What sports are you currently involved in or have done in your life?

i use to play soccer but its pretty annoying if your in a team,your team pushes u to do good,i mean that your pushed around,and then when you score,your team goes crazy on you that you made a goal,that happened to me a couple of times.Its always boys that do that lol
Well when I was in HG and youngerish i'd play volleyball, softball and i'd run track that's pretty much it though. I'm an pretty athletic chick so I love sports XD plus i'm pretty competitive so I was always up for playing games that had relation to athletic type things XD.
I have played Rugby, football, baseball, swam and hockey. I am currently only playing Hockey... as a goalie. It is easily some of the most fun I have had in organized sports.

Any other hockey players?
Wrestling (Middle-weight) , Track (one of the best sprinters), Baseball, and hopefully joining hockey soon
I was on both my high school tennis team and swim team and still play both often, plus I love playing and watching beach volleyball. I might be a big gamer but am also a very outdoorsy person and love summer sports :)
I play hockey all year round. I really love hockey and i've been playing since i was 4 years old. i've been playing competitive hockey since this year where i decided to play with an old high school friend. So its house league but its basically pick up hockey. I usually can score 2+ goals a game and its really too easy. But its fun to play with friends.
I did 6 years of baseball, and 4 years of wrestling. Real wrestling, not that crap you see on tv every week.

I stopped doing baseball because I hate teamsports.

I joined wrestling because when you win you get all the glory. When you lose, you get all the blame. Nothing can refute that. Which means the only possible option is the win, and do what is needed to win.
Awesome to see other highschool wrestlers here. It's a shame it's not more popular in Canada. In my school they separated sports in junior and senior teams (9th and 10th grade for juniors, 11th and 12th grade for seniors), so when I got to my 11th grade I decided to join the wrestling and football teams. I wrestled at 152 lbs.; there's nothing like taking another young man in spandex and pinning his back to the mat (oh, the gay undertones!). I was a defensive back on the football team. It's satisfying smashing a running back into the ground or busting through the line to sack the QB.

As you could tell, I love full-contact sports, but I never had the coordination to play hockey. Now that I'm out of highschool, I've gotten lazy and don't play sports or even work out anymore.
I have been involved in both netball and hockey in both college and out. I played hockey for my high school and for my current college until I quit at the end of last term. It wasn't because I don't like the sport anymore - it was because I didn't like the coach or the team. I couldn't stand them and I'm glad to see the last of them. Netball is alright - I occasionally play it during the weekends or during college holidays with friends. Netball's good. :ryan:
This may sound stupid, but what is netball?

And it is nice to know that I am not the only wrestler here. I wrestled at 135-145 in school, but only weighed around 137 for most of the time.
I've done medieval fencing in the SCA for 2+ years now. :jedi:

...And yes, it looks exactly like Jedi fighting with light sabers :mokken:
I have played Football and Baseball most of my life. Played both up through Jr High School and once I got to High School pretty much had to choose one or the other. So I chose Football. I played on Varsity 3 out of my 4 years in High School and I even played some college ball and did some minor powerlifting until I further aggravated my already torn up knee and then tore my rotor cup and that pretty much ended it for me. Now I just lift weights to keep in shape and play catch and maybe some ball with friends. Other than that my body ain't cut out for actual sports with pads and stuff any more.
I played baseball for 2 years; my team went undefeated. I played basketball for 2 years also; my 2nd team went 18-2. I did middle school wrestling, weight class: 88 lbs. I was 4th in region (Nashville, TN.) I played football for 4 months, but I quit because every football player is a D-bag.
I'm practicing capoeira right now and at long last, I know how to do a cartwheel PROPERLY (well, the capoeira style which is called au'). I'm planning to practice kendo this July too and I'm still riding my longboard. I'm planning to go DH (downhill skating) as soon as I get my new board (Landyachtz Drop Speed => a board perfect for skating downhill ^^)
Ive been playing soccer a lot lately. I never really played soccer untill this week and wow i absolutely love it! So much fun, wish i would of played in high school, and im pretty good at it.
When I was 4 I started with Gymnastics and had done that until I was fourteen. Feels like I've learnt nothing at all. I could do a cartwheel and handstand back then, but not anymore ^^;; When I was 13 I also started with streetdance (that was right after the gymnastics lesson) but the instructor left so I quit after two years. Then I decided to go pony riding and had done that for 2 years. Joined two competitions once and it turned out I had 4th place at one of them. Of course there wasn't a price for 4th place.
But because we had to learn jumping I got scared and quit. Then I wanted to do tennis but that was too expensive so I decided to do badminton. Done that for a year because we didn't learn much. Last but not least I went to the gym once in two weeks but didn't feel like going any more so I quit. Now I don't do anything, but if I have enough energy I'll probably want to do streetdance again. ^^
I don't know if this is considered a sport, but I take Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,but not for competitive purposes, that's why I said I don't know whether it's counted as a "sport". Haven't took lessons in ages because my instructor is too busy.
I also took Taekwondo for a while, don't remember how long I took it for.
Baseball, basketball, soccer, football and roller hocky.

None have been for teams but just mates and i playing against other. Use to Skateboard and rollerblade back in the day and only played baseball for a school team.