What pissed you off today?

First of all, my dad was re-admitted into hospital not even twelve hours later after being released the previous day. He blacked out and I'm pissed off.

I had work 9 til 1 and was stuck on the till for four hours. My feet are hurting so much that I'm considering finding a tub to fill with hot water and letting them soak.
the door :hmph:

the door handle broke and needed fixed, no big deal so i went to B&Q and got a new one. What annoyed me though is something that pisses me off everytime i do something involving screws :hmph: They alwyas provide you with the worst fucking screws in the world, ones that grind away and get rounded down to dust :hmph: why cant they just give you proper fucking ones made of hardened steel :hmph:
Would stop me getting so wound up :hmph:
the door :hmph:

the door handle broke and needed fixed, no big deal so i went to B&Q and got a new one. What annoyed me though is something that pisses me off everytime i do something involving screws :hmph: They alwyas provide you with the worst fucking screws in the world, ones that grind away and get rounded down to dust :hmph: why cant they just give you proper fucking ones made of hardened steel :hmph:
Would stop me getting so wound up :hmph:


This was after midnight, so it counts as today. Once the band thingy finished playing, some dudes were talking and going on and on and on, and just when you think they are done droning on, they carry on, and one of them who is the one that put me in a STONKER of a mood, was really loud, and he kept getting appaling feedback. Then he just continued to hog the mic, sing along to every song... i was about ready to strangle him with his mic cable. I ended up having to leave, he was annoying me that much

Also. People who can't fucking poopascoop after their fucking hounds shouldn't be allowed to fucking keep them, it's fucking disgusting seeing dog shit lining the footpaths, and even more annoying when you stand in it :hmph:
People who say, 'I love listening to the sound of rain at night. It's so soothing/peaceful blah blah blah.' <_<

Well obviously you don't have a nice car sitting out the front to worry about. You probably wouldn't care if your shitbox got another scratch or dent.

I DO!!! So until it stops raining I am going to be up all night freaking out! :gasp:

I would give anything to have a shitbox at those times. :sad3: Then I could sleep peacefully! :gasp:

It'd be nice to be rich.

Say the storm did screw up my car. I would go out in the morning and go, 'Hmm what car shall I buy next with all my money that I have.'

Not just about what happened recently. Just a few days ago, I received my results, and found out that I've just failed the final examinations. Okay, so the teacher coming to tell us, or me in particular if not others, that I need to buck up and all... Sure, it's normal...

But to chant it everyday? No thanks.

Oh, and the worst thing about them that turns me off totally. My form teacher. Perhaps a habit or what, or maybe her sense of humor is that rotten. But she actually takes our negative aspects - poor academic performance, mistakes - and laugh about it to us. Now, honestly, I think I might be just un-accepting about my mistakes, but whatever, that does piss me off a lot.

And she went to do it again today. Why, thank you so much.
Argos. :rage:

They finally put my order through instead of telling me they've ran out of stock, just to deliver the wrong item!

So I ring them and sort it all out, they'll send out a replacement tomorrow and pick the other one up, blahblah...
So what do they do? Pick up the wrong item and not deliver the correct one.

Now I've got to wait in AGAIN tomorrow for the item.
Two days screw-up in a row is not acceptable. :rage:

It's prevented me from getting ONE decent night of sleep this week. Just wish it would go away, I hate feeling this ill. I'm hardly ever ill, so I obviously have a rant and tant whenever I am.
The fucking work force.

I've ranted about this oh so many times but I still cannot believe that the employment world considers filling out applications online to be "convenient." What a gigantic load of utter dog shit. I got an e-mail today from TOYS 'R' US of all Goddamn places telling me that I don't have the "experience" to work for them. REALLY NOW!!? I think that the bad economy's a ruse. I think it's a lie. I think they claim to be out of jobs for people and such because it forces people who can't find work to go into the military. That's it.
I know it's been a few hours since I last posted, but it's still technically today. So. :hmmm:

Families on trains. There was this the family and there must have been ten of them. It would be polite to let someone like me on my own through before they hauled all their luggage from the side, right? Wrong. They did it and KNEW I was heading for Piccadilly. I kept rolling my eyes and got so damn impatient. Thankfully, I didn't have a go at them because I was too occupied with the music playing on my iPod Touch. And then they take ten minutes to even get out of the train and the train nearly leaves to the next stop. Thank God that woman with the kid in the trolley kept it open or else I'd be heading for Heald Green.

