What's the worst Final Fantasy game?

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Final Fantasy VIII, i utterly despise that game. Storyline was weak, character backgrounds were pathetic, Junction system was boring (and yes i understood it) Drawing was crap, and i hated that magic became an Item.

Horrible game.

Tis just my opinion though :P
I totally disagree with that 100% because it is my favorite from the series, I thought it was a wonderful game.

Erm anyway, the worst Final Fantasy game out of the ones I have played would either be V or XII. V was too difficult for me and plus I think the storyline is too bland. I didn't have a great deal of fun playing it. XII isn't fun either, I never finished it simply because I got bored of it. Once again I would have to say the storyline is rather dull, same as the characters. I do like a couple of things about it but that's about it so far. :lol:
Ahh… Actually, I don’t really have a hate for any of them.

If I had to choose one as the title suggests, it would be X-2. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed X-2, but I thought it was just a glorified compilation of side-quests. Ah well, in my opinion, they should have just added the perfect ending to the original game.
Umm.... those are some interesting opinions?

If you were to actually judge which FF game was the worst based on average game reviews it would be CC. But I've already posted that it was the worst one for me earlier.

What I actually wanted to say was that FF 12's gameplay is meant to emulate an MMORPG, hence wandering mobs on the mapscreens and the seamless real-time combat. It was certainly a departure for the series. Also the way mobs drop items (loot) in that game is very similiar to an MMORPG.

I didn't care much for Gambits. Although you could create interesting chains with the right scripts, it is the opinion of this gamer that anything which takes control OUT of the player's hand is detrimental to the over all experience, at least as far as RPGs are concerned.

You could issue individual commands if you so desired but it seems like this was made almost deliberately cumbersome, practically forcing the player to use Gambits for the sake of efficiency alone. And given the length of that game anything which saves on time could be considered a boon.

I don't want to ever see anything like that in a FF game ever again.

I don't see why everybody's like 'oooh VIII or IX sucks' because idk about you but I found more personality in Steiner than in the entire cast of X-2...srsly.


Amen to that.

IX had personality oozing out the ears.

It earns it's title as "Most Under-rated Game in the Series"

Along with Tactics apparently.
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IX and XII definately!!

WTFH. Why is IX in there?! IX is an amazing game. It was a wonderful tribute to the old FFs, brought back the fantasy element of the series and much of the oldschool charm, and the characters were superb.

Vivi is introduced as a shy, scared black mage who we soon found out is a powerhouse. He eventually learns his origin, that he was manufactured as a tool of war with a planned obsolescence, and all the while he never loses strength. If anything, finding out his and his fellow black mages' only made him stronger and gave him determination. He wanted to stop Kuja from creating more black mages for tools of war, as well as finding a sense of individuality. His actions helped the other black mages to not be afraid of "stopping" and to help the genomes.

Zidane was a breath of fresh air after having two games in a row starring cold, "badass", stoic main characters. He was a laid back, down-to-earth guy who's easily related to, plus he actually showed his friends that he cared about them, he was full of great advice for Vivi, he was funny, and when he found out about his origins he pulled through his short-lived depression and came out even more strong and determined than before.

Steiner started off as a mule-headed tool who looked down upon Zidane for being a lower class thief, followed orders blindly and thought that his queen could do no wrong. But as the story progressed, he struggled with his inability to think for himself and eventually came out on top, he gained a begrudging respect for Zidane and eventually that developed into a strong sense of camaraderie toward him.

Need i go on?

XII isnt a bad game either. The characters and story are shit, but the game is still pretty fun. X-2 is definitely the worst FF game.
You just made me want to get a PsOne (or Ps2... sad to say mine got stolen) and hunt down a copy of FF IX. It's an amazing game and I haven't had the pleasure of playing it in years. : (
You just made me want to get a PsOne (or Ps2... sad to say mine got stolen) and hunt down a copy of FF IX. It's an amazing game and I haven't had the pleasure of playing it in years. : (

You serious? O_O That's terrible! I've had IX since '02 and i replay the game once every year, i adore the game. It has very few flaws, and those that are there are too minimal to affect the game negatively.

I said in my last post that X-2 was the worst FF...methinks that Crystal Chronicles needs to be thrown in with it too, since i've never heard a single positive thing about the game.
I don't understand why people hate FFIX. It was one of the best games I ever played. This game has one of the best plots and character development since FFVI and FFVII. You saw a different side of some characters such as Zidane, Steiner, Beatrix, and even Kuja. At the end, Kuja apologized to Zidane for what he has done.

