What pissed you off today?

I had a stomachbug and ended up going to bed before 8PM, then today woke up at half five in the bloody morning, starving because I tried to fast. I failed (omnom cheese on toast) and now my sleeping pattern is totally out of whack and I dunno whether or not 14 hours was long enough to kill the bug. :gonk:
Today I had to wear the most horrible shoes.

They gave me blisters all over my little toes. >.<

I couldn't wear thongs because of my recent tattoo and so these other shoes were my only option. =/

I ended up walking bare foot most of the day and felt like a complete bogan at the markets.

My toes still sting too. >.<
The kitchen reno is aggravating the hell out of me. Today people from a department store came and dropped off our new appliances, but one of the elevators in the condo stopped working, so it was like 6 trips back and forth to take the old stuff and bring in the new stuff. And it's a friggin' Saturday daytime to boot, so plenty of other people were waiting for the one working elevator -_-
The fire alarm going off in Wetherspoons barely five minutes after we sat inside to have something to eat and drink. Really, are we that bad? :andry:
People. Some people are just so ignorant or so freaking dumb that they make me want to strangle them. They come out with comments that are just so... convoluted or stupid and it's like "shutupplease"


Doesn't help that I have to put up with them tomorrow.

ProTip: The Customer is not always right no matter what your contract says. :hmph:
There was the sound of hammering that woke me up this morning, so I was majorly pissed off at that. I did try to go back to sleep, but I failed miserably.
People. Again.

Though like, this time I have a valid reason.

I'm working, right. As you do at work. Doing Date Codes (checking certain sections dates etc) and customers that have JUST WALKED IN THE DOOR, start asking me where products are.

Now... I don't have problems with helping customers. At all. If they've tried looking for themselves.

When they've only just entered the store, make a beeline for the worker with the fucking folder and ARMS FULL of stock... to ask where the fucking product is that's RIGHT NEXT TO ME.

Pisses me off.

Customer is always right. Pfft. Whatever.
The traffic and the crowd.

The road that goes past the college is tiny. I mean, a college of that size and a road that narrow just does not work, particularly as it is also a commonly used commuter's route to the centre of town. There were cars (mainly other students' cars) parked on both sides, which just made it even worse. Oh, and add to the equation that since half the college is still a building site, it's just getting to the point where it's nearly impossible to get the car out of the car park onto the road. The queues were just staggeringly disorientating just to look at.

Add to the fact that since both the Lower and Upper Sixth are in starting from today, it's getting to the point where they're struggling to accommodate us all. The great crush just to get out was also a nightmare.
I was out running errands today with the other half and we found out our favorite international food store is closing :rage: It's the only place around to get certain types of delicious Cadbury candies from the UK (including those huge Dairy Milk bars that weigh like 2+ lbs), a bunch of really tasty all-natural jams and chip dips, scone mixes, this really wonderful tomato-basil cheese, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff that we haven't even gotten to try yet; due to the cost we haven't actually even gotten to try a lot of the above products either :mokken: The local grocery stores here have barely anything like that, and this place also had some nice patterned rice dish sets that we were planning on getting at some point as well, and those, like half of the store, were gone by the time we got there :sad3: I know this is not really an "AMG that's so horrible" situation, but it really pissed me off, the store's only been there for about 2 years and to my knowledge it had a pretty booming business. Anyway it's very irritating, because we didn't get to go there all that often due to the prices and the location and we had been planning on eventually cooking with a lot of their items once we got into a more stable financial situation. Oh well, guess we'll have to wait and see if another one pops up anywhere eventually, because there's obviously a market for it :mokken:
for some reason it took a week for my game to get back to GameFly, and now BBS is on low availability. So I think that now I am looking at a 9 hour drive of complete fail and boredom since I think I'm going to the beach next week.

I feel like kicking a puppy :hmph: but not really because that'd be mean :hmph:
I pissed myself off today for not following my intended schedule (a.k.a. I procrastinated). Now I have to cram everything tomorrow. :mokken:
Found out that we have to get rid of our brand new car. =(

Not happy Jan! :gasp:

We had a closer look at the repayments and yeah...not worth it unfortunately.

Going to try and hand it back the the car company while we still have the cooling off period and then we're going to find a cheaper car.

It sucks but in the end we'll be happy we don't owe so much money. =/
I met with my bestfriend and my sister to talk about recent developments with my ex/bf considering there's a lot of shit that's just gone down in the last week.. breaking up, finding out other reasons for it, what are we, what are we gonna do... all that jazz.

Well we start to talking, and things are all well an good.. it was kinda pointless though because my sister is very opinionated about it, whereas my friend just sorta sat there afraid to object with her own opinions.

AND THEN after that when we sorta boiled down, and I was unsure of how to rebuttal for a while.. my friend just goes on with her whole life story... her issues with her parents, her in-laws, her wanting to get pregnant, basically everything that's gone down in the last year. Now I've heard these stories a bazillion times, and I'm sitting there again, listening, but this time going "Wtf, this is MY pity party, what's going on here?"
My friend being melodramatic. :mokken:
Honestly, I know how she's sensitive to other people's feelings, etc., but I swear, sometimes I think she's just over-sensitive. :|
It pissed me off. TBH, she has a lot of moments like that.
Funny, I am not "pissed" rather, I am more like between the feelings of "can't be arsed" and "don't give a shit" with a little of "not giving a crap" ....but I think all those are similar, right? :sad3:

I just don't care. I reached the point in which I am merely waiting for time to pass. I just wish it were June 8, 2011 already. Depending on the circumstances, I might aim to stay in USA, forever. Or maybe someday move on to UK, who knows, if I hit a mind gold or become quite successful. We will see...
Well I was led to believe I was gonna meet up with my friend today but ended up getting stood up for about an hour and a half.

Not a happy camper. :mokken:
My friend thought it was funny to push me off a rail while I was sliding down it and I nearly broke my arm because of it D:<
Told my boss she was wrong today...

She has ticked me off last week...

She told me I would follow orders...which of course I will do...


Still it felt better to get it off my chest .I was tired of being afraid to say what I thought about her recent decisions.
Realizing that my blanky was not thick enough to sufficiently keep me warm. I couldn't sleep for pete's sake! All in all I think I probably went into deep sleep for about maybe 2 hours.
People kept waking me up all morning. I feel like I barely got any sleep last night. And now I'm just in a bad mood. I'm kind of in that in between stage where you want to sleep but also want to be awake.