What were your dreams last night?

I dreamed i had to pay a large internet bill because i dowloaded to many porn!

That was my dream...perhaps it´s some kind of warning:O
My dream was disturbing and scary. My dad picked me up from the airport and he went crazy. He was driving my truck and he was speeding and the cops were after us and I couldn't get him to stop! Finally I was able to get my foot in there and push his off the gas and step on the break, but he was fighting me so I was able to slow down enough and crash it into a wall. I fought him to turn the truck off, and I took the keys and left. He ended up going to jail, it wasn't a pleasent dream at all
Why can't I remember what I dreamed the past few nights?Other times I remember my dreams.
I dreamed I was taking my drivers test again, same thing is I still rememeber the guy I took it with, all three times I took it! It was like a real life nightmare playing over again
I had a dream I was getting heart surgery, and before they could put me to sleep I actually had to fall asleep. So, they said it should take about 10 minutes and then they would knock me out, but with the time limit, I was unable to fall asleep. As I was trying, they would assume I was sleeping so I would wake myself up in reality when I told them I wasn't asleep yet. Therefore I didn't get very much sleep. I kept falling back asleep into the same dream and waking myself up over and over. 0.o
I dremn that I was in fight with some girls around me then my dog wake me up,
I had two dreams last night

My first dream was about "Pirates of the Caribbean" and me and Orlando Bloom were on our way somewhere, and thats all I basically remember. I know we didn't make it to where we were supposed to because we ended up in the water, then in jail.

My second dream was about the show "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and I was a master water bender. The fire benders had come to take over this one city and I had to help defend it.
I had a dream last I was in a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE America high school that was still under construction or something and then I got thrown down the stairs by a bunch of cheerleaders and landed in a hidden part of the school where there was a guy who was also there and I was looking and his Pokémon cards but wasn't alowed to touch them... *breathes*

Yeah, weirdness AND no grammar all wrapped up in one tasty sentence!
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I had another scary dream last night. It was all about this movie called "Primeval" which I haven't seen yet, but for some reason I was dreaming of it. There was this huge crocodile and it was chasing this bus I was on, and I was trying to get home because I had just bought the movie and I was going to watch it. This is the second giant crocodile dream I've had.
I dreamt I was stuck with my friend and someone else in a house when a tornado came, a stupid window blew away and all the glass ended in my body o_O
My dream last night was long and boring. I had a dream I was still in high school and I was waiting for the bus. It was long and boring, all I did was stand there and chat with people while waiting for the bus