What pissed you off today?

Forums in general. I'm so close to just giving up on them altogether...

I know I'm not particularly well known to you guys, but I mean, I'm about ready to throw in the towel. I haven't had a forum to call home for years, and I've sort of forgotten how to get recognition or even the slightest bit of acknowledgment. Maybe it takes seniority. I dunno. No matter what I do though, I seem to get ignored and put down all the time. I know I shouldn't let that stop me, and it usually doesn't, but when I'm trying to get involved and I'm getting ignored for it, it discourages me from even trying.

I dunno why, but that sounded kind of attention-whorish to me. If you got that impression, that's not what its about. It just seems like nobody cares about what I have to say, and that it seems to be hard to even just make friends, is basically what I'm getting at. :/

hmmm your post made me thought a bit and I think it deserve a reply. I think maybe you take things too seriously. I don't think you should expect recognition yet from people on this forums. Let me be clear: there seems to be a lot of nice people on this forums and some might pay more attention to you when you'll have been here longer.

I feel a bit the same way sometimes but it doesn't affect me at all. Maybe with time you will become friend with some members but it might takes a while to get there. Sometimes I feel I'm misunderstood because of the language barrier since I'm french but it's not stopping me from posting. i like this place because I can read about Final Fantasy and various subjects and see how others final fantasy fans are thinking. I also laugh quite a bit sometimes with what I read here. I think this is how you should see it.

As for what pissed me off today, I got stuck 1 hours outside work in the cold because I didn't had my card to get in the company. This is how I spent my lunch time.
Ugh stupid customers.

What else.

This horrible bitchy woman who looked like the scummiest of the scum you can often find in my area, was having a go at us because we didn't have two people on the front register considering it was Christmas and all etc etc.

Um, we did have two people on. Then one girl had to go and get change for the registers in order to continue serving and then about two minutes later I saw the line up, jumped on and the bitchy woman has a go at me.

I looked at her like, 'Are you seriously having a go at me for your own slack ass that didn't get down here earlier in the month to do your Christmas shopping?'

It's 2 days before Christmas! Of course it's going to be busy! Of course there isn't always going to be two people on the front register. One of the girls might have to leave to serve customers in the aisles or go get change or something!

Retarded customers.

Oh and I saw two of my exes today that I had not seen in three years and I had to actually serve one of them!!! It was the one who's brother stole my car and wrote it off. <_<

We both pretended like we didn't know each other though. XD
The bus services.

My dad's in a wheelchair and over here, the wheelchair users take priority in the allocated space. Well, despite everything, the driver wouldn't let us on. There were two buggies there, but he should've technically asked the others to pull them up. Any other driver would've done so. It meant we only just managed to make it for the screening of Gulliver's Travels.

And it doesn't stop there. No, it was worse getting back. We were waiting for a bus to get back and then another one that we don't get pulls up, letting people on. But then the driver is sat there and sees our bus coming up behind him. He KNEW we wanted to get on that bus and it pissed us off. We couldn't exactly move to our bus because the crowds at the stop were HUGE. So we had to end up waiting another twenty bleeding minutes for another bus. Even then, everyone was hurrying to get on! So I had to hold myself back from shouting. I was wet, cold and pissed off. >_>

First Buses: screw you. :rage:
I finally ordered a desk that I needed 3 days ago and I was told the order would come in before 1 o'clock today. It's 7:30 PM and still no desk. the company called and told me that the delivery's pos-poned for tomorrow.

I waited 5 months for a new desk, dammit. I had my hopes up.
Visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Arizona for the past week. My uncle gave me this Mac POWERBOOK G4, it's busted, needs a new hard drive and a new battery but I was still stoked, I've never had a comp of my own.

So we were supposed to get it fixed today at the store, I brought 300 bucks thinking that would be more then enough. We get to the store and I tell em what I need, it costs 200, they then told me I needed to wait three days. The problem is I'm leaving for home tomorrow. I ask if I can get it on the one day list (costs an extra 50) and they said it now costs 150... I said there was no way in hell I was paying nearly the cost in parts in labor alone.

So I said screw it, I'll have to wait till I get back home to ol' Iowa.

I was pissed at the time, but oh well, I just gotta be patient
Ugh Pig Dogs. <_<

Had an encounter with one tonight at Steve's mates house.

I had no idea that they even had a dog, and I knew I should have asked just in case. I don't do too well with certain dogs and Pig Dogs are my worst fear due to being attacked by one as a kid.

Anyway the whole time all I could think of was it attacking me and trying to rip my throat out. I hate those things so much! They're the worst dog anyone could ever own in my opinion. What makes a person go to the pet store and pick out the ugliest looking dog anyway? <_<
Going to sleep at 8PM. My sleeping pattern has officially been ruined, I woke up at 3AM and now I can't back to sleep since I've had about 7 hours sleep already which means I'll deliberately have to stay awake tonight so that I can get it back into sharp. I blame Adri and Jay for making me play cod so early yesterday :(
This is going to sound completely trivial and stupid I know, but I'm listening to my custom Pandora radio station on my phone right now, and you only get 5 skips per hour for songs you don't like--and now that I've used up all my skips, wtf song do I get but a really shitty one I don't like from Pearl Jam :rage: I like some of their stuff, but not this one, and now I'm stuck with it :sad2:
I had the rudest customer come in today.

