What sports are you currently involved in or have done in your life?

I played baseball when I was younger for a few years, but I quit that because I was terrible at it.

I played soccer for about 8 years or so but had to quit that because there weren't enough kids for a rec team and I knew I wouldn't make it on the school team.

I also played ice hockey for over 10, and I'm still playing actually. Never was the best, though I've had my moments. Now my job is usually to camp out in front of the opposing goalie so he can't see. Not a pretty job, but I'll take it.

I joined my school's tennis team my junior year and have been playing since then. Not the best player, though I plan on improving and making it onto the college tennis team at some point in the next 4 years.
I have done Taekwondo, not sure if that is a sport, but I have done it up until I was a red belt, even went to the Jr Olympics for it in Minnesota haha.

I've done Soccer for four years, Volleyball for three, and also Field Hockey just one year.

For High School, I plan to just play Volleyball.
I currently play baseball and football, i played freshman basketball but I only started 3 games the entire season, so i was like bleh, and didn't play. Football, I'm second string linebacker on my high school team, last year I started all but one game(because the senior ahead of me broke his leg the first game of the year) and this year I might be first string .. because the senior starting above me is gone, yay. In baseball I was one of two players on my team my sophomore year to play a game on the varsity baseball team, and it's my favorite sport to play, simply cos it's what I'm best at lol, football I'm mediocre, and only play because our team is terrible. Baseball last year we almost won Districts, and gave up a walk off double which scored two runs, which sucked pretty badly.
I used to run track in middle school, but I quit when I got to highschool.

The first day of track in middle school, my coach told me I was going to run the one mile, so I trained and trained until I had it down. Then, on the day of my first track meet, she told me I was going to run the two mile :gasp:

Now a smart person would have trained for the two mile anyway, because it makes running the one mile easier. I didn't do that however, so I was totally unprepared for the race. I ended up pulling my hamstring when all was said and done.. so, not a good experience -__-

Other than track, I've never done any other sports. I tried my hand at soccer, but that didn't work out for me too well either. Sports hate me!:ffs:
at the moment i go to regular rugby games with a group of friends and proper maul each other and it very painful at the moment cause i fell out of a tree and my arm is ready to fall off and my friends say i'm quite good at running and high jump so i'm quite sporty
I play 2 different sports:

Tennis: Omg, my favourite, and has been ever since i started playing tennis since 8. Train like 6 - 7 hours a week for comp, tournaments and the little olympics (why they call it 'little' when its like 13 - 18, idk :P) in sydney, australia. Nadal, Federer, and the William Twins = Biggest Influence and Inspiration.

Swimming: Swimming ive only done for like the last 2 1/2 years, mainly because if you swum for that long, you were allowed to go in the swimming pools for free with 3 friends, they have like Tarzan Ropes, Jumping Water Castles and Water Slides for extra fun :) Great Pasttime..
I have played alot of sports currently im playing hockey and skateboarding. Skateboarding is pretty fun:)
I'm doing Basketball in a D-squad nowadays, used to play at top level here. Doing some recreative soccer at school.
I currently am on the basketball team, practice starts Tuesday :P I'm 6'4, and a power forward/center. Last year i led the Junior Varsity team in scoring with 21 points a game, but didn't see much time in varsity..averaging only around 3.2 points a game. Our varsity team made it to the regional championship, but fell to a more strong/experienced team.

This year I'll be starting varsity (more than likely). We are the favorites to win our conference and regional :)

For fun i play any sport, but basketball is the only one i play with a team for. After high school i am looking to play power forward at a local junior college :)
Hmm. I play loadsa sports, but the only one I've played competitively would be basketball. :D Awesome game, that, but I decided after my 4 years in the sport that it suited me more in the friendly manner, so now I just head to the court near my house and play with NICE people. XD

And if a martial art is considered a sport by your books, I take Kendo atm, and am loving it.
I've never actually been in any sporting clubs or anything. But I do enjoy casually playing sport with friends (we occasionally kick a ball around). Currently I am particularly interested in Tennis and I often play it with my friends in the park.

If we are including martial arts in here I used to do Taekwondo and Capoeria I also do break dancing and acrobatics as well (I don't know if they count as sport but exercise none-the-less)
I'm not practicing any sports right now, but I used to practice fencing and got to be the third man on the team(one of my proudest moments). What I do every once in awhile nowdays is play a little soccer(football) when I can.
Throughout Junior High and high School:
Baseball, Tennis, and Basketball

College intramurals:
Football, Basketball, and Volleyball

Mainly just play Volleyball now in Thursday night leagues at a local YMCA and open gyms at local gymnasiums.
The sports I've done so far would be football, basketball, and baseball. I like basketball the most cause it's the easiest and I'm pretty good at it. I'm good at football to but I'm not a big fan of it.
iv been playing lacrosse for most of last year at college was well fun relli good game would reccomend ppl try it out, also vollyball, real fun
Jr. High-football, baseball, soccer, and basketball
High School-football, baseball, wrestling
College-football and wrestling
Over my highschool career I was pretty much a jack-of-all trades. I played soccer freshman year, football sophmore year, ran track junior year and senior year wrestled and all the while I still found time for skateboarding. :P
For a little heafer like myself, you'd be surprised to hear I quite like sports and have a small rap sheet. :gmonster:

When I was 7, I took up swimming and I did that for a good four or five years, winning lots of competitions and contests along the way. I'm not exactly sure why but, one lesson, I just didn't go and, after that, lost interest entirely.

I then followed in my dad's footsteps and took up Golf - I have my own set of clubs in the cupboard and I went to lessons every week, loving that, too. Again, though, for some reason, I felt a sudden lack of interest and dropped out of it entirely.

Later, I took up the god-forsaken football training...I enjoyed it but I couldn't have been worse - as opposed to swimming and golfing, where I was fairly skilled. It was inevitable that I'd drop out of this, too.

Lastly, I became involved in Horse Riding and kept up with that for 5 years but, again...something happened, I missed one lesson and never went back. It's now two years later and I've not been on a horse since then. I still love it, though, which is strange...
I play Baseball, 2nd base, I've played all my life. I play football, Free Safety. I never was a HUGE basketball player, but I do play on occasion. And I also fight MMA for a small gym...