What pissed you off today?

The topic title says it all really. Even on the best of days, there's usually something that manages to tick me off and make my temper flare up, even if it's just for a second or 2.

Today was a public holiday and my girlfriend was at work, so I had my mind set on spending my day getting reacquainted with Final Fantasy VII. I had bought a new copy a month earlier on ebay, but had not had the time to play it before now. I plugged my Playstation into the TV in the bedroom, got my memory card out and inserted it into the Playstation and started playing. So far, so good. When I reached the very first save point however, I found out that my memory card had finally given up after 10 years of faithful service.
Not only did it mean that any progress I would've made that day would have been futile. I also lost all my perfect FF Tactics, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX save games. I was NOT a happy camper.

So what pissed you off today?

what pissed me off today was when i was playing FFX. I got to the part where you had to fight the Crawler and i couldn't beat the damn thing!!
My. Fucking. Phone. :rage:

I dunno if its my actually phone or the damn charger but, apparently my phone charger isn't charging my phone. It really pissed me off cause then, I might have to get a new battery or some other bullshitz :/
The fact I had to go into Uni today to hand in one LOUSY piece of work. I eventually found another reason to go out, but it's annoying I had to go in and just hand it in. A few pieces would've been fine, but one? Pfft.
There's two reasons why i is pissed :rage: I'm mad for one: it's freezing balls outside and, i'm being an even lazier-fuck then i would be on a normal day. The second reason: is iTunes. It's so complicated whenever I try to re-organize my songs and sync my damn ipod. Why can't it be simpler? :gonk:
My car's a bit frozen and I cba to go to the gym today.. I haven't actually spent days off at home, all of them, in a LONG time.. if ever.. so I'm finally taking advantage of it.

But I really should go to the gym. So I angry at self. :hmph:
There's two reasons why i is pissed :rage: I'm mad for one: it's freezing balls outside and, i'm being an even lazier-fuck then i would be on a normal day. The second reason: is iTunes. It's so complicated whenever I try to re-organize my songs and sync my damn ipod. Why can't it be simpler? :gonk:

Haha! I can't stand iTunes; it's the musical devil. Every time I open it I find myself screaming "No I do not want to update it, AGAIN!"

I got pretty pissed at myself earlier, for a small reason earlier. Recently found myself over the horrendousness that was me splitting up with my girlfriend; which was over a year ago (I know, get over it already.) Unfortunately because we stayed friends, it's tough. Today whilst at work I found myself thinking "Did I make a mistake agreeing to end it?" The answer is, no. I hate myself for even thinking it was a mistake :gasp:
This bloody assignment. It's not horrendously bad to write; it's just a review, but the fact that there is no source materials out there to reference is starting to really piss me off. My friend's texted me saying she's nearly in tears because of how awful this assignment is, and everybody else in the class seems to be struggling with it too. Giving us an assignment with only ten days of library time is ridiculous, especially since the library is shit and has nothing of any use whatsoever, too. :rage:
The rain annoyed me. It was stopping, starting, stopping, starting, stopping ... yeah, you get the endles cycle, right? :hmph:

Got absolutely drenched and it's taken me ages to warm up since coming home. The fire's on and I've even got a blanket wrapped around me to do exactly that. I've also got a sore throat and that's been bothering me for a while. >_>
I'mma drop some Fbombs in here today :rage: And it is such epic blinding rage that I will go ahead and censor it for the good of the universe, so that nobody has to read it if they don't feel like it, I just feel the need to write it out somewhere because omg.

So the paperwork shit for this new place we're trying to move to is finally all going well, and now today I find out that there's fucking mold in there just like the old place we wanted and which was why we couldn't go there :rage: And even though it doesn't seem to be nearly as bad, they're still telling me that it could be like $10-20,000 if they rip out the whole thing and redo it :banghead: And the realtor dude is no help because he's like "Oh just spray clorox on it" but he's got a financial reason for wanting us to just take it and deal with it, so we can't even trust him either :sad3: So after 9 months of trying and 3.75 years of us not getting to live by ourselves, we may STILL have to fucking start this fucking shit over again from square one, if we can't afford to get the fucking repairs done because nobody knows how to fucking fix a goddamn mold problem in this entire neighborhood of shit-roofed houses :rage:

And then, the realtor's like "Oh, some [asshole] guy is trying to say that your inspection period has expired on 1/7," even though we didn't even get the official notice thing until 1/6 at night and I have a fucking email that says 1/6/11 at 7:36pm, which is late enough that it should NOT be considered a business day and I will print that motherfucker and light it on fire and shove it up their ass if they try to say that the thing expired any earlier than the 14th tomorrow :rage: I mean seriously!? o_O It takes them six months to get their shit together and we only get ONE FUCKING DAY!!!?!>!powapfawijepfwa ijfgpweofpweife omg wow.


I'mma drop some Fbombs in here today :rage: And it is such epic blinding rage that I will go ahead and censor it for the good of the universe, so that nobody has to read it if they don't feel like it, I just feel the need to write it out somewhere because omg.

So the paperwork shit for this new place we're trying to move to is finally all going well, and now today I find out that there's fucking mold in there just like the old place we wanted and which was why we couldn't go there :rage: And even though it doesn't seem to be nearly as bad, they're still telling me that it could be like $10-20,000 if they rip out the whole thing and redo it :banghead: And the realtor dude is no help because he's like "Oh just spray clorox on it" but he's got a financial reason for wanting us to just take it and deal with it, so we can't even trust him either :sad3: So after 9 months of trying and 3.75 years of us not getting to live by ourselves, we may STILL have to fucking start this fucking shit over again from square one, if we can't afford to get the fucking repairs done because nobody knows how to fucking fix a goddamn mold problem in this entire neighborhood of shit-roofed houses :rage:

And then, the realtor's like "Oh, some [asshole] guy is trying to say that your inspection period has expired on 1/7," even though we didn't even get the official notice thing until 1/6 at night and I have a fucking email that says 1/6/11 at 7:36pm, which is late enough that it should NOT be considered a business day and I will print that motherfucker and light it on fire and shove it up their ass if they try to say that the thing expired any earlier than the 14th tomorrow :rage: I mean seriously!? o_O It takes them six months to get their shit together and we only get ONE FUCKING DAY!!!?!>!powapfawijepfwa ijfgpweofpweife omg wow.



*pats and offers a hug*

Wow, that epically sucks. Erm so . . .:sorry:

That's uh . . . right, moving on until I can find some words of consolation for you . . . hopefully. So tl;dr story time is in the spoiler tags for any of you who give a rat's ass. Yes. I. Am. Livid. Beyond. It.

It's been about two months since I've seen the bf. Simply put, him getting a car is like nigh impossible (that's another fucking story though), me getting to the proper community college is almost just as hard. Fairly Fucking Ridiculous demands $14,725 or less in cash or check form from mi madre and refuses to hand over any legal academic or medical documentations (although all I fucking need is a fucking transcript). So I was screwed out of going to Middlesex.

My mom registered me as a new fucking student and the dumb ass motherfuckers at the admissions office still thought I was a transfer because I never completed two semesters of my first year. But they can shove that stick known as 'legality' up their arses because we couldn't fucking afford it, fuck what the Financial Aid people said, even IF my mom fit into an improper tax bracket, it wasn't like she had Benjamin Franklins comin' outta her ears. :sad2:

My mom only makes so fucking much as a fucking nursing director which she fucking hates waking up and doing every single damn morning. Anyway so now Raritan What's-It's-Name is giving us trouble because now I need a fucking medical form for my Hepatitis B Shot and my MMS vaccination shot, and if I don't get that then I'm fucked out of those admission people looking at my fucking application. Best believe that this time I made sure when I did my application I marked myself as a fucking new student, no transfer shit. I called my high school so that they could (hopefully) send out my final transcript out to the college and then I e-mailed admissions . . . I swear to God if I don't get admitted by next week Monday . . .

Rage doesn't even begin to properly define nor classify the exact extent or range of the emotions I'm going to feel. Someone might get fucking hurt either that or I might just lose it. :rage:

Oh yeah and I took out a $20,000 student loan with no co-signer so now the gov't needs $20,000 out of my soon-to-be hard earned money which'll be ten-fifteen years of my fucking life savings down the drain. Fuck this shit.
Well, let me first start by saying that my boss is a fucking retard. He called my friend three times to the meeting when she was helping one of the other managers do something else.

