What pissed you off today?

Not stopping all day.

I was up at 8, out for 9 and got to work early at quarter to 10. So I pretty much had nothing to do apart from listen to my iPod. Then I start at half 10 after having something to eat and despite how quick my shift took me to half past 2, it was just so boring. Kept putting things out, getting called for till cover, putting things out, the same routine until I'm put on the till permanently. Anyone would say that I'm lucky for having a job right now, but I found it boring today.

What bothered me more was the fact I got back and then I had to go out again with my dad to get my invitations printed out. But ended up waiting around for half an hour for at least forty of them to print off. It was far cheaper than buying some on ebay, but I was not amused by the waiting and my feet going numb. I was more than happy to let Dad lick the envelopes from Tesco after inserting the invites.

So yeah, snappy and impatient that I was today for numerous reasons. :hmmm:
I hate it when people don't think good enough before they answer. Having a conversation with a friend and getting annoyed already because he asks stupid questions while the answer seems so obvious =.= But that's always an issue with him.
Thinking about how summer is almost over and I start school again on the 8th of next month pissed me off today...oh yeah and how I'm in my last and therefore most important semester of school and I start school in like 2 weeks and they still don't have a teacher assigned for my hard @ss class...wtf...bastards. :hmph: :panic:
Pretty much a lot. Taking a breather for a week here in two days. Off tomorrow, work sat and sunday, then off for a week, hell yes. -.-

Work was just bullshit and dragged on even though I only had to be there for four hours. Burned myself while cooking dinner tonight, great. Caused by lack of sleep cause I couldn't get to sleep yesterday. Oh well I guess. Big sore on my hand now. Awesome. Couldn't get any better. <3

Well my Field work instructor finally gave me some negative feed back. Which is good, however, it would have been NICE to have gotten this weeks ago so I could have changed what I was doing wrong as soon as it was happening. Instead, I spent 8 weeks doing treatment sessions how I thought I was supposed to be doing them, and, with 4 weeks left of this rotation, I have to change my style to do things correctly.

I don't know if she was afraid to tell me earlier or if I was supposed to figure this out on my own D:
Waking up with allergic reactions on my body, including a swollen eye lid.

Hearing the reno guys in our kitchen demolish the space with so much noise

Going out and buying a volume of a manga THAT I FORGOT I ALREADY OWNED :ffs:

i had the wost fucking job there is today and had it for the whole 8 hours. It was me and this guy jamie who had to do it. I have never met anyone as fucking slow and lazy as jamie in my fucking life. At around luch time the gaffer came up to me and said

'im wanting this job done'

me: 'aye well you better go tell that cunt to hurry up then or get someone else on the job instead'

then he said

that boys only got one speed mode.

and im like eh? so what? you expect me to work twice as hard because hes a lazy bastard? I dont fucking think so.

so come the end of the day the job still want finished which means i have to go back onto it 2moro.
If it wasnt him helping me and i had someone who could actually go at some pace that job woulda been finished by just after lunch time. What a fucking joke. Being that lazy is just fucking pathetic.
It was pretty late at night. My dad's a fail at technology and crap. He says he's so smart, but if he's as smart as he thinks he is, he should be able to understand Facebook and learn easily. But no, he doesn't even try. My friend's trying to tell me something really important on facebook, as in intense important that I was actually getting worrie. He makes me log out so he can use my laptop and go on his account when he has HIS OWN LAPTOP AND A COMPUTER. -_- He finds an old high school class photo and flips out for like an hour and shows it to my mom. They talk about people I don't care about. He makes me type FOR him and scroll and everything? He really can't do that on his own?? He complains saying he didn't have this when he was a kid, that's great, so learn it NOW dammit. He makes me tag people because he doesn't know how. Ugh. I just wish he'd grasp onto concepts like this faster and easier... and not take over my laptop when he has two other computer O_O I guess half of this has to do with me being selfish, but that's who I am :O But something happened to another friend of mine and she's in the hospital (she's out now) only i didn't know why then and I was worried sick all night.........................
1 word pissed me off today. TRAFFIC. I could have got home earlier if it was not for the fucking traffic. I mean there was so much. The bus couldnt even move :sad3: I just hate it when cars are all stuck together in one place all over the road. It pisses me off.
Well I was quite annoyed to have to go into work today and print off this contract for the new car.

I didn't really want to be at work on my holidays but it had to be done.

Then people rudely assumed I was back at work even though I was out of uniform and clearly doing tasks that were not work tasks.

I got really ticked off and just answered with, 'I'm not here today. I'm back from holidays next week.'

They just looked at me as though I was an alien.

Yes I am at work. That does not mean I'm working! *RAGE* XD
Well if you go to work on your days off, clearly you're working there again.. right? :wacky: I hated that too.

The first day I'd been back to the gym after a 3 month hiatus, and the pool was out of commission.. for the next two weeks while they do their annual cleaning. Dx What's worse is that you don't notice this until after you get changed, and into your suit, quick shower and go out to the pool only to realize... 'crap.. there appears to be a gate in my way. This must mean something.'

Traffic and then parking. My school is notorious for having horrible parking, so I don't understand why the damn administration thought it was a good idea to close down a bunch of parking lots while simultaneously transforming dozens of student spaces to staff spaces. That's so infuriating!
I had to park about 2 miles away from campus and take a bus just to get to class. :hmph:
My pc.

ive lost my microsoft office, tried downloading a trial as a temporary measure, and that didnt work for some STUPID reason. So I tries getting on fb to get hold of my brother to tell him of my woes and to get me a replacement disj asap, and it would not fucking load for shit. i was well pissed off :hmph:

ended up texting him in the end, bet he forgets, il have to mither him non-stop til its on me doorstep

fucking pc. does NOWT but piss me off
My car just got a flat for no reason.. it was perfectly fine when I came home from town yesterday... and then the great dane shed white fur all over my black pants an stepped on my toe :rage:
I pulled my left shoulder this morning and then it extended to either the back of my neck or my back. Or maybe both. Whatever the case, I just know it was my dad's evil couch that I was subjected to sleep on the other night. Ugh, fucks me right off. -__-

Annoyed that I had to go to the university, even though it's still the summer holidays. There were some people in there as well, so it made me feel a little better. But still, if Dorothy didn't fail me for ONE BLEEDING PIECE, then I'd have spent my day doing far better things.
My bf and I had an e-fight.. he said something that made me upset, I got upset and didn't talk for about an hour, wasted pretty much the time of the night that we had together.. asked him to apologize he did, he seems to know what he did but not why... going to bed angry.. hrpm..
What pissed me off today/ Let us see. TODAY did. It was such a long day. Physical education class killed me to the point I was dead. We had to play random people each and then pushups situps dips whatever the fuck :rage: Then I am sweating like hell and I need water so I go drink water. Still the running for 17 FUCKING MINUTES STRAIGHT KILLED ME and then all the othe rthings. Visual communications class was so fucking boring and then the ceremony which had me sleeping :rage: Fuck this day!
Me and Ohri-Jin argued in the SB. It was all caused by a big misunderstanding, but basically we were accusing each other of lying, when in reality it turned out we were talking about two different things.
Now could someone please explain to me why coffee is such a big deal for people? I think it's literally the most widely used drug ever. Have you guys SEEN a daily coffee drinker without coffee? It's like watching someone go through withdrawal lol
One of the neighbours took OUR bin off the road instead of their own. 3 other neighbours still haven't collected THEIR bins, so I can't even just take whichever one is missing and use that till next week's garbage collection. All the bins are numbered according to house number so it shouldn't be that fucking hard to take the right one. :mad:

And the cat threw up on the carpet :rage: