What's the deal?

it is a load of crap, it has absoloutly nothing to do with ne ov the final fantasy series.:mad:

Where those two separate points, or are you just labeling it crap because it isn't related to the games?

Christ, this is the same sort of thing that got people ticked off about Crystal Chronicles. Just because it doesn't match your description of "Final Fantasy" doesn't mean it can't be a part of it.
I loved the movie and my DVD verion has been looekd at so often it'd have turned grey if it had been on VHS.

I'll atmit that i havent played all that mutch FF but i think the movie was a pretty cool setting, and besides the only thing the FF games have in common is that no setting is at all like the last one. Compare FF7 with 8, 9 and 10 if you dont buy this, all radically different settings with a totally different "feel" to them, and i didnt think it was that unlike normal FF atall. Sure some of the more purist fans might object to the lack of swords and magic but there have been enough settings with high end technology in them in the final fantasy games, the magitek armours from the FF6, the albhed had guns and robots and all sorts of other cool technological trinkets. And besides i've allways been a sucker for post apocalyptical settings...

In fact i LIKED the fact that it weren't effeminate guys with overiszed swords beeting the stuffing out of each other, this had "REAL" characters in a world which had some thought behind it and with Cid (and reputedly wedge and biggs although i have never been able to find them) in attendance this is as good as any FF game in my book...

OT: i also LOVED the lack of gravity defying hair that seems to be a stable of the FF genre
Frankly, we all expected a Cid somewhere along the line. Yeah, it was a good movie, if you're into SCI-FI!!! Where was the fantasy? Where were the traditional magic techniques? Where were the famous monsters, like the Bomb? Where the hell were the goddamn chocobos? If you're gonna put "Final Fantasy" in a title of a game/movie/board game/etc, then AT LEAST put in some PROOF that it relates to Final Fantasy. We didn't play the series for the goddamn aliens and fancy technology. (I'm willing to go as far as FFX-2 in terms of technology.) For shame to all of the people responsible for the titling of that movie. You can have a good NON-FF movie with a "Cid" and a "Gaia" in it. And it recently occured to me that the character was named "Dr. Sid". That's right, not even the proper spelling. That movie made me sick! You can't have a sci-fi movie named after the game series well known for its fantasy. Can't have it both ways, jerks! You're either FOR sci-fi or FOR fantasy.

I'd go on, but I'll go on for hours.
Oh, goodness, I'm sick of that movie. I was expecting so much more with the title of Final Fantasy. I missed Cid, the Chocobos, fiends, weapons, magic.... There's absolutely NOTHING that's related between that movie and Final Fantasy. Oh, how I expected so much more...
Erm, yeah...it was extremely disappointing and absolutely a bore. I was so excited when it came out, but while watching it, I wanted to get out of the movie theater.

But I didn't. =P

What can I say? Um, I was just curious on what would happen in the end.
Now lets see..The name is FF every1 waited to watch it and some guys piad for it(and I think thats stupid)...In the end it was crap!!!
NOW thats pain in the ass..We want our money back!
I want my money back for even renting it. But the rent guy won't recognise me anymore ...
I enjoyed this movie a hell of a lot more than I enjoyed the craptastic spectacle of Advent Children. At least this movie was original, with a good story to it. It's too bad a game didn't get release based off of it.
I didn't really get into FF: Spirits Within.. My Gf loved it.. I guess it was interesting.. The only reason why no one liked it, is cause it had nottin to do with the Final Fantasy Genre games.. thats the only reason.. FF: Spirits within was alot like Xenosaga if you wanna be honest..

anyways.. It was a alright movie.. and the only reason why ppl hated it, was cause ppl never watched it, and only heard ppl say it sucked.. or just is simple minded and didn't understand why it was a good movie
People would probably love the movie if either Cloud or Sephiroth were in it for absolutely no reason... :)

I agree, if they popped up for no reason and started killing the animal spirits with their oversized swords, people would have enjoyed the movie more... n.n
i thought it was going to be a good ididnt see any thing good about this movie at all is suck and final fantasy shouldnt be the name of this bad movie thats . how i feel
haha. If it wasnt named FF i think everyone would of liked it. Well...liked it more anyway.
yes thats how everybody feels, they say its a really bad movie and i for one agree

Everyone, of course, except for the surprisingly large amount of people who have posted in this thread saying that they don't feel that way.

Talk about a mob mentality. People say "it's bad, it sucks", but they don't say why? I mean, if it had something to do with Final Fantasy other than the title, the purists would be rioting about it.
I bought this film back last April when Advent Children came out as a buy-one get one free package. I still haven't watched it yet, but me and Aztec Triogal here are gonna probably watch it this Saturday and see how it is. I think he's already seen it, but I've heard mixed reviews on it.

We'll see.