Then I was at the bus stop when we finished and I only forgot my bag! So I sprinted back and stumble across a very awkward moment. My boss was yelling at my friend and I walked in to get my bag. She was in tears, looked like she had a breakdown. I could've swung for him for putting her down for something so stupid. I've been texting her and her boyfriend (he was there and works with us, too) to see if she's all right.

It's utterly pissed me off and proves the guy is a fucking retard of a bully.
Traveler's Insurance Company :rage:

I called like two weeks ago to cancel my renter's insurance. And I find out today that the fuckers debited my bank account today for the monthly fee. Even better, it caused by bank account to go negative because I didn't transfer any money from my savings account. :ffs:

I was so pissed. I called them up fully prepared to rip whoever answered the phone a new one. The lady was really nice though so I didn't. And they've agreed that should I incur any overdraft fees for their stupid mistake, they'll handle them and they're going to refund my money.

Still an extremely annoying experience though.

First of all, I'm far too nice for my own good. When I got accosted in the shopping centre by the bloke from LoveFilm, while my friend was getting the same treatment from this woman who needs serious dental work, I was badgered into signing up for a LoveFilm account. Now, instead of saying "fuck off, mate" and getting the hell out of there, I let him get on with it, since my polite attempts at walking away were blocked by this man.

I got told I was signing up to a two month free account, and I could cancel at any time before they'd ask for any money from me. I was also told I'd have to go on there and decide which movie they would send me.

This was not the case. They sent me a shitty movie that:
A) I did not ask for
B) I have no intention of watching
C) I have never heard of

Now, this would just amuse me and not really bother me. If it wasn't for the fact that they've already taken out the money from my bank account. Err. Hang on a moment. I know I gave you my bank details, because you said I wouldn't be charged for two months, but to then take money? That's a bit of a joke. Maybe if I wasn't such a soft touch and said "No thank you" and carried on walking, this wouldn't have happened. I'm just miffed that they lied to my face - and my friend is in the exact same situation, so we know that one of us didn't hear the people wrongly. So tomorrow I'm going to send them an angry email and get my money back. I can see them being awkward bastards about it, though. :rage:
When I woke up - which was not too long ago - I had this very, VERY sharp pain in my left shin, boy did it hurt like a bitch :jtc:. I could not move or anything just because the pain was THAT bad :sad3:. I had to literally pick up my leg and put it on the floor, but even then it still hurt :sad2:. When I tried to walk, it hurt; stetch it, hurt comes. So, pretty much my leg was being a stupid slut today :rage:
One word: Failure. I fucking failed my fucking written test for my permit. Fucking fuck, man! :rage: But you know what? It's alright, I'll retake it in a week and get that fucking 45 out of 50 that I deserve WITHOUT getting 7 fucking answers incorrect because I fucking need that permit.


Failure only makes you stronger, it's all going to be fine. But I'm still a little sad about it. *runs back to reread Driver's Manual* :sad:
I bought into hype again and wasted my time / was disappointed. Happens all the time, and with everything. If only I could learn to filter out suggestions.

Also, I realized something I didn't like.
Well, to begin with, I booked off the wrong weekend in May at work. So I said to a friend of mine if we could swap and he was fine with it. But he asked the boss if we could do it today and he said no. And it's because he doesn't operate a till. Yes, I know two people can't have the same time off, but it's still damn annoying.

I'm going to have a word with him tomorrow because I know for a fact someone can cover my shifts, anyway, and I'd rather have that weekend off. And if he won't let me have it off, I'll work the Saturday and pull a sickie on the Sunday.
My flatmate constantly crying about how her ex isn't speaking to her anymore. You fucking cheated on him, you don't deserve to have him speak to you. I think it's time you get it in your head you'll be lucky to have him back as a friend let alone a boyfriend. :hmph:!!!!!!
My 2 troublemaker cousins came over just before and they left like an hour ago. They were making alot of noise and screaming like the terrible girls they are :hmph:. While I was on the compy here listening to all that screaming. But my god they have Ds's why dont they play them? Instead they take everything out and then we have to clean up for no reason. Fucks sake my cousins are just troublemakers.