What pissed you off today?

What pisses me off? Where the fuck do I start? I'm being treated like a total kid: I still don't have my phone, I miss my boyfriend so fucking much, I miss my friends like the fuck! I can't leave my house because the neighbors are set to watch my moves, I can't invite friends over, all because of the fact that I had sex. All because of the fact that I happened to land in the E.R. and my bf is the sole fucking target for fire and blame. Only one or two of my friends understand and actually know the full extent of the issues. I've been losing weight, I'm fucking sick physically, mentally, and just emotionally. Like I'm fucking done. I'm not fucking happy anymore, fuck it, I'm pissed, I'm on edge, I feel insulted. Fuck it, Sunday better hurry the fuck up and come and if I hear anything weird during my follow up appointment on Friday then I might just scream. I'm fucking 18 years old I should be able to try and prove that I can apply for some jobs and get a fucking car and do what I need to do what the fuck! And my parents talking shit about my boyfriend pisses me off because they don't fucking know him and they never gave him the time of day so why couldn't they just stfu about it. Really, am I pissed? I'm fucking enraged.
Cadets, just now

Just got home. My unit were taken over to another place so we could combine numbers and do lessons etc together. Got yelled at by one of their civilian guys for telling one of their cadets off - and rightfully so, he was pissing about. So I told him to stop, next thing I know, I've got this old guy in my face; 'Don't you dare yell at my cadets, sergeant'
Complete bullshit :rage:
Then afterwards, he says to the group he's teaching, 'if she came over permanently to be part of this unit I would sort her out'
Bastard. I don't need sorting out. I do what's needed to be done and for him to say that to my cadets when I'm not there is so unprofessional it's not even fucking funny.
Safe to say, I'm not fucking impressed. I sometimes wonder why I'm even fucking IN cadets, all it causes me is stress. I have my rank for a reason, it shows I'm capable of doing stuff that needs to be done, I don't need some crazy old man telling my cadets I need sorting out.

A friend/co-worker of mine just cant keep her mouth shut about anything...EVER.
Normaly this dosent bother me since I rarely ever say anything thet I dont mind getting flung about...I normaly speak my mind to any and all but this particular person tends to overexagerate everything.
She called me to bitch about her work day,morning shift, so I decided to tell her to bad I had to walk in to a bunch of shit left for me thet wasnt done durring the day,I was night shift, so get over it.
Come to find out the next day she went a tirading to everyone about how I tore in to her ass over it...uh no I said to fucking bad ITS WORK you bitches left shit for me to do deal with it.
It just pisses me off how she always over dramatises shit ......I dont understand why she blows everything so out of perportion ALL the damn time....
I know this about her so it shouldnt bother me but I have other problems to deal with besides her making up drama thets not there and quite frankly I dont want to talk to her because I am the type of person to say something about it to her....and have her blow that all out of perpotion.....Jesus
All the managers at work are so fat, lazy and stupid. I would love to tell you that this has pissed me off today, but it has also pissed me off tomorrow and yesterday and every day since I joined the working world as a fully-fledged adult. I understand that management is hard, but isn't it reasonable to expect a manager to be able to manage a reasonably sized, inert saucepan? Because I am pretty sure that if I asked my manager to look after a saucepan that was absolutely not moving, he would manage to lose it, break it, and accidentally send the pieces of it to Albania - all whilst I went to the toilet.

I don't think I'm being unreasonable here. Me being able to do my job depends upon a manager being able to delegate the simplest of tasks to other people. Today I was unable to do my job. Where is the problem?


Oh, and England. What is wrong with this country? We create all these sports and then we're rubbish at them. Losing to Bangladesh? I feel like my brain is falling out of my skull and is pissing on all of my other body parts. Today has been so bad that I could just bash myself to death until I apologised to me for the world being such a nonsensical nuisance.
This morning: My stick-shift got stuck in Reverse/4th. I was dressed in a nice shirt and everything, ready to go to an interview, had to jack up my car, go on my back and jerk the connector of the gear box loose, then go back inside, change my clothes and almost ended up late for the interview for my internship.
My wisdom teeth look terrible in the x-rays!

The bottom ones especially are growing in sideways against my other teeth. I really need to get them ripped out before they wreck the work my braces did for me.

It'd suck to have crooked teeth again.

I love my straight lovely smile. :sad3:
Lack of sleep.

Urgh, I must have had about 4 hours sleep last night. Went to bed about 11 and it took me till about 3 to fall asleep, then my mum woke me up at 7. Fuck knows why -____-
Well, she told me she 'thought it was 8 and I'd overslept'
Not impressed.
So I've been like :yawn: all day, and I've got a banging headache to top it all off.
Bed for me, I think :sad3:
I'm still ill. I'm still blowing my nose. I'm still feeling like shit. I'm still having to put up with this sore throat, the occasional pounding migraine and all the other symptoms that come with it.
I had to clean the freaking Ceiling I cant even see the dirt because of the crappy paint job on the ceiling -.-;,I vaccumed all the dust that fell,and have to cook dinner I DISPISE COOKING!! Im a great cook but I always get burned by something -.-;;
Whelp on top of shelling out 450$ for a wisdom tooth this past week on my way home today I got pulled over....guess whos inspection sticker is past due?
Yeah so I get 5 fucking days to get it fixed and with what extra funds I ask you? I have about 60$ to my name till im paid two weeks from now and fuck god has it out for me
Sparta. And the lack of sources surrounding it.

