2 and my Wii first and foremost.
And I carry my DS everywhere with me...though I typically leave my PSP at home since I don't have any good games for it. =\
though I typically leave my PSP at home since I don't have any good games for it. =\

That's because there AREN'T any good games for PSP, it's mostly a bunch of PS2 ports with nothing added, or improved. I mean, even though they lowered the price, I still don't want one. The PSP was a big flop, but no one wants to admit it.
Console and portable gamer.

I'm mainly just a gamer, but these are the things that I usually play on.
I am a PC and console gamer.

I mostly play PC games more than console cause the PC ones are a bit funner than the xonsole version and most things don't always work out for the console.