Vivi is introduced as a shy, scared black mage who we soon found out is a powerhouse. He eventually learns his origin, that he was manufactured as a tool of war with a planned obsolescence, and all the while he never loses strength. If anything, finding out his and his fellow black mages' only made him stronger and gave him determination. He wanted to stop Kuja from creating more black mages for tools of war, as well as finding a sense of individuality. His actions helped the other black mages to not be afraid of "stopping" and to help the genomes.

Vivi is almost considered the main character.

Zidane was a breath of fresh air after having two games in a row starring cold, "badass", stoic main characters. He was a laid back, down-to-earth guy who's easily related to, plus he actually showed his friends that he cared about them, he was full of great advice for Vivi, he was funny, and when he found out about his origins he pulled through his short-lived depression and came out even more strong and determined than before.


Worst game - FFX-2. I couldn't even force myself to finish it. I would say FFII or FFXII but I can't be too judgmental. I'm not far in both games, but I'm not enjoying them as much as the other FF titles. :/
I think people who started with VII are the ones who hate IX. They were used to the more futuristic sci-fi setting that VII and VIII had and then IX came that was the more traditional Final Fantasy setting and they didn't know what was going on. Also, they wouldn't have gotten many of the references in the game.

I do think IX is one of the best FF games. It definently had one of the best storylines in the series and it's much more mature than people give it credit for despite the way the characters were designed.

As for the worst, I'd have to say XII. I wanted to like it but I can't even get through that game. I've pretty much given up and moved on to something else.
VII can get VERY tedious, and it's been whored out by Square so much now, I've grown to despise most of the characters and the overblown storyline
Vivi is almost considered the main character.

The way IX is set up, Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, and Vivi could all be considered main characters since they all play such big parts of the story. I rather like that ^_^

I think people who started with VII are the ones who hate IX. They were used to the more futuristic sci-fi setting that VII and VIII had and then IX came that was the more traditional Final Fantasy setting and they didn't know what was going on. Also, they wouldn't have gotten many of the references in the game.

I do think IX is one of the best FF games. It definently had one of the best storylines in the series and it's much more mature than people give it credit for despite the way the characters were designed.

As for the worst, I'd have to say XII. I wanted to like it but I can't even get through that game. I've pretty much given up and moved on to something else.

IX was my first FF so i didnt get any of those references, but i still loved the game. I first rented it from Hollywood Video, and i was trying to decide between it and VII...and even though i'd heard so many great things about VII, i decided to go with IX because i thought that an RPG, especially one named Final Fantasy, needed to be a fantasy game.

I want to like XII...i'm trying...but my views toward it are bipolar. One minute i'm thoroughly enjoying it, the next i'm cussing at it.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals, I rented it, played it for 4 mins and said screw that crap.
I think people who started with VII are the ones who hate IX. They were used to the more futuristic sci-fi setting that VII and VIII had and then IX came that was the more traditional Final Fantasy setting and they didn't know what was going on. Also, they wouldn't have gotten many of the references in the game.

I do think IX is one of the best FF games. It definently had one of the best storylines in the series and it's much more mature than people give it credit for despite the way the characters were designed.

As for the worst, I'd have to say XII. I wanted to like it but I can't even get through that game. I've pretty much given up and moved on to something else.

FFVII was the first FF I had played but my favourite FF title is FFIX. When I first got FFIX, I thought it was great but I still thought FFVII was better. After years of playing FFIX it just kept growing on me how great this game really is and how under appreciated it is.

As for worst, I always label FFXII the worst but I keep forgetting about FFX-2, Crystal Chronicles and FFXI. For the main series then I'll have to actually say FFXI is the worst.
Manbearpig - the exact same thing happened to me. I'm close to saying it's my worst FF, after realising there's a lot I hate about it now.
I would have to say FFX-2 is only because it didn't meet my expectations following my favorite game of all-time: FFX.

When I heard that FFX was getting a sequel, I was beyond pumped up at the news. I was ready for an in-depth search and adventure trying to find where the true Tidus went, and how to get him back or to figure out why he would never come back. However, this was not too be. Instead, we went searching for Easter Eggs in the same places as before and fought enemies that looked like mini Monster Arena creations...everywhere.

FFX stole my heart; FFX-2 crushed it.
Just to say X2 rocks, go vote for Crystal Chronicles if theres a vote for it! If not there should be!
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