I was in the middle of serving two customers and he interupts us demanding my attention and so I interupt him and say, 'Excuse me but I'm serving these two customers at the moment, I won't be a minute.'

He gets all huffy and puffy and says, 'FINE! Don't serve me then!' and storms off out of the shop making me look like the bad one in the situation.

If he had of looked like two milimeters to his right there was another staff member free to serve him. Idiot.

Then he comes back in and asks her for help anyway. =/
Well, if people didn't notice my latest post in the mood threat, fret not. Don't bother looking, it's a mini rant. This is the full extent of that same rant.

So I come back to my mother's for New Year and all's going well. We've got my gran over at the moment. Then I ask my mum's partner if he can put in the internet password for my PS3 (since for some ridiculous reason, he can't trust me with the password. And yet I was trusted with the last one!). He starts going on saying what favour I can do for him in return, so I tell him to ask me what he needs. And then he goes on a little rant of how I do nothing.

He shows me up in front of everyone - my mum, brother, sister and gran. I had already been shown up at work in front of the entire store by my manager for making a minor mistake yesterday. So as you can imagine, I'm in a half upset and half murderous mood. I'm fed up of being treated like shit when all I do is whatever people want. I even couldn't control my temper before. It hasn't flared in such a long time.

I just don't know what to do right now, I'm so humiliated. >_>
Ugh I had been trying to call people from work all day to try and get information on how to log into the system at the owners other store to do the end of month tomorrow.

It wasn't even meant to be my job but because I was coming in to do my end of month paperwork they didn't see it necessary to have the other girl come in for her store as well and just asked me to do it.

I had no problem with it until no one returned my calls in regards to getting a code to log into the computer over at the other store.

It would be their fault, not mine if I didn't do it for them, but luckily I'm a genius and guessed one of the other employees log in code and it worked and allowed me to do what I needed to do.

I had to go in today and try to figure it all out. Didn't want to wait until tomorrow morning and have no time to do any of the reports before the store opened.

*Stress* XD
I was going through some news email circulars I get, and I found an article making yet another outcry against the horrific things committed by the fur industry. However, this one had a video attached, and though I didn't dare to watch it, one of the people commenting mentioned that in the video, they were showing fur manufacturers skinning animals alive :rage: :rage: :rage: I'm really glad I didn't watch it, but I'm also really pissed off that the website it was on, an enviromental/global causes website, is merely showing it to us, the regular subscribers, and not making a huge fuss of it in the general public. I mean can't they get it onto some local news channels or something, or *cough cough* accidentally leak it onto some fur company websites? :mokken: Just because people don't see it in front of their faces doesn't mean it's not happening. I know hate is said by some people to be a strong word, but how can anyone not feel complete and utter hatred over something like this. It just makes my blood boil that this sort of thing can happen. And I can't fathom that it could be legal either; there's got to be some sort of charges that can be brought up against them somehow.
Well, let's see. There was a wrestling match at the high school tonight against another team. Me and my brother had worked these kids half to death with drills and technique and such getting them ready for tonight. We had 2 wins. 2 out of 14 weight classes. At home. The majority of the losses, the kids either gassed out, which proves they aren't working hard, or didn't do what we yelled at them to do, which means they don't listen, OR didn't do anything at all, which means they either don't care or don't pay attention during practice. The final team score was 58-18 them. Talk about getting embarrassed in front of your own fans. :ffs:
The essay that I made a valiant struggle to finish last night by 5am that was due in on Friday ... well, it was extended to next Friday a day before the deadline!

A lot of my Uni friends are fuming on Facebook now and so am I. We've all been stressing about getting it in and then they extend it a day before the deadline? The University absolutely sucks. Amelia wants to punch someone in the face.
There is a butt load of construction work going on all over our neighborhood, and in two places you'd have to wait for the standing man to tell you to stop or to drive slowly to pass. But lately the wait has been getting RIDICULOUS. Me and a whole line of other drivers had to wait at least 15 minutes to be able to drive. I don't even know why they're doing construction on my block. They want to build a third lane in the road, but we don't need it. :hmph: They SHOULD be working on the dead end road that's right next to our school, but they're coming here instead. You hard-hatted ding dongs are REALLY smart .
I bought a lovely pair of boots not even three weeks ago and the strap has snapped off. I'm really upset since I paid good money for them. I'm hoping my dad can fix it, but it's really pissed me off.
When life hands you lemons, and you make lemonade, apparently if you're me you're supposed to choke on the seeds :ffs: The guy at the bank who's supposed to be helping us with our new place has quit his job, and his last day is TODAY, and so he can't help us O_O I'm like are you serious, there's a 1 in 365 chance of that fucking happening :rage: And with all the other stuff that's gone on, it's like the world is trying to go out of its way to make this hard for us :banghead:
I was just outside helping Steve write lovely letters and such on his car to sell it, as my writing is much neater. XD

But there were so many mozzies!

We never get mozzies, but with all this rain they've decided to make a home here for a while in our long grass that hasn't been mowed in forever. <_<

SO SO itchy!!! My legs are all red and itchy! :gasp:
There's some huge winter storm ripping through the south, where I am..

I didn't mind the storm originally, then they said that the power is going to go out. Meaning no Ps3.. I'm ubeeer pissed.