What were your dreams last night?

Last night i dreamed that i was a daddy which was really weird cause i have never thought about that ever in my life.Well it looked like i was already married and was a father of two i had a tattoo on my arm but i couldn't read what it said.Then i woke up and i just slapped myself for thinking about that.
Lol what a coincidence...last night I dreamt I was chatting with DB and he wanted me to come to his party or something. I don't know what kind of party it was...it was kinda weird.

Anyway, I went and of course, didn't know what he looks like. Then someone pointed him for me and said, "There he is!" and I looked...he was Mark Anthony! You know, the Latino singer? Lol, I had a great laugh.
I had a nightmare last night that I was in some building, and a bunch of zombies started taking it over. I was with a group of people and we kept trying to get away. Eventually it was just me and this other guy. We ended up being surrounded and I figured out that the only way to escape was to throw him at the Zombies and make a run for it. So that's what I did. But as soon as I got to my only way out a whole bunch more appeared, then everything went black. Then I woke up.

last night was the last night of my vacation.
I had a dream about coming home again, but everything had changed. And things didn't turn out the way they were suppose to, it sucked..

And what's even worse is that when I woke up, my cat was standing right in front of me. He had this evil look on his face, and before I could react he attacked me! So now I have a scar on the right side of my face... And that's when I thought "If I would fight a tiger, I would have been no match for it"
I had a very bad dream:
Iwas at home and there was a man who wanted to take my kids away from me.
I was trying to stop him and he killed me,than i just saw my kids crying ower me,and my soul tryed to tell them to not worry and stuff like that.The bad was they couldent listen to my soul.
It was a so bad dream so i never whant to dream again.
I could remember my dream tonight!

And here's how it went:

It was mainly about old and new friends.
The first thing I could remember was that I met three girls from high school, they always used to hang together, and they still did. We sat down, talked about things that had happened and filled each other inn. Then a friend of mine...wait now is a good time to mention that we were sitting in a the halls of a school.. anywho, a friend of mine calls me from some place(dunno where) as soon as he hears some known voices and names.
The thing about him is that he is kind of lazy when it comes to moving to areas close by, so he naturally asks: Frederic! Who are you talking to? And this has happened in real life, so we hid just to annoy him... We knew he would come to our spot if we did that, so ofc he did.. And then we all talked incredible fast for about a sec or two.

Suddenly a teacher appears, I haven't met this guy in real life, probably just imagined a person. And he gives us a warning about not eating pizza in the halls. And of course out of nowhere everyone has a pizza in their hand, including me and a new teacher that has just arrived. For some reason this teacher was a friend of mine, who actually is just as old as me...strange, but I didn't think of it at the time.
So we head out and see a kid on the floor having troubles eating his pizza. And now another friend of mine has popped up and I tell him: heh, look he couldn't handle 2 pieces of pizzas. And my friend goes: he couldn't even handle 2 pizzas? 3 is barely enough. Me: no I said 2 pieces of pizza, not 2 pizzas. Friend: bwahaha only 2 pieces?!

Then we decide to walk down some stairs where the teacher who really is my friend brings out a bag full of pizzas, and he gives one to everyone except another friend who has just popped up. And that was of course on purpose just to annoy him and they start to argue about. The last thing I remembered was the teacher/friend being a lot taller than the newly popped friend who didn't get any pizza.

Weird dream... and it was a lot of pizza involved for some reason....
I often go to bed late and wake up early and somewhere between that time, i dream. But i can't remember anything in the morning.
Last night, I dreamed that my grandma died or left me something, idk which. Anywho, she left me and my dad this big box, like a medium sandbox size but it was square and had water. We were all curious what was inside but scared for some reason. We opened it up and there were a bunch of turtles. And they were crazy colors too like Red, white, blue.

messed up, but i wanted to get a turtle when I woke up

Plus, my friend told me he just got a turtle today.

Crazy world aint it
Well Last night i dreamed that I had somehow bought FFF from DarkBlade for $3500 the wierd thing was that i had this convo with DB about buying the site just cause its so kool i think a week ago.

Well that was really strange sometimes i do feel like i wanna own this site or one thats like it.

Well i dont realy remeber my dream but i know that it was about me beeing teenager again and there was my teenage love too.Well i think you know well what we did in this dream.:rolleyes:
I dreamed that i was at the subway and there were a lot of different lines mixing themselfes up like a maze...and nobody could find the way out there were a lot of people i know who use the subway in the dream also.
I had a very weird dream last night. My dream was a mixture between Deep Impact and Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and this is the second time I have had this dream, just minues the deep impact part. The weirdest part was the first time, I was me, this time I was orlando bloom, it was very weird.
I had a dream that it was the end of the world, but I wasn't worried about it. I was more worried by the fact that I had a mustach and I could not save it off! So on the last day we decided to play baseball, nothing too special
I can remember that I was thinking about Noel Fielding (Vince Noir - Mighty Boosh) being in a story that Im going to start writing lol!