How the HELL the teacher expects a 2500 word essay on Sparta when so far we've had, altogether, two hours of class time reading poems that mainly deal with Athens, I'll never know. I've done so much reading, but, I can't help but feel that a more competent teacher would have made this assignment far less stressful than it is.

Good thing though, once this is done, first year is almost over. Woo.
This asshole at Macca's today was such a prick.

Kept telling the staff to hurry the fuck up and calling them bitches and shit.

All because he couldn't be assed waiting a few minutes for his meal. There were three other people waiting in front of him for their meal and they weren't complaining. It wasn't that much of a wait.

He was just off his face and had no shoes.

Loser! :rage:

I don't even work there and it wasn't even directed at me, but I was still so angry! :rage:
My aunt passed away this week, last night I stayed up too late and couldn't get up for the funeral today and now my mom is bitching me out for it.

stupid fucking daylight savings or what the fuck whoever's retarded idea was to change the fucking time on clocks periodically throughout the year. cocksucking prick
The WJEC exam board for English Literature. How the heck do they mark students' scripts? Just to get this out of the way, I managed a low A in the poetry and drama paper we sat in January, which is still very satisfactory, but I can't say the same for a lot of my classmates and friends who also sat the exam. A lot of the scripts have come back today so we can see just how pathetic the marking really is, and the examiners certainly exceeded expectations indeed. So many people who generally do very well in the subject and have achieved As and Bs in past assignments and exams were awarded with D's, E's and even below that. It's already apparent just how wrong something has gone here, and it was worse for them when they read what the examiners have put.

It's virtually just all negative comments for completely unfounded or stupid reasons (such as spelling Shakespeare wrong or the incorrect use of a semi-colon) while someone had pages after one another ticked without any negative comments, though with an E slapped on the front for no actual discernible reason. My friend was marked down for having "insufficient understanding" of The Tempest even though the final soliloquy of Prospero's in the play IS also Shakespeare indirectly informing the audience of his retirement from the theatre. Perhaps you can argue that since I did well I shouldn't feel pissed for other people's exam result misfortune, but as one of my friends literally broke down in tears today as the marking for her paper was so harsh, I can't help but lose all faith in this exam board. If they can't mark properly, what hope does the majority of us have to get the grades we need for university? It's not fair on them and it's not fair on our tutors.
The WLAN switch on my PSP 1001 is broken, so I can't play Gods Eater with myself. UMD's also make this really annoying and intolerable sound when they are being scanned, it kind of pisses me off. :elmo:
Class was apparently cancelled today. There was no notification on the door, and no emails were given, so there was a few kids waiting for him. After half an hour, we decided that he wasn't going to show, so mr. teacher is probably going to get a few emails with the same general "wtf" message in them.
:rage: I just spent twenty minutes typing up something and found out the thread was closed by the time I got there :jtc: I hate it when that happens, and I especially hate wasting time :banghead:
Fucking ipod. :rage:

Apparently, it decided to randomly erase itself. I charged it yesterday. I take it out to listen to it today and no fucking music. I'd toss it out the window if these windows at my job opened. -__-

And to top it off, I was in a great mood all morning. Every time I'm in a good mood, something has to fuck me over every single time. :ffs:
Fucking ipod. :rage:

Apparently, it decided to randomly erase itself. I charged it yesterday. I take it out to listen to it today and no fucking music. I'd toss it out the window if these windows at my job opened. -__-

And to top it off, I was in a great mood all morning. Every time I'm in a good mood, something has to fuck me over every single time. :ffs:

That happened to my IPOD recently too, it's really annoying :jimberry: Have you tried plugging it into a computer though and checking to see if the music files are still there? With mine they were still there when I checked the IPOD with a file browser, so maybe there's still a way to get them back? :hmmm:

As far as the OT goes, I found out that we just wasted the last eight months trying to get a new place to live that the seller wasn't legally even allowed to sell :ffs: :banghead: I can't believe they kept us on the hook like that and lied about it, we could've found a different one by now, and actually had room to put our stuff, and our own refrigerator without having to share space anymore :rage: I'm so mad.
I feel the need to have to rant a bit :rage:

First, Young & Rubicam, the company I'm going into for internship told me last week that my first day is to be April 19, which is two weeks from now. I was glad, since this week, I still need to finish some major papers and I have one more finals exam (on Art Theories 2 asdlfjasldfjlk I CAN'T EVEN :rage:). I'm also looking forward to the short break I'll be able to enjoy before I start my 200 hours in the company. I'm honestly a little excited because I was proud that I got in, since this my top one that I was applying for.

Then this morning, I received an email saying plan's changed, I'm supposed to come in the office starting this Friday.




I mean, I have that exam and I'm in the middle of writing my papers (10 pages for Art Theories 3, Literature class final paper and Strategic Management's 'imaginary' full company profiling) and I'm told I have to start this Friday. THIS FRIDAY. And that ultimately reminds me of that overexposed song by Rebecca Black.

So now, goodbye to the two weeks I was supposed to enjoy before I start 200 long hours of internship. GOODBYE :rage: