Twisted by design
Forums in general. I'm so close to just giving up on them altogether...
I know I'm not particularly well known to you guys, but I mean, I'm about ready to throw in the towel. I haven't had a forum to call home for years, and I've sort of forgotten how to get recognition or even the slightest bit of acknowledgment. Maybe it takes seniority. I dunno. No matter what I do though, I seem to get ignored and put down all the time. I know I shouldn't let that stop me, and it usually doesn't, but when I'm trying to get involved and I'm getting ignored for it, it discourages me from even trying.
I dunno why, but that sounded kind of attention-whorish to me. If you got that impression, that's not what its about. It just seems like nobody cares about what I have to say, and that it seems to be hard to even just make friends, is basically what I'm getting at. :/
hmmm your post made me thought a bit and I think it deserve a reply. I think maybe you take things too seriously. I don't think you should expect recognition yet from people on this forums. Let me be clear: there seems to be a lot of nice people on this forums and some might pay more attention to you when you'll have been here longer.
I feel a bit the same way sometimes but it doesn't affect me at all. Maybe with time you will become friend with some members but it might takes a while to get there. Sometimes I feel I'm misunderstood because of the language barrier since I'm french but it's not stopping me from posting. i like this place because I can read about Final Fantasy and various subjects and see how others final fantasy fans are thinking. I also laugh quite a bit sometimes with what I read here. I think this is how you should see it.
As for what pissed me off today, I got stuck 1 hours outside work in the cold because I didn't had my card to get in the company. This is how I spent my lunch time.