What were your dreams last night?

Last night i dreamt that i was talking to Rydia on here, and it turned out that we shared the same birthday.

My dreams are weird...
May 25th.

Last night, i dreamt that the world was taken over by giant Moogles.
I think you're full of shit, but that's just me =)

Last night I did not dream...only utter darkness.
My dream was so depressing last night. I had gone home to visit my boyfriend and all my friends, and they like threw me a party for my birthday and I just seemed so happy. It kinda pissed me off when I woke up and I tried going back to sleep but couldn't.
Mine is a weird one. I was doing the dishes, didn't see a hanging wire that dipped into the water. And I was electrocuted...........3 times. Now each time I saw a bolt of electricity traveling slow, but I couldn't move and got electrocuted 3 times. Then my alarm clock rang.
Mine is a weird one. I was doing the dishes, didn't see a hanging wire that dipped into the water. And I was electrocuted...........3 times. Now each time I saw a bolt of electricity traveling slow, but I couldn't move and got electrocuted 3 times. Then my alarm clock rang.

Did you wake up shaking like you were being electrocuted because that happend to me. I had touched an electrified fence and was getting shocked, and I woke up shaking like I was getting electrocuted.
I was flying over the ocean, until I met a grandfather and a grandson on some kind of boat. It was pretty weird, the boat had 2 fleets and between them was some kind of machine. The machine carried sugger from one fleet to the other, and back again.

Then we were all of a sudden in a cave, where the boat tipped over so that both of them fell into the water. I was kind of like a ghost, so I was only watching everything. Then suddenly a whale came swimming and the grandfather told the grandson he had everything under control.. wich of course he didn't, and the whale ate everything, including my dream.
I dreamt I was living with this very cool guy in a tree house with white linnen sheets and a cool breeze. We were also walking on top of this mountain with some other people. Weird stuff happened but I can't remember it all. But yesterday I dreamt about hanging out in Anna Nicole Smith's house with some other celebrity people and doing random stuff. I have no idea why, what the fuck. -_-
I had a dream about swimming in a pool at night. It was pitch black out and for some reason I was worried about sharks... in the pool. All I was doing was swimming around, the stars were out it was really pretty, but I didn't do anything except swim
I had a dream about swimming in a pool at night. It was pitch black out and for some reason I was worried about sharks... in the pool. All I was doing was swimming around, the stars were out it was really pretty, but I didn't do anything except swim

Reminds me of when I was younger, I used to swim in my grandmothers pool.
I was always worried about aligators attacking me, I tried to convince myself it was stupid, but I couldn't help thinking about it.
I dreamt I was with some kind of policeman and I was showing him a house I had stayed in where all kinds of crazy things had happened in the house with crazed Satanists and stuff.

When they went in, they tried to scare us with a ghost but I saw it was on wires and wasn't real. But then we broke down a door, and it was like a bathrrom stall execept it was bigger and had drains in the floor. There were people's heads all over the floor with maggots coming out of them and blood going down the drains. Then people in weird costumes came and crashed through the walls and I woke up cuz I was scared and went to sleep with my sister after.
I didn't actually dream this last night. It was more like around 8 a.m. since that's when I went to bed.

Anyway, I dreamt that I was driving our white Durango with my godfather. The car fell into this hole with water...filled with a bunch of hippos. We tried to get out quickly by opening the windows and the car sunk more quickly.

I managed to get out and swim to safety, but my godfather didn't make it coz' the hippos swallowed him. Well, I was actually so sad that I was able to repeat the dream again and tried to change what happened. I think I repeated the dream 3 times but he still keeps getting eaten. >.<

I don't know if it happens to you guys, but I think it's weird how I'm able to repeat what happened and try to change the outcome. It's as if my brain's unconsciously doing it. Anyway, weird dream. I forgot what happened after.
Sounds like a lucid dream.

The last dream I remember having was a dream where everything was in japanese. Like, I was in Japan, and everyone was speaking japanese, and the funny part was that I had subtitles that were in japanese. Anyways, it was weird cause I was saying words that I had no idea what they meant, but it all made perfect sense at the time.
May 25th.

Last night, i dreamt that the world was taken over by giant Moogles.

Awe I'm November 10th. :)

Last night I had a conversation with one of my friends about Sleeping Beauty and how it used to scare me when I was younger. Then when I went to bed, I had a dream that Maleficant was trying to kill me. I hid in the closed behind some random prom dress. But she still found me. It was really scary.
Last night was probably one of the most vivid and weird/disturbing dreams I've had in a long time.

Myself and two of my friends were heading home from a long trip on the road when fire started raining from the sky. People started crashing like mad so we pulled over and decided to walk the rest of the way home.
After this part it gets a little blurry. I remember wherever we went was almost pitch black and there were many people deformed horribly. We met another woman like ourselves heading home who had been separated from her companions and we agreed to help her. Shortly after, we were attacked by a group of monsters/people and that's about when I woke up.

It was a very creepy dream. I remember in one part I was in a bathroom stall and the walls started melting. Next to me was a man with blue skin and a torn face who kept trying to touch me. o_O

I need to start thinking of happy things before I go to bed. Maybe next time I can dream of bunny filled fields.
I had a dream last night where I was fighting a demon Tom Cruise cause I wouldnt tell him the developer secrets of Devil May Cry 4. Seriously, I woke up and was like, WTF was that?!
Sounds like a lucid dream.

The last dream I remember having was a dream where everything was in japanese. Like, I was in Japan, and everyone was speaking japanese, and the funny part was that I had subtitles that were in japanese. Anyways, it was weird cause I was saying words that I had no idea what they meant, but it all made perfect sense at the time.

How crazy!

I wonder if you could've recorded the dream and all and played it for some Japanese people later, if you actually spoke Japaneseish :P Because that would've been freaky. :O