What pissed you off today?

We had to walk around town before our next Modern Britain lesson, we had directions and maps and everything. So anyway, Katherine and I set off. Go to Starbucks first, and then go back to the Uni and start this walk. It all started off really well, we were proper geeks, making notes and taking pictures, etc.

Then it all got horribly convoluted and messy. The directions made no sense, the maps were from the 1870s, and there we no street names anywhere. We walked around town in a general haze of confusion for about 3 and a half hours. :rage:
i failed my drivers test by 5 questions when road signs were piss easy

would have passed if i wouldnt have stopped to think on a few questions

kind of ironic, maybe i just shouldnt think while i drive! :awesome:

i personally think i deserve a handicap for never even opening a goddamn driver's manual

how the fuck am i supposed to know how far 500 feet is without even having the experience of operating a motor vehicle
It was technically yesterday, but since I haven't been to bed yet, I'll post it.

The weather. It was really bad down my dad's end today and he was meant to be coming to see me today after failing to arrive on Tuesday when his electric wheelchair played up. So there was high wind and rain down there and they were no conditions to come up here. Technically, I'm more pissed at my plans being scrapped TWICE now, but bleh. Guess I have to just live with it, won't I? >_>
Well there was a massive amount of fucking traffic today so Yeah I was 10 mins late for class and did not get let in. Stupid bitch of a teacher :hmph: Well hopefully I can make up for it. I sent her an email through college mail to MAKE her understand. But I got home early so that is better.
Customers at work. Seriously, how retarded did they have to be today? One woman gave me an evil look when I started packing her shopping. The customers next to her gave me a sympathetic look, but I was pissed off for a while.

I also didn't get out until half four. Excuse me, I'm meant to be out at four. Hate that manager, he's so useless with timekeeping. >_>
My grandmother!!! Aren't grandmothers supposed to be sweet, and loving? Not mine! She was raised in old country on the farm, and such. Nothing i ever do is enough for her. Because I am who I am, she will never like me. I can't wait to move outta here!
Written language :rage: I'm writing something right now, and I'm having so much trouble finding a verb to describe someone asking something in a "WTF?" way :hmph: There HAS to be a word for it, so that I don't have to do "he asked _____ly", I just can't put my finger on it :sad3:
My sister.

Just been on the phone to Dad and Tuesday is when he normally comes to see me, but no. Has to be Thursday now to accommodate HER needs instead. I swear to God, he bases his life around her. I don't care if she lives with him, he has two other daughters that don't use and abuse him; they just want to see him.

I could strangle her sometimes. >_>
I couldn't find my cellphone a few hours ago. I wasn't even sure it was in the house. I was panicking that I left it at uni, or it was stolen. I was ringing it (it's on vibrate) and I just couldn't find it. I was pissed at myself and the cellphone itself for disappearing. :hmph:

It was in the pocket of my shorts in the laundry. :rage:
the weather

its so cold right now and the heaters at work decided to pack in and stop working. They wont get fixed til the repair man comes with the part they need, which i believe and i fucking hope is 2moro. Its way to cold to be in that shop without heaters especially when the doors are being opened every half an hour. Wouldnt be as bad with thermal boilersuits but that still doesnt keep the cold off your face -__-
I've forgotten that I've got a review (or two if I had to be completely honest) due in tomorrow ... well, today technically. I'm probably going to do one tonight and then do the other before I go to lecture in the late morning. I should have remembered to do it today, but I just wanted a day when I could forget about doing anything else.
I left my laptop at the shop on thurs to be repaired and coulda gotten it the next day.. then I opted to get a larger hard drive and had to wait till yesterday... wasn't ready yesterday so today.. but he neglected to check the wireless so now the wireless is no longer working.. well.. not just wireless, any connectable internet in the house, wired or less... now I have to take it back tomorrow. >.<
I ate a huge hamburger and had some fries, I was full at first but then the feeling went away, but then I started to feel sick. And that pisses me off, don't know how to sit then, since you are stuck in a car on a bumpy road.
My internet has been pissing me off quite a bit here as of late. It's constantly been dropping connection very randomly and resetting my cable modem and routers is either hit or miss. I've had to call into my ISP quite a few times and still it's been a pain in the ass.

Having my wisdom tooth out by an incompetent fool of a dentist... :mad:

I understand ya there. Although if you're given the general anesthesia option, it's not so bad. All my wisdom teeth were huge and impacted bad, I had all 4 removed in one sitting but I had the oral surgeon give me general anesthesia and after the operation I laid on my couch for 5 days and felt like shit.
The fucking cleaner. :rage:

I swear she's stalking me. It seems that whenever I get out of the shower in just my bath towel or go into the kitchen to make breakfast, she's just THERE. Really annoying. I'm tempted to report her because I felt so uncomfortable with her seeing me just in my towel before. Yes, she may be female, but I'd rather have my flatmates see me like that. And that's saying something.
I got a $1011 hospital bill today because the doctor's office closed at 12 on the day my husband needed to go get checked out, and he got hurt at 12:30, and some bitch medical secretary (actually, that's being repetitive; from my experience 96% of them are bitches :hmmm:) at another office told me that he needed to go to the ER for what the symptoms were, and all they did were a blood test, a urine sample, and a checkup. And it's the end of the year so though the deductible has been met now, there's a low chance of us needing the hospital anytime before it renews and has to start all over again. *sounds of clicking can be heard as I'm loading a very large gun and getting in the car to Jacksonville where their headquarters are located. Because, whoever sets the prices needs to be shot non-fatally, so that they can go to the hospital and pay the bill that they've decided is fair for lower-class citizens who don't even own their own fucking home because the bank is a fucking asshole :wacky: *twitches and laughs psychotically**