What pissed you off today?

People who stop in the middle of the hallway and begin talking as if they're not holding up everybody else that's trying to get by.
Waiting for the people in Cash Generator to give me the Wii that my dad ordered. Seriously, they said they'd be a few minutes and it turned into twenty minutes. Not only that, but the door is wide open and it's freezing. My dad had to wait outside because he's in a wheelchair and couldn't get inside. I swear, there's always something ...
My boiler broke this moring, so i had to boil the kettle to have a wash -__-

It's fixed now, so all is good, was freezing my tits off til the repair man arrived though!
Today was my daughter's "award ceremony" and I was really excited about it. We got there 5-10 minutes early, waited outside by the cafeteria since that's where they hold their award assembly. 15-20 minutes later, we were still waiting. I finally asked one of the school staff where it was being held and he said, "They're doing it at their classrooms this time, but you need to stop by at the office to get a visitor pass." Lame. Spent another 5 minutes at the office (they told me it wasn't actually in her classroom, but in another room...). Wow. Imagine me writhing with anger. A little communication would have been nice, guys.

So I went to this one particular room, and as expected, it was already over. I saw my daughter lined up with her class, holding two awards, about ready to head back to their classroom. There were only a few parents there. I felt so bad that I missed it, but more angry that all they said on the note they gave us a few days ago was that she was receiving an award - not a mention where they were going to hold it. I mean, who holds award assembly at classrooms? They've always done it at the cafeteria. I noticed there were quite a few parents that were also miffed about the whole thing.

Anyway, despite all that, I'm very proud of her. Kept telling her how sorry I was and she hugged me saying, "It's okay, Mommy. It's okay." Made me feel even worse. >.>
People who leave chewing gum in their pockets when they put their pants in the wash :rage: :rage: :rage: Seriously? Everyone does not like recycled mint smell, please check your pockets before depositing nasty chiclets of death into a commonly used machine that many people need. Now I have to wash my clean clothes all over again :hmph:
Let's see, the amount of washing that's in the kitchen perhaps?

The pots have been piling up for a while and there's no way I'm going to wash all that. Sorry, but do your own share. It's annoying to have to push them to the other sink just to put some hot water and do my own washing.

Now why is it that I get nicer flatmates than last year, but dirtier ones? I can never seem to get it right. xD

Edit: Guess what? The fire alarm went off not once, not twice, but THREE times in the early hours of this morning! I woke up at half two and had to go out in the freezing cold in my PJs, coat and trainers. I got back in, then it went off again and ended up going out for a bit shorter than the last time. As for the third time? Well, I'd just gotten inside my room and it went off ... for a minute.

Needless to say, I wanted to strangle the hall warden.
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I've been trolled. By my grandma. Something told me this would happen.
She told me yesterday that she needed someone to go to Walmart with her tomorrow (today) and she asked me if I could go, considering that I didn't have school (I was so stupid as to tell her I did have school.) So I told her I'd go with her, and I stayed up till 3 in the morning expecting no intrusion from sleep at all .

I wake up at 10 minutes till 8 AM from a loud banging on my wall, and she nags me to get up. She said that she was lost last night and thought today was Saturday. I skipped studying and doing my homework all in vain. At least today will be over so that Break will finally arrive ~
Stupid sliding back door has always been really stiff and you always need to give it a good swift kick to make it open but today was not like any other day. <_<

We couldn't get it open at all!

I grazed my knee from kneeing it I was so angry. XD

I then decided to go around the back and try getting it to slide from that side.

I ended up lifting it up off it's hinges and leaning it against the last half of the huge door so that it wouldn't get in the way.

Stupid real estate will have to fix it. I'm sick of real estate people getting paid by the owners and yet they do absolutely not maintenance at all.
Getting woken up at 4am because somebody phoned me.
It took me so long to get back to sleep.
And then, when I asked her what the hell she was doing calling me at that time, she said 'what? oh, I didn't see the time, sorry'

I mean :rage: what? She's got a weird sleep pattern, she should check it's a decent hour before calling someone :gonk:
So, I went Christmas shopping right?

