What pissed you off today?

i think what piss me off today, that my sister, she's likeing dieing on her bed of vamiting, so i have too clean it up. It was groose >_< But the good thing is that i DON'T HAVE TOO GO TO SCHOOL! WOOOHOOO
Let's see...:hmmm:

Ah yes, I remember now. I had some fat kid lay on me during wrestling practice today. :rage: I tell ya, it's harder than you think to lift up a 180 pound guy off you while laying flat on your stomach. But I did, and got a semi-pulled back as a result. :hmph:
A lot of things. It's more like this week. It's been super chaotic that last week the crewtrainer thing I was supposed to study for completely slipped my mind. We have it each thursday for three hours, but it was cancelled last thursday, thank god.

Now this week, I was planning on reading through all the stuff we've been through, because it's really a lot, and it's been just slipping through the days. I have NO idea where my time goes.

Aside from that I got a bladder infection a few days ago, which thanks to cranberry pills is getting better now, but I woke up this morning from a horrible belly ache. Had my legs tingling and feeling numb. :hmph: Laid down for an hour with a blanket wrapped around my belly to keep it warm. It gets better - I work at 4. :hmph:

One thing eases up, the next thing is in line to make me feel miserable as fuck. Ugh. Thank you, November. :)

Ps. Oh. And on top of that, the internet provider being a fucking bitch, yeah, things are just great.
The fact that I have a stomach ache today. And I don't know why it happened either. I didn't eat too much yesterday nor have I tipped too much wine in my system (only two 8 oz glasses). But I had to stay home from school today because it literally felt like someone stuck a very long needle in my stomach while I was asleep. Which means I missed the test today on Economy. So I'll have to make it up. But on the bright side of that, I get one more day of studying for the test, because I wasn't very well prepared for it to begin with. But I'll also have to cancel the every Tuesday dinner night I have with one of my friends, because I'm afraid of eating today. The only thing I've eaten since I woke up was one miniature pretzel stick. And that was smaller than my pinky. But since I've been binge drinking water for most of the day, I don't feel hungry at all, but the pain is still lingering. I hate missing school because the makeup work is twice as much as it was years before .
Western Civilization Class was cancelled today so I went there early for nothing. I had to wait 3 fucking hours for my next class because WC was cancelled. So yeah that kinda sucked as I could have been home and then just caught the bus later. I also am so fucking tired because I went early for no reason. SO yeah its pretty piss worthy. We got out of the 2nd class early though so that was good.
My fucking computer. Atleast once a day it decides to piss me off. It'll just randomly not a load a page and then stop responding. Then I gotta bring up task manager and hit the End Task button alteast 121 times before the goddamn page closes. FUCK!!! I hate this damn thing.
Irritated that someone has had a bunch of chances to talk to me lately and has just been ignoring the living shit out of me >_> If people have good reasons then that's one thing, but if you know they're just sitting around on their ass doing nothing then it's complete bullshit. And if they don't tell you the reasons and expect you to not get pissed off when they finally show up, they're mental.

Also, I wanted to go to the gym today, but I was subjected to a pressure-cleaned building today that smelled like 10,000 pools for a prolonged period of time, so now I feel like shit and am exhausted and can't go >_>
Work, really.

Just seemed to drag for the last hour and a half. Some customers were being weird and not really bothered about me helping them, but whatever. Guess you can't please everyone.
I can't sleep, can't find the stir fry pans lid, WoW's server maintenance got bumped up a few hours and will probably go in to the late night.
My dad got rushed into hospital last night and I only got told this morning. What really annoys me is the fact he can't come see me because he got rushed in. And guess what? He only got let out the same day. Like, whut? 8(
I got surprise noseraped today when I went to the doctor :sad3: I was expecting a normal discussion-only doctor's visit, as a follow up to a scan I got where I was injected with iodine (makes your veins burn up like you're turning into a comic book superhero or something O_O). And all of a sudden, the doctor said "Well, your scans are normal, but we're going to have to check your voicebox." So he leaves the room, I assume he's just going for some innocuous reason to get something...and all of a sudden he comes back with a nasopharyngoscope (like the one seen here: http://img.medscape.com/pi/emed/ckb/clinical_procedures/79926-79932-149703-1390055.jpg ), and says "Okay, I'm just going to insert this in your nose--" WTF!??!?! :gonk: So the whole long skinny tube thing with the camera light on the end goes inside through the back of my nose down into my voicebox area, all the while I'm having a huge panic attack because I hate when my breathing is obstructed, and he's like "Oh, just one more minute, you're almost done..." yeah right :mokken: Thing was a freaking nightmare :sad3: A word to the wise, don't ever let anyone do that to you without advance notice. Because, it SUCKS. :jtc: And, I'm still feeling after effects of it even now, about 12 hours later, my nose is running and acting up on that one side. I'm probably going to have to get it done again too, at a different office where they can formally diagnose the problem, but at least next time I'll know what's coming :mokken:
This bitch on my friends list. Fucken skank started bitching about how nobody comments in her tl;dr entries and how nobody cares or thinks about her anymore. Fuck, man. Who the fuck wants to be involved with some stupid whiny 34 year old retard like that? nobody that's who.
The fact that there's tuition.

And I'm honestly certain that son of a b[FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]• would 'unveil' another plan to have tuition on Friday. Which I'll make sure to shoot down, because there's already tuition tomorrow - if that's not bad enough. Tomorrow will be my third tuition this week, and sorry, while I may suck at Mathematics this year, I'm so not liking it any more though I might be getting better.

It kills any sort of motivation that I have to even study. So yeah, I'll probably tell him to go f[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]•[/FONT][FONT=&quot]• himself later >.> In my head, that is. In the end, I'm just too restrained to burst.
I still have the jetlag, after a week it's still not gone, I cant sleep that well at night and on school I can fall asleep right away if I don't fight against it. And I'm annoyed since they expect me to do homework while they are just gaming and surfing on the internet.
being here in iraq

MOD EDIT: Can you please elaborate a little more? One-liner posts aren't allowed in post count sections and will be deleted next time. Thank you.
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Whenever I get mad about how much stupid shit is going on/has gone on in the world, and I can't do anything about it, and then people tell me "Oh, you can't do anything about it so just don't stress yourself out by worrying about it" :rage: Why, if everyone did get concerned about stuff more often, then things might change :mokken: But a lot of people don't seem to understand that.