What pissed you off today?


I ordered one after getting all my shopping done. I'd normally walk, but I had too much shopping and my hands felt like they were getting ripped apart. So I order one and wait. Each taxi I went to, it wasn't for me. So half an hour passes by and I ring them up again. They brought another one out for me, but I didn't get a goddamn explanation as to why it never got there in the first one.

Freaks. :hmph:
Well I only had 1 class today and was planning to catch the early bus and I did make it but the fucking idiot driving the bus just took off without me. I was literally one second away from the fucking door. This pissed me off greatly! Because I got home an hour and a half later. I generally hate the fucking buses here. Well Ill make sure it wont happen again next Wednesday. :jtc:! But whoever was driving the bus can go hit one. I had to take the next bus after it which came 30 mins after... Fuck off bus.
This morning/yesterday...

Some bastard decided they wanted to steal all the copper wire from the internet cables so that they could sell it on. Which normally, not having the internet for a day or two wouldn't bother me. But when you NEED to get onto the internet to do work or if you're bored as hell because there's nothing to do and it's pissing down outside... yes... do not steal my internets again plox. :hmph:

People taking your fucking tools and never returning them, it gets on my absolute nerves. I easily spent an hour today looking for things that have been pinched. Still didnt find everything either. The gaffers an utter cunt for it aswell. Hel go away with yer tape then go away somewhere and your left without it. Bastard :hmph:
It fucks me off so it does.
I was playing a game today and ran into some terrible game AI. A difficulty that should have been challenging was too challenging if I played it right, but really easy by doing one simple thing to win. Now I don't see a point in really trying.
Someone used my baking tray without my permission and oh, guess what? They left it in the fucking oven without fucking washing it. I'm so pissed off right now and I flipped out in the kitchen, kicking and almost screaming. I don't use anyone else's stuff because I don't need to, but I might want to now, just cuz.

My face is just like this. :ffs:
Reading a story about huskies getting slaughtered coz they were no longer needed has pissed me right off today!! people are disgusting!
The fucking DMV :ffs:

Haaaaaate. I've spent all fucking day dealing with them and I'm still not finished. They ask you for a million fucking forms of ID to get a driver's license and then they want to put you through even more bullshit to get a car registration. I practically have to get a fucking colonoscopy for a driver's license and then you turn around and tell me I don't have enough identification to get a registration. Fuck you and your ridiculous bullshit laws.

And everyone there has an attitude. I wanted to punch the wannabe mobster who was "helping" me in his smug face and I would have if I could afford to have an assault record. This bullshit is why people drive without insurance or registrations.
The weather.

Why does it have to be shit weather on my holidays?

All I want is for the sun to shine and share my happiness with me! I'm excited about being on holidays and then this gloomy overcast sky just looks down at me like, 'Who cares.' <_<

Well I do care so brighten the fuck up! :gasp:
My family.

Why the hell they can't get along instead of arguing like children is quite beyond me. It's really starting to irritate me now, since I get along with everyone, so both sides are trying to make out like I support their side more than the other side. It's bloody ridiculous, they're all adults and yet they're behaving like children. Why my cousin decided to get involved and have a go at my brother is, quite frankly, beyond me. I'm sick of the lot of them.
Nothing cheered me up, not even the usual things. I'm not sure why. I must be in a dry mood.

This is what got me off.
Seriously, I occasionally sit down and ask myself why I'm friends with some complete idiots. One of the guys I know has been constantly ranting and wailing angrily about how his ex-girlfriend has just broken up with him and we just do not want to hear it whatsoever. Dude, what the hell do you expect? You're the one who was presumably sexting to another girl recently, yet you expected your girlfriend to have been perfectly understandable about this? You're clearly a fantastic example of the epitome of idiocy. Shut up, grow up, and accept that you were the one who fucked up. :ffs:
Well something just pissed me off briefly just before. The college connection went off at like 1:50 or so and now it just came back on about 20 mins ago. It did create a lot of swearing in this hallway though which was funny for a bit. It just pissed me off because this never happened before. I dont know what they were doing but it was off for a pretty long time. I was bored for a little :sad:. Oh on another note my class is right across from the animal health science section and these puppies wont shut the FUCK UP :rage:! I swear they get on my nerves.
My Grandmother.

I was really tired, and all I wanted to do was take a god damned nap. And she thought it would be funny if she tried to make conversation to keep me awake. Talked about really obscure things and made sure I responded.

Just you wait, grandma. Just you wait.
My best friend's friend (who I hate).
What my best friend sees in her, I don't know. But this girl was bitching to me for a long time about how pissed off she was because she had plans and my friend blew her off. "She's just got to understand that I put TIME and EFFORT into planning this..." And I was just so tired, I just wasn't in the speaking mood, like I was ready to drop dead... but that's when she got so mad and told me, "You know, you're no help at all!"
At least I didn't tell her she was sounding so selfish and that the world DOES NOT revolve around her. I don't care. Never liked her anyway. What does she do? Couple hours later, she's all "Aww Camille I love you so much!! Hehe!!" :brooding:
Yet another fantastic cold. :ffs:

I think I may have caught it from someone at work because I'd been fine until today. I've been sneezing, blowing my nose, feeling more tired than usual and my throat is choosing wonderful times to be sore.

On top of that, I had hiccups before that were hurting my chest. :hmph:
My ex got with someone else, which in itself doesn't bother me, we've both got to take that stuff on the chin and move. However, what pissed me off is that she deliberately waited until I looked at her to do. Fucking. Slut.