Was a pain in the ass >.< So we went to an outlet mall and it was packed. NO parking areas whatsoever so, we spent a lot of time doing that and looking for the places as well. :/ and when we finally got settled, there was huge lines that took forever and a day.

My ex-girlfriend.

Apparently 6 weeks is all it takes for one to get over a 6 year long relationship. Or maybe I'm just a special case who's much more forgettable than other people :jimberry:
My damn brother.


he's so un-unappreciative and well, he pissed me off. That and, the fact that he goes on and on about it, it's like shut the fuck up already no one cares about your whiny bitch ass.

little fucking brothers man :hmph:
What pissed me off today seems far less a concern than majority of complaints here...but, it was me waking up at 4PM.

Ever since the Christmas break started, I've been going to bed at 4AM every single night...and now I've been waking up at 2-4PM every single day. It's really shitty. Most of my friends are up at like, 9-11AM, so I'm kinda fucked there. Oh well, I only have myself to blame. :P
I'm pissed off today because when i was booting up my photo shop programs my computer crashed on me for maybe 2 hours so i had to literally take out my hardrive and put it back in and its nope running now, gah damn it :"(
Stupid people.

It really pisses me off when I go to a forum and someone thinks there's something special about being a moderator. There's really not. You get a pretty color, the privilege to restrict user accesses, put up with other people's shit, and try to maintain the image of your community as a figure of authority.

There is no "Hero Pwnage". You are a person sitting in a chair, reading posts. Your Keyboard is not a weapon. Your words are not your ammunition. You do not make yourself look good in front of anyone over the age of 5 by having something "heroic" to say every time you have to take action towards a user. In fact, it makes you look like YOU are immature.

Alternatively, suspending users is not a contest, indeed, it is more important to have a minimum amount of suspensions and banned users.

In an ideal community, there is not even a need for moderators.
Ugh pretty much everything today.

I was having a very bad day.

I had a little argument with my manager which was resolved this afternoon though thankfully.

Pretty much I found out that I was not getting paid double time and a half next Tuesday because I am on a salary.

So I said that I did not want to work if I could just have a day off and get paid the same as if I was there normally. =/

I got the day off in the end.

The whole point of working that day was to get more money!!!

And then just a whole bunch of other irritating situations arose. <_<
Two people didn't show up at work so I had to stay overtime and do most of the work. I was supposed to finish at 10 p.m. but ended up leaving after 12. Two hours might not seems too much of a deal, but since it's a shitty job, I hate staying after the regulars hours of work, although I make around 27,50$/hour after 8 hours. Yeah I know...shitty job but good salary. Money is nothing when you're not happy at work. I wonder why I accepted to work full time during the holidays period :hmmm:

Note: My boss also asked me if I wanted to work on the 24th. I thought it was a joke and I started laughing but when I saw he was serious I was a bit embarrassed. he didn't managed to convince me however.
Forums in general. I'm so close to just giving up on them altogether...

I know I'm not particularly well known to you guys, but I mean, I'm about ready to throw in the towel. I haven't had a forum to call home for years, and I've sort of forgotten how to get recognition or even the slightest bit of acknowledgment. Maybe it takes seniority. I dunno. No matter what I do though, I seem to get ignored and put down all the time. I know I shouldn't let that stop me, and it usually doesn't, but when I'm trying to get involved and I'm getting ignored for it, it discourages me from even trying.

I dunno why, but that sounded kind of attention-whorish to me. If you got that impression, that's not what its about. It just seems like nobody cares about what I have to say, and that it seems to be hard to even just make friends, is basically what I'm getting at. :/
I wasn't invited to my best friend's 16th, and there are photos all over facebook. I felt like shit, so I put up a status to rant about it. fucking bitches -_-