/end rant :rage:
I get that it's going to be Halloween in two days and I get that it's Friday and you want to cut loose and have fun, but DON'T blast your music at midnight like no one else lives within 50 ft of you.

The fuck heads across the street are throwing a Halloween party and it's loud and I cannot sleep. I would like to be able to sleep in my bedroom in my bed but that's just not going to happen tonight it seems. Couldn't they just go 10 blocks north and party downtown where the bars, lounges, clubs and other places open this late are? I know that costs money and whatnot, but they've got plenty of beer and cigarettes and gas to drive and park illegally in the culdesac.

All I want to do is sleep. I woke up at 6 am to go to school and teach and have been up since then. By the time I actually get to sleep and the party ends, I'll have been up for a day, I'm assuming (since things seemed to 'kick off' at around 11:30) I'm just asking for a bit of peace and quiet. Is that too much?
somebody too day tuanted about the forum saying its for nerds and for people that dont have a life next thing i got in a fight. i ended up winning luckly it was at school
or esle there would be police up my butt. tell u the truth fighting is for the weak but if they punch like five times thats when u can deffend yourself. i did not want fight but he had to punch me five times so i deffended myself.

so thats what me angry today.
Despite charging my iPod Touch last night, it didn't have any charge whatsoever when I got on the bus today. This pissed me off because I HATE going on the bus unless I've got someone to talk to or have music to listen to. Hearing a couple snogging behind you is not what I had in mind on there. >_>
The Rally to restore Sanity/ And March to Keep Fear alive, mocking America like that it was disgusting to watch and I can't wait to see how many people did or did not show up there, John Stuart is a certifiable nut-job. Stephen Colbert is still funny though.
Being ill during work.

It put me in a right bad mood all day and I almost took it out on the customers. Mind, some of them were being really thick asking stupid questions. >_>
The first time my best friend made an extremely offensive remark about one of my family members (about 3 years ago), I socked her in the face. Once again today, she was being very obnoxious, because she wanted to hang out with me for Halloween because her boyfriend wasn't available. But on short notice, my mom comes over here to visit. And I tell her that I may not be able to hang out with her because she came along. Let me say that there have been PLENTY of days I asked if we could hang out, and she said she couldn't because she wanted to hang out with her boyfriend, and then she states the fact that we see each other every day at school. So I don't argue. She hasn't been with her boyfriend with a while, so I don't ever complain. This day, I just need ONE day with me and my mom, because I see my mom, what, once every few or so MONTHS? And she's like, "I WILL hang out with you today, so get that through your stupid mom's head!" My mom has never done anything rude to her, she lets me hang with her sometimes on not special occasions, sometimes she forgets she exists; but my friend has the nerve to degrade my mom. Her attitude has been getting very irritating lately, and she's really been pushing me to the edge.
Ugh just stupid people in general who think that they're actually smart.

The things that come out of their mouths is shocking. It's like, 'Did you realise what the hell you just said?'

These people act like the sun shines out of their asses adn for some reason a lot of people think that of them too.

Are they seeing something I'm not seeing? Or are they just too scared to say anything bad of them in case said person does something?

Not happy Jan.
My alarm

How tired I was

Not being able to find the child care place, even though I was on the right street. Found it eventual;ly on the opposite side of some houses. Like, the fuck, the road just ended, row of houses, street carried on on the other side. Most retarded street ever. I was doing some serious ranting, dragging ellie along, getting blisters, wearing a stupid skirt. I was just generally grumpy. Found the fuckignplace, ran into Ashton, dived head first into a taxi and got to work with seconds to spare

was NOT amused. Been busy as fuck all day as well, and Ive lost a fucking delivery note. Will have to locate that tomorrow -__-
Leg sprain.

So I was playing football a few days ago and I sprained my leg stretching for the ball. Fast forward to today and it's doing ok and recovering but a few friends want to head west to shop. We're passing the arcade (trocadero) and someone said some shit about being good at that dance game with the four arrows that you step on (what's it called...you know the one). Now I was a force at that game back in the day so I couldn't have that, cue leg sprain.

Lovely :(

We also played that motorbike game which I'm shit at.
My math class. As usual. It's not the work, its the people in it. About 97% of the people in there complain and give my teacher a big pain in the ass, and she doesn't deserve their treatment. It was literally after today I just wanted to break every one of their heads off. I really wish I could get a schedule change, but it's way too late for that. I can only hope they won't act the same way with our English teacher next semester. I already know he won't put up with that.