What was your favourite Key Blade?

After you kill sephiroth, you get Fenrir. And yeah, that's my favorite too =) Anything that relates to a FF story... Or Cloud =)
I gotta say that my favorites were the Oathkeeper and The Oblivion. They looked so cool and it just rocked whenever you got to wield them both at the same time. And, using the Oathkeeper meant more time in whatever form you were using, which was a plus:P
i have to say bond of flames. the way you get it is like "aww!" its so emotional cause axel dies, bye bye quintin flynn, and also any of the ones you get from halloween town, you get two KH and KH2 i havent played com or the final mixes though

really i like lightbringer and darksthreshhold, but they are my rp keyblades so they dont count
the fenrir keyblade all teh way! it looked so cool and it was so powerful... plus it was fun how you got it :)
My favourite was Oblivion :) Mainly because it looked cool but at the same time had decent stats
I think it depends on your battle style or the situation in hand;
Oathkeeper, Oblivion - using the power of Drive forms to defeat foes
Star Seeker, Hero's Crest - defeating foes in the air
Hidden Dragon - using magics for defeating foes
Monochrome - using items in battle to heal yourself
Wishing Lamp, Follow the Wind - powering up the Master Form, building up munny reserves for buying materials, armor, accessories or weapons
Circle of Life, Ultima Weapon - defeating foes using a mix of physical and magic attacks
Photon Debugger, Mysterious Abyss, Bond of Flame - defeating foes using specific magics
Sleeping Lion, Decisive Pumpkin - defeating foes on the ground
Guardian Soul - defeating foes using reaction commands
Kingdom Key, Gull Wing - gaining experience when badly injured
Sweet Memories - collecting as many materials for synthesis, stockpiling items without spending too much munny
Fatal Crest - defeating large numbers of foes quickly and easily with physical attacks
Fenrir - taking part in certain minigames, etc.
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Oblivion all the way, Its one of the most poweful, useful and cool Keyblades. Not to mention being the Dark Keyblade :ph34r:

I also liked Oathkeeper, Fenrir and Ultima Weapon and Way of Dawn (Rikku's Keyblade)
Just like most of the previous posters my favorite keyblade was the Oblivion. It's dark, good and generally kicks ass in look, what more could you ask for?
Oblivion was my keyblade of choice also, it's powerful, it looks cool ect..
My second favorite was the Sleeping Lion, just because, well it looks cool.
I liked the Oathkeeper, Riku's Keyblade Way to the Dawn and the Fenir(the Keyblade you get from Tifa after defeating Sephiroth)
It depends on what you mean. Is it by the appereance or by strength?
The prettiest I think is Silent Abbys :P Ultima Weapon is the most powerful and hardest to get. The look of the blade doesn't impress me...
I don't really know which keyblade is my favourite. I guess I like the original one, even though it's very weak.
I liked OBLIVION best........................that and the OATHKEEPER both looked the best and suited my character the best.........
mt fav key blade was the ultimate weapon because i was lvl 76 and it did a string of critical hits and also it looked cool. my second best weapon is the one you get of leon tht has a good kill rate for my levle
I liked oblivion, and combining it with oathkeeper when using final form, made it look kool.