What pissed you off today?

The street near my accommodation's back entrance was blocked off because the police closed the street and so I had to get back around the front entrance, which took me five more minutes than it would've done through where I was originally going. Some stupid family had a gas leak and the entire street had to be evacuated. Silly bints.
The bus. Driving off. Without me. This morning. :mokken:

All I needed was 3 more seconds to get on it. There I was dashing to the bus (this was early morning. Asking me to run on a Monday morning is lunacy) looking like a frantic loon. The bus had stopped for practically 7 seconds so a guy can get on. Its doors were still open and it just started moving.

I know the bus driver probably didn't see me, but it did mean I was 15 mins behind schedule and late for my class. What is even more irritating is that the bus usually stops there for about 2 mins when I get on it. The one time I was slightly late for the bus, it wouldn't wait for me. Tch.
Got stuck in school traffic today because I wasn't thinking and drove down the road where two schools are located as they were letting out for the day <.< What could have taken me less than a minute took me almost 45 minutes to get off that road.
So I got a call this morning from the other prep chef asking me to take her shift today. My car was slightly taken apart as we're trying to fix my heater, so I thought I couldn't go, so I apologize and told her I couldn't. I live about a 40 mins drive out, so its not like somebody can just drop me off an go.

Then my dad tells me the car is fine to drive, we'll just have to meet at Wal-mart so he can put the carpart in. So I may be liek, half hour late. So I call boss, and she starts getting mad at me for going in, but being late. So I call the other prep cook and play up my strength by crying to her, saying I'm trying to do this favour for her but I'm just getting yelled at by the chef (who's her bff btw). So she said she'd talk to her about it an try to get her off my back.

>.> Yaaaay for stressful day of work ahead.
Everything pissed me off today. It was just so bad. Arguments between parents just get so bad. Exactly why there was almost next to no freedom today. I got so pissed off about everything today that I opened my mouth and blurted everything out which I usually NEVER do. So then it was een more hell. I took a walk outside alone which helped me calm myself. I will hope to god it is all over and it does not get worse anytime soon.
Being sick, I suppose. I hacked up some snot in the Panda Express parking lot today, damn near choked on it. It's just disgusting and I feel like crud. I have to wake up at 6 am tomorrow too in order to get to class on time. Oh the joys of being back in high school... >_> 'cept on the other side.
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A few things.

A bus nearly ran me over today when it was clearly about to go the other way. The driver yelled at me. I merely shrugged it off, but she did make a big scene about it. That's what got me annoyed. Well, if you weren't driving at a hundred miles per hour ...

I was also walking past a drunk man on the way home from lecture this evening and he gave me a funny look. I just kept thinking to myself, "If you even dare do ANYTHING, lager lout, I am going to kick you all the way down to the Stonehenge." -__-
No sales at work. "Hello sir just calling yo----" "not interested".

Might fuck my bonus up, gonna have to get at least 3 sales Friday
Right now it's 1am here, I need to be in a lecture for 9am and the people in my floor won't shut up - they're running around, screaming their heads off. Needless to say, I'm not that amused, and neither are most of the others from what I can tell!

I'll let it slide for now though. Maybe not so much during exam time!
Today in my Financial Algebra class, we had to take a test today (which was on the board ALL week, so I knew about it today), but half the class was complaining either because they never looked on the board to know about the test and kept explaining they're not prepared or that the message was never on the board. Around a time, I snapped at them for being crybabies and to actually try studying for once rather than wasting the time they have by talking to their friends. Then while they have time to study (most of it they didn't use wisely), I ask if I can just take the test already so I can get it over it. One kid whines and another has the nerve to tell me to shut up. A guy that does NOTHING but eat and sleep in class (and then tries to look onto another girl's work to cheat) tells me to shut up, so I just tell him to save his breath because I wasn't going to listen to him anyway. I expect people to get mad at me for speaking my mind all the time, but fuck that.
Just thinking about the past, it really gets the blood running.

I just don't get chicks sometime, you know? Why in the hell would you ask for someone's number and never call them? or say it'd be cool to go out with someone sometime, and then pull a vanishing act out of your ass?

It's not cool. I'm just having a hard time thinking about how someone can think like that and treat people like that like it's nothing.

I just don't get how you can treat someone that you're well acquainted with like that. I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to piss anyone off. Why is it such a hard thing to be honest with people instead of hiding behind this little fucking invisible self-defense mechanism :monster:
Another forum that I used to go to. They were extremely racist. I hated everything about that place. I started to call it the cesspool because it was so bad. Everyone was always caught up in drama, and starting fights. That entire forum was off his hinges, with extremely corrupt moderators.

On top of that they begged people to come to their forums, but when someone didn't think like them, they flamed them or called them a troll. So now they don't get new members and they just don't know why.

If you tried to defend yourself against something said by one of the moderators, they'd go and get all of them. To reassure eachother, pretty much. It could make you sick to your stomach such a sorry excuse for a forum even existed. Alot of members have left the place, and they just don't know why really.

I mean really? You don't know why? =/ I stayed as long as I did because I had some friends there but it just wasn't worth my time after awhile. So I left it completely.

Felt good to get all that off my chest and in the open. :3 (And FFF is a much better forum anyway, imo.)
I was angry this morning.

So tired and achy from being sick. I am so sick of being sick! I hate that sick croaky voice and all the other shit that goes with being sick!

I mean how long can a cold/flu last for? It's frustrating because this is the second weekend in a row that I will be lying in bed.
When I was going through a backlog of circulars in one of my email accounts today, I found a monthly ad from one of the radio stations I used to listen to, which I never bothered to unsubscribe from just in case they had valuable concert news. Well, apparently, following Lady Gaga's infamous "meat bikini" stunt, this radio station, whose roster of DJs and audience are both full of drunken cavemen and dumb hoes, has now decided to hold their very own "meat bikini" contest, with the excuse that they will be donating the used meat to a local wildlife sanctuary.


With no comment on whether or not I think Lady Gaga's attempt at a protest was a tasteful idea in and of itself, this kind of thing is just completely over-the-top braindead. Here they are mimicking a performer's protest of women being "treated as pieces of meat" by...TREATING WOMEN AS PIECES OF MEAT :rage: Are they f*cking stupid!? Does no one with any principles or logic whatsoever listen to this f*cking radio station!? And seriously..."donating the meat to a wildlife sanctuary"? Not only can you tell that that's not why they're holding the contest :hmph:, but there are SO many more things they could do for a wildlife sanctuary by having an actual financial fundraiser instead--I'm sure food is the least of their expenses, whereas things like medicines, materials for building living quarters, advertising to get donations in general--all those things can't be helped by throwing f*cking dead cow flesh at the problem. This is such a disgusting gesture, they may as well take a crap in a toilet and then email it to everyone, because I certainly did not want to hear about this, I'm already enough of a cynical old fart and this is just going to kill more of my fragile brain cells. And I hope all the women who participated in it get maggots crawling all over their body parts for being so stupid, because it doesn't take long for them to pop up in dead animal flesh, there was some speculation whether Lady Gaga's dress may have been crawling with them itself :monster: Or E. coli or salmonella or whatever :monster: But yes, such a lovely thing to find in my email today; needless to say I unsubscribed from that bitch and emailed a formal complaint to the station's head of advertising at CBS Radio :griin:


School and home. I'm getting scared of my program work load and my inability to understand some things we're learning, but to add onto that pressure, my home life is just not a place for me to relax. Seriously, I've taken to staying on campus after class to catch up on homework just so I don't have to at home for too long. I've got my home issues I don't wanna get into, but I swear commuting and work is my only breathing space for the last month or so.
My brother and how he acts like such a child and whines about everything. The funny thing is he's actually 23 haha and yet he acts like he's 11 years old still.
The weather.

Seriously, it's all bright and sunny all week at work and then when the weekend rolls around it decides to rain and prevent those who work during the week from going out and having a fun day out. <_<

I would love to go to Dreamworld, but this weather is more suited to just sitting in at home watching a movie or sleeping. v_v
Wow, today's a double one for me :lew: But yeah, people talking about you behind your back >_> Not cool. Just when you think you're starting to fit in somewhere, and that people think you're cool, bam. Really disappointing :sad3: I thought I was at least a little cool, but I guess not.
Getting stuck in traffic for like an hour was pretty annoying, but it was the reason that made me really mad. It was because everyone had to slow down and see an accident that happened. The entire incident had been moved far into the grass, at this point it was just people turning their heads to look.

Maybe it's just me, but people turning their heads to gawk at someones loved ones, hurt or even dead, just makes me sick.