What pissed you off today?

You know what is pissing me off? That I just woke up now and I came on here and then I am like "OH FUCK IT IS THURSDAY" Yep so that means I have to leave soon. Fucking boring ass classes. 2 more Thursdays until all of this shit is over I think. Semester ends soon but thursday still pisses me off. I dont feel like playing fucking badminton now my legs are just tired. On TOP of all that I have to go and catch the bus in 30-45 mins and then take the other bus to college and then play fucking badminton and then die of boredom in VC class. Oh for fucks sake what is new? NOTHING. Just fucking tired overall and I finish late today.....
My flatmates came back from being out on the lash early this morning and one have them has been so kind to puke on both the carpet in the hall and all over one of the toilets. None of them are owning up to it or their memories are just too messed up. Whatever the case, it's revolting to look at and I hope they don't expect me to clean up their shit.
Hmm let's see.

First: I started playin KH2 and i got up to Demyx(Assume that's his name), then it was like "DANCE, WATER, DANCE!!" for an hour because i axed his ass. then turned the console off before i broke something.

Second: My sister ditched school yesterday, which means she got in shit, which equal No SUBWAY FOR ME!!!!.... oh how i miss that pizza sub :(
Where do I even begin? :ffs:

So it's freezing in work and I can't even feel my feet. I guess it numbs the pain from alking everywhere, but it was still too cold. Then I've had rude customers who don't even have minimal manners. I hate the feeling of being ignored and there's nothing worse than saying hello to someone in those conditions and not even getting a reply back. >_>

So I had to come back to my flat tonight because I've got a lecture tomorrow, which I highly doubt I'll be attending because what we're doing is so pointless, and I arrive at the train station to find my train that's due has been cancelled. I'm annoyed, but there's another train in 25 minutes. But then someone announces the Scots, who were meant to get on my train heading to Edinburgh, can hop on the next train and switch trains at the next stop.

And you can imagine the image of me desperately trying to get on this train back here. But the Scots fill it up for ONE FUCKING STOP AND I NEEDED TO STAY ON IT FOR TWENTY MINUTES FFS. I couldn't get on the goddamn thing and I had to wait another 15 minutes for another train! So it was nearly an hour in the motherfucking freezing cold I was waiting for a train back here!

My right ear is all puffed up and I can feel a heartbeat in it. =(

It's throbbing and all I want to do is dip it in metho for a good half an hour or so until it gets rid of all the yuckiness.


Have to go to work too which is going to put me off a bit today.
This isn't anything big but I set my alarm for 6:00am so I could shower and get ready for work... my alarm went off and I thought to myself "I'll just close my eyes for 2 minutes and get up" then when I got up and looked at the clock it was 6:40am.... no time to shower or anything... :( bad start to the day
A lot...

I haven't had/made the time to read the things I had to do for work. I feel like a complete loser now, because I had this whole schedule planned in to do some work on it, and I just slagged it off because I've been so tired lately. It's not even an excuse, I'd read, and nothing would stick with me. It was like grabbing air.

The week flew by way too fast as well. We have the revising on thursday, and only about 3 more weeks to go before our exam for the position. It just annoys me to know that I feel like I'm not gonna make it on my first try. >.> I guess I have too much pride to be okay with retrying the second time. Meh.

On top of all that, I had to cancel an appointment at the doctor's today 'cause work called all stressed out that they needed people, I got there, the place was deserted. -.- Needless to say I was VERY annoyed. An 8 hours shift compared to 5 hours, is LONG and ANNOYING AS FUCK in fastfood restaurants. I was out the door within 3 seconds when the clock hit midnight.

But on the good side.

every little thing pissed me off today

MOD EDIT: Can you please put a little more effort into your posts? This kind of 1-liner post is spam and will be deleted without warning next time. Just give a little more detail of what pissed you off.
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That for the past three days I haven't worked on editing my book because I've been upset about something :hmph: It's particularly hard being upset while having OCD issues because people always think I'm ridiculous for getting so worked up about things, and yet they don't understand how it feels to me :mokken: I've had all this time where I could've been working, but every time I try to do it it's just like a wall, I can't get into it because my blood is boiling over this particular issue and no one wants to help me :ffs:
This doesn't directly involve me, but it's totally pissed-you-off-today worthy. :ffs:

So my uncle's partner dropped him off at work today and when he comes home, everything's empty. She's taken everything and left him! The cheeky little bitch. He was really happy with her and they were even going to get married next year. My heart goes out to him right now, he's quite literally the broken man from what I hear. If I even see that woman's face again, she won't have one by the time I'm done because I'm going to break it!
Parents telling me my interview with the head of school is TOMORROW :ffs:

I thought they were going to NEXT MONDAY :jtc: /foetal position

Plua the fact that I have to catch up on the work I missed when I was off-school due to SNOW
I overheard someone try to puff themselves up and make themselves look good today, and while usually I'll just do a :ffs:, this time it made me really angry, because I know from personal experience with the person that they're full of crap, and if anyone actually believes them, then it's totally not fair. It's like really, A) stop exaggerating, and B) practice what you preach, bitch :hmph: If they really had the qualities they described, then I wouldn't have had that experience with them in the first place. Hypocrites ftl as well -_-
Waiting in this giant line all the way around the check outs at the Coach store while waiting to check out with my Christmas present :gasp: O well...twas worth it, I got 30% off my total purchase in addition to some clearance stuff I got. No pain, no gain I guess. Coach :inlove:
The ice. :ffs:

I've slipped so many times today, it's not even funny anymore. The street behind my Uni accommodation is iced out all over the pavement. I point blank refused to walk on it on my way back from the town centre today. I walked on the road and could care less if any cars tried to run me over.
This morning my sisters new puppy that i didn't even want her to have shit and pissed on my carpet 3 times in one hour then she screamed at me and threatened to move out when I got super angry -_-
Had to wait at the help desk for half an hour at a department store today, standing in one place when I was hungry and short of breath, because for some reason if you go to a help desk in the middle of a department store, and they try to call another store to check on an item's presence, for some reason it has to take an unimaginably asinine amount of time for the people on the other end to go check the shelf. This only ever happens in clothes department stores, even as a kid; I just cannot figure it out. And, it wasn't even for me, I was shopping with family and it was something they needed, I had just tagged along :ffs:
Well, Jess (not the one you're thinking of xD) didn't turn up for work today and called in sick, so I had to stay on the till for four whole hours. Standing in the same position for that long can get you so irritable.

Also, I discovered that my uncle's tracked down his pathetic girlfriend and gotten back with him. Urgh. That is worthy of a big facepalm. Still, least they're not coming along for Christmas dinner now.
The door on the driver side of my car is frozen. I have to get in and out by the passenger side and when I do that I put snow everywhere on the seats. That's enough to piss me off. I hate winter!:mad: