What were your dreams last night?


Jun 6, 2006
I'm just curious. Last night, I dreamt I saw my dad's new car: A cool black Dodge Charger. It looked like a "Pimp My Ride" result and pops was proclaiming he got it at a great price! :D
I don't remember what my dreams were last night. Most nights I can, and most nights I'll dream about things that will actually happen to me a few days or even months later. But last night I can not remember anything.
I don't remember most dreams, but the one last night ... it was me taking the mick out of the other people who were working today. I've had my first day off work today at last, so that's where the dream came from.
I was naked running around trying to find my clothes in school all I had was my jacket to cover my shame, and I had to hop everywhere for some reason....
ehm, I think that I was kidnapped and I was a kinda gladiator,
I had to fight against an invisible squirrel and a woman with a large sword while I had a lil one, I ran off as fast as I could to the exit,
There I met my 'Boyfriend' and I hugged him XD
I always dream something with guns and knifes 0_o
Well I only remember a very small part of it. It was where I was watching Barcelona FC on tv and it caught Man Utd's C Ronaldo with Barcelona's team. Then I dont remember anything else!
I cant remember last nights at all. But I had watched Aliens 3 before I went to bed, so most probably an alien put in an apperance!
I can't remember what I dreamed about last night, though I really wish I could. I vaguely remember it being very interesting.
DB dreams about his dad with a car? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I forgot my dreams. Always do.
Most nights I never consciously remember my dreams, and the mornings I do remember them, I forget them within a few hours. But I do remember my dream last night had something to do with my physics class. Needless to say, my subconscious wasn't feeling original.
I'm just curious. Last night, I dreamt I saw my dad's new car: A cool black Dodge Charger. It looked like a "Pimp My Ride" result and pops was proclaiming he got it at a great price! :D
Ahaha, that's pretty funny ^_^

I had a dream about cars last night, too! =_= In my dream, though, I was uh... in the back seat ^_~
My dreams are basically nightmares. I always dream about like my biggest fears and what really stresses me out.

Like last night I had a dream I was coming home from China, and I was at the airport. well there was a lot of fences with barbed wire and everything, and I didn't know where the enterance to the airport was, and I was getting freaked out because I was so afraid I was going to miss my flight. Well, I was with my cousin and some of his friends, and we decided to flip over the barbed wire fences, it was kinda kung fu like.

All of the sudden we are being chaced by police and army officials and I had made it inside and made it look like I had no idea what was going on, which worked really well. I tried to call my mom from my cell phone, but then my cell phone wouldn't work. I couldn't call out or receive any calls it was basically useless. So then I tried using the pay phones at the airport and they wouldn't work either and I was freaking out and it just wasn't a pleasant dream
I had a dream about cars last night, too! =_= In my dream, though, I was uh... in the back seat ^_~

Does everything in your life involve sex?

I had one afew nights ago where Gollum (LOTRs) was in a car chasing me and I was being driven around by my grandad trying to get away from him :blink::blink::blink:
Last night, I dreampt that the moon was falling on to the Earth and everyone was freaking out. And for some reason it was an orangish color with red craters.
me and my brother kyle were hitchhiking...down a long and lonesome road when all of the sudden there shined a shiny demon. And he said "play the best song in the world or I'll eat your souls." So me and kyle, we looked at each other and we said "ok" and we played the first thing that came to our head, which just so happened to be the